The three little prayer books are fixed, approved and currently available for next day shipping with prime! New and improved, now with correct Sign of the Cross pages! They've got the Frankie stamp of approval. Here's my very professional announcement video: You're...

Stuff I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You: including calendar explanations and errata, crazy plans, and other fun announcements
First off, I have to say how excited I am that anyone other than me wanted this calendar. I just can't believe how many of you have purchased it and are looking forward to starting off the new Catholic year on December 3rd and observing the feasts and the fasts. And...
I Have Some Things to Report: Part II (a skull fracture)
And now back to the continuing saga of what we've been doing for the past seven months. In Part I (here) we learned that I don't yet have a good grasp of what goes into to painting a room, despite having painted like . . . thirteen of them now. Also, that breaking...
Pro-Life is Complicated, and How You Can Help
Last month we had the unfortunate anniversary of Roe v Wade. Many cities, including my own Los Angeles, hosted Walks for Life, but our family wasn't there. We weren't there because we were at a funeral, for a baby named Emily Rose Marie. We are fortunate enough to...
A Pride and Prejudice 2nd Birthday Party to Ardently Admire and Love
Lulu's "Pie Pedjus" second birthday party was last weekend, but it's taken me all week to get this post written because I fell hard down the rabbit hole of picMonkey + Jane Austen. But more on that later. First, for the party . . . Lulu is a big, big fan of the...
When There Is So Much to Fear
Mailbag time: What to do when it all seems like too much . . . (and if you make it to the bottom there's news and shopping, yay!) The Question: Hi Kendra, I found you blog a new months ago and have so enjoyed going through your old posts and soaking up all the...
So I Hear There’s This Movie . . . Star Wars?
It's supposed to be a big deal. 😉 It's kind of all the small people in my house can talk about. Overshadowing even THE BIG MOVE . . . on team kid, at least. They have watched the trailer only four hundred and sixty seven times. Gus and Bobby have November and...
How to Advent, in three steps
Advent is less than two weeks away . . . are you ready, TO WAIT? Advent is a beautiful time of year. But for those of us attempting to live the liturgical year in our homes (at least a bit) it can be a tricky season to get right. Sometimes it feels like whatever we...
Sneaky Peeks at the Hundred Year Old House and the Brand New Shop
I was going to wait to show you guys this hundred year old house until we had, ya know, bought it. But . . . I got tired of waiting. It is the best of houses and the worst of houses. Living room: Yay! Kitchen: Boo. Schoolroom: Yay! Mummified Rat: Boo. And it's still...
Seven Quick Takes of Chatting and Catching Up
Let's be random and rambling today, shall we? 1. My drafts folder is empty. I wrote and scheduled about two months' worth of posts before I had Mary Jane. Then, since she was born, I've been writing about one new post per week, to mix in here and there, and that's...
Guardian Angels and Goings On
There's been quite a bit going on in the world and this country and my house. Interesting stuff, exciting stuff, disappointing stuff. It's been a while since I updated everyone on the goings on around here. And I figure you're just dying to know how the Tierneys feel...
Them’s the Rules: Part I (7 Quick Takes)
Remember way back when I wrote that post on Living the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy in the Home (with Frankie)? Well, it just happens to mention one of our Family Rules: Don't take your pants off without a plan. In the comments of that post, Annie asked if I...
Everything I Ever Thought About Homeschooling, Schoolish Free Printables . . . and anything YOUR heart desires
The school year is upon us! I figured it might be nice to have all the schooling-type posts in one place, and I made some new schooling-type printables, and now there's a way for you to get a custom printable . . . made just for you. Yay! :: The Homeschool Posts ::...
The Thing About Being Pregnant: Summer of Psalms
When Kristin from the blog Vine of Plenty asked if I'd be interested in participating in her Summer of Psalms project, I knew which psalm I wanted to choose before I could even click reply. It had to be psalm 139. 13 For it was you who formed my inward parts;...
