On the very windy afternoon of Tuesday, January 7, I was driving up the hill to our Altadena home with a car-full of daughters, some mine, some newly acquired in my July marriage. Maeve and Livia were telling us about a 2006 Christmas romcom, The Holiday, in which...

Merry Christmas from the Tierneys & Nortons
Dear Family and Friends, Season’s greetings, and—yes, you’re not wrong—things are looking a bit different this Christmas! For those of you who have yet to hear the good news, we are now Tierney + Norton around here. Kendra and John Norton were married this summer and...
The 2024 Catholic All Year Christmas Gift Guide!
Why does the end of the year always feel like it's moving at double speed? Advent is coming and we're doing our best to be committed to no last-minute shopping this year. Our Advent goals include cups of cocoa, slowly decorating our homes, and praying the Christmas...
2024 Costume Contest: Winners and Honorable Mentions
Can we just say that y'all pulled out all of the stops for this year's contest!? It was so fun to get to see which saints your families chose to dress up as, and so difficult to narrow it down to just three winners! But alas it had to be done, so without further ado...
2024 All Saints’ Day Costume Contest
It's time again for the annual Catholic All Year All Saints' Day Costume Contest! We've LOVED getting to see all of your cute and creative costumes over the years and can't wait to see what you have dreamed up this year!Need some inspiration? Check out our previous...
Deciding to Get Married Again (after being widowed): My Talk at the 2024 Fiat Conference
Photo by Bea Creative Co. https://youtu.be/0vtsYPS4AYU Here's the text of the talk! Okay, Fiat 2024, you guys. Thank you so much for being here for the conference today. It’s been my great pleasure to host this event at my home for the last ten years. (This is the...
Kendra’s Pilgrimage to England: All the Details
If you haven't seen it yet, I'm going on a pilgrimage to England with Fr. Tim Grumbach! Our friends at Select International Tours have planned the whole thing, and I worked with them to pick the BEST of the best stops for the ultimate Catholic trip.I would love for...
Merry Christmas from the Tierneys
Dear Family and Friends, Here we go on Christmas letters again. Let’s see if we’ve still got it! We were all working on getting our bearings again in 2023, and settling back into the comfortable normalcy of being just bonkers busy all the time. Lulu, Midge, and...
Come to England with me!
You read that right! I’m going on a pilgrimage to England and I’d love to have you join me! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kendra Tierney (@kendra_tierney) Sign up to join me here! We’ll be spending time in London, visiting the sites of St. Thomas More’s...
The 2023 Costume Contest: Winners & Honorable Mentions
Another All Saints' Day has come and gone, and it was amazing to get to see all of the saints that your families chose to dress up as! The Catholic All Year team loved getting to look through each and every costume...
Y’all Ready For This? It’s a CAY All Saints Day Costume Contest!
The very first Catholic All Year costume contest was in 2015. We brought it back last year because it was so cool to see you and your families in your most saintly attire, and we can't wait to do it again!Need some inspiration? Check out our previous costume...
Airing Our Grievances – A Very St. Catherine Way to Make a Difference
Do you know St. Catherine of Siena? She's one of our favorite saints! A doctor of the church, and a marvelous example of "holy feistiness". She did everything with a Holy Spirit-driven intensity! This intensity gave great fuel to her prayer life and inspired a holy...
What’s That in My Kitchen? (You Guys Asked for It!)
Many of you, after watching the episodes of Catholic All Year at Home on FORMED, have written us kind and encouraging and complimentary comments and emails (especially about Barbara and her regrets about that mouthful of salt—both times). Thank you! You’ve also...
2023 Easter Gift Guide
Easter is approaching! And we didn't want you to be caught unawares. We know that there's almost nothing worse than Holy Saturday coming and not having anything to stuff Easter Baskets with. Don't ask us how we know ;)But in all seriousness, as we prepare for the...
Catholic All Year at Home, Ep. 5: St. Joseph
St. Joseph is the patron that we have chosen for our family this year. So needless to say I absolutely had to do something special to share about our St. Joseph traditions with you! WATCH NOW Though he was a quiet man, who left us not even a single quote, there is...
Catholic All Year at Home, Ep. 4: St. Frances of Rome
Calling all homemakers, wanna-be homemakers, and reluctant homemakers! I've got the perfect saint to introduce you to in the latest episode of Catholic All Year at Home! WATCH NOW This episode is all about St. Frances of Rome, a young woman who wanted to dedicate her...
Catholic All Year at Home, Ep. 3: Fat Tuesday
Introducing the newest episode of Catholic All Year at Home! This episode is all about celebrating Fat Tuesday before we buckle down with our Lenten Disciplines for the next 40 days. As you watch you'll discover creative, family-friendly ideas for your own Fat Tuesday...
CAY Mailbag: Indulgences and The Rosary
(question edited for clarity) Hello, Thank you for the work you put into your webpage . . . . I scrolled through the Manual of Indulgences to clarify a question I had about praying the rosary in church. But found that it just states: praying the Rosary IN...
Merry Christmas from the Tierneys
Dear Friends and Family, Thank you so much for all your prayers, Masses, cards, gifts, kind words, rides for the kids, and other support since Jim passed away in July. I am so grateful. Even if you didn't receive a personal thank you note from me, please know it was...
Catholic All Year at Home, Ep. 2: Christmas Eve
Here we go again, party people. Episode 2 of our liturgical lifestyle and cooking show is available now, exclusively at Formed.org. WATCH NOW Access to all the great Catholic audio and video resources on FORMED is free if your parish has a subscription. Signing up for...
Catholic All Year at Home (on FORMED!)
I'm so excited to announce Catholic All Year's newest undertaking . . . we made a real no kidding TV show! And it's available exclusively on FORMED. FORMED provides the very best Catholic content to help parishes, families and individuals explore their faith...
The 2022 Costume Contest: Winners & Honorable Mentions
Wow! The 2022 Catholic Costume was such a success. We at Catholic All Year loved looking through each and every costume to choose the winners and honorable mentions. So, without further ado, here we go! Our email winner: Our Lady of Guadalupe & St. Juan Diego...
The Catholic All Year Costume Contest is BACK!
We did a costume contest in 2015 and it was REALLY cool. I loved seeing all the great Catholic costumes you good folks and your kids can up with. So . . . even though I’m not sure the world needs any more of my All Saints Day costume posts, I decided to do it again....
On Not Being a VSW (Very Sad Widow): My Talk at the 2022 Fiat Conference
As most of you will already be aware, my husband Jim passed away peacefully in our home on July 9, 2022 after a long battle with cancer. More details, as well as a video of the funeral are available on this page: Funeral and Memorial Scholarship Information. If you'd...
The Ultimate Catholic Summer Challenge
It's summertime . . . . and the livin' is liturgical. As I say in The Catholic All Year Compendium, "Maybe we’ve got some extra downtime, and some time with all the kids at home, and we were going to eat dinner anyway, right? I try to find saints’ days to attach to...
The Feast of Corpus Christi & Fostering Belief in the Real Presence
Prefer to watch or listen rather than read? This post is available in video format here. Hey all! Today we’re going to talk about belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist: how to understand it, how to teach it, and how to celebrate its feast day, Corpus...
Is Pentecost the Birthday of the Church? (and if not, should we be mad about it?)
Health update: The husband's treatments are progressing and we * finally * got the test results we were waiting for and it was good news for the spine! Thanks so much for your prayers. Happy feast day! Red for Pentecost! #dontcountus #someofusareoutsick I’ve had some...
Catholic Liturgical Wall Calendars (or: The Ultimate Solution to Your Liturgical Living Overwhelm)
Catholic All Year has been around for (almost) a decade. In that time, I've shared hundreds of liturgical living and feast celebration ideas, liturgical wall calendars, dozens of prayer booklets for you to print, over a year of physical boxes with feast materials, and...
How To Start Liturgical Living in the Home (with help from me in 2008)
Health update: Not much to report. Treatments are progressing. We are awaiting test results. We are all in good spirits. Your prayers are SO appreciated. God's will be done. In case you prefer watching/listening to reading . . . this post is also available as a video....
Our Catholic Morning Prayer Routine with Kids
Hey all! Father's Day is coming up soon, and I wanted to share some Catholic Dad Gift Sets we've put together for you guys, along with some free printables and our family favorite movies for the day. You'll find those at the bottom of the post. Note: Since drafting...