Twelve Free Father’s Day Printables
Since Father's Day is coming up, I thought I'd make a batch of free Father's Day printables, using a few of my favorite Father's Day quotes. I hope you like them, and I always love hearing how you use them! As with all my printables, you are welcome to right click on...
Using PicMonkey to Make Word Art
We're out of town, so I thought I'd take this week to share with you some of the tips and tricks I use on PicMonkey to make this blog prettier. This is installment four of four, also see Lesson 1: Using PicMoney to Make Good Photos Great and Bad Photos Pretty Good,...
Our Triduum in Photos
It's still Easter today! Happy Easter! Let's jump in the ol' T.A.R.D.I.S. and take a look back at the Triduum, just for posterity's sake, shall we? And let's, um, go backwards. 'Cause, why not? In case you missed it in all the hubbub yesterday, here are all the Easter...
A Little Peek Inside Our Easter Baskets (hint, it's mostly books) PlusGift Ideas and New Easter Printables
Happy Palm Sunday! Hosanna! Easter is one week away! Just in case you haven't finalized your family's Easter baskets, I thought I'd give you a glimpse of what is going to be in ours' this year (and yes, I pretty much JUST took care of all of this) . . . I've been...
Idle Threats, the Miracle of Waffles, St. Patrick’s Day Printables, and a Winner
I don't do these family glimpse posts as much as I used to, because I tend to share that stuff on the Catholic All Year Facebook page and on my Instagram account now. But I forget that not all of you are all those places. And I share different stuff on Facebook than I...
Irish Songs of Drinking and Rebellion for Kids (with free playlist and printables)
I grew up listening to showtunes and pop music. I am still pretty partial to both. But, ya know, ya get married and are introduced to whole new worlds you never even knew existed. Like Irish Folk music, for instance. I wasn't aware of any such thing until I met my...
Seven Free Printable Catholic Valentines
In honor of Saint Valentine's Day . . . Here are seven different free printable Catholic valentines, featuring saint quotes and Bible verses, made by yours truly. You're welcome to right click and save any of these images. You may print them for your own personal use...
Happee Birthdae Betty (a Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 11th Birthday Party)
So I've been teasing you guys on this one long enough, huh? Here it finally is. The most important detail, of course, is that Betty had a really great time, and so did her friends. But there are a LOT more details than that. I've got a lot of kids. They have a lot of...
Christmas Wishes from Us to You, plus winners, and hashtags, and printables, oh my
Well, for those of you who are just dying of curiosity over which photo we went with for the Christmas card this year . . . it was the rocks one. In case your card got lost in the mail, here it is in blog form: And in case you couldn't read that, here's the...
Quotable Frankie, Printable Prayers, Peaky Blinders . . .
My friend Kelly is hosting Seven Quick Takes today, so I'm back on the link-up wagon. -one- The Quotable Cranky Frankie Frankie (3): a mornin mama Me: mornin Frank Frankie: No! I'm Frankie! Me: <whispering> Good morning Frankie. Frankie: No! Not like...
What Everyone Should Do for the Feast of St. Martin of Tours, with a printable
Is that too strong? Well, it's what WE are going to do anyway: CLEAN OUT THE COAT CLOSET! It's something we can ALL do, no matter our financial circumstances. We can take a look in our coat closets and see if we have anything to spare. Maybe we do, maybe we don't. But...
In Which there are Seven Free Printable Prayers and so many other things . . .
I've had some more requests for printable prayers from good folks like Sarah and Charlotte and Robin. And, in honor of the Feast of the Queenship of Mary, and in celebration of the monumental events of the day (more on that below), I decided to take an evening off of...
Free Printable Prayers for Your Printing and Praying Pleasure, and a “Good News on the Farm” Update
A couple months ago, Bonnie asked me to make her some suitable-for-framing graphic images of some prayers: The Morning Offering, and The Act of Contrition. So I did, and I made them downloadable, for YOU. Then I made a St. Michael Prayer, because that's my favorite....