The Month of the Holy Rosary is coming up in October. I've written before here on the blog about saying the rosary (and made a video about it), so today I figure you're already convinced about saying it, and maybe you'd like to make one yourself! Below you'll find...
So, You’re a Homeschooler Now
The ranks of the homeschooling have grown exponentially in the last, well, yesterday. Maybe you find yourself making a face like Saint Anne here 😒. As an accidental homeschooler myself (for the past twelve years) I figured I’d share a few tips on how we manage...
The Secret to Teaching Kids to Read is . . .
The secret part is step number four, which involves understanding that not all kids start reading as early as you've been led to believe. But since there are five steps that I've followed to get my kids reading, I figure we should probably start with number one. 1....
Everything I Ever Thought About Homeschooling, Schoolish Free Printables . . . and anything YOUR heart desires
The school year is upon us! I figured it might be nice to have all the schooling-type posts in one place, and I made some new schooling-type printables, and now there's a way for you to get a custom printable . . . made just for you. Yay! :: The Homeschool Posts ::...
Homeschooling is a Scary Proposition
It's the last installment of homeschool week on the blog. For earlier posts see here and here and here. Today we'll be looking at some obstacles to homeschooling, and how to overcome them, if you feel like homeschooling is something you'd like to try. The question: Hi...
See Me Homeschool
It's a blog hop, y'all. The lovely Micaela of California to Korea and Theresa of Ordinary Lovely have invited me to share a homeschooling day in photos . . . only. No lengthy descriptions, no captions. It nearly killed me. But here it is. I took these photos last...
Seven Odd Things I’ve Come to Appreciate About Homeschooling
I've written before about why and how we homeschool. But, recently, as we go about our daily routine, I keep noticing odd little things that I really like about homeschooling. I don't think any of these would be a very good reason to have decided to start...
A Homeschooling How We Roll
I'm over at California to Korea today, where my friend Micaela interviewed me about my homeschooling style as part of her How I Homeschool series. So, head on over there to find out my answers to questions about my one sentence Homeschool Philosophy, the ONE Mother of...
A Day in the Life of Me, Kendra Tierney, in Which a Lot of Things Happen and Often I Don’t Yell
a grandfather clock built by . . . my grandfather (is your mind blown?) Okay, you asked for it. Here it is. You have no one to blame but yourselves. My days start at about 11 pm, since that's when I can usually put Lulu down for an hour or two and attempt to...
You’re Welcome: 7 Quick Takes XXX
I'm pretty sure you're going to want to thank me for these awesome links, so: --- 1 --- I wasn't surprised when my Open Letter to Breaking Bad and Flannery O'Connor inspired other posts, but now I'm going to go ahead and take credit for the existence of a whole new...
Blog in a Blink
Monica from Equipping Catholic Families was one of the first friends I made in the blog world. We've got lots in common, including Catholic faith, general craftiness (but she's got me beat), and youngest sons sent by God to ensure our humility! If you were around for...
Kids’ Sports and Activities: Enough is Enough
Here's another installment in my occasional series of answering Caitlin's questions! It's our goal to allow our kids, even though there are a lot of them, to have enough access to extra-curricular activities to experience the fun and exercise and enrichment and...
Prima Latina Lesson Quizzes
My third trimester nest-iness is manifesting itself in manic attempts to hyper-organize our homeschool stuff. With four kids in four different grades, plus two littles, plus me needing an afternoon nap (NEED the nap) I often find it hard to find the time to give the...
Why I Homeschool Like That
Unless you were homeschooled yourself (which I wasn't) the decision to homeschool your own kids can feel overwhelming in a thousand different ways. It's easy to look at a really easy-going homeschooling Mom and say, "I couldn't live like that, I need order and...
Standardized Tests: Psst . . . Your Agenda is Showing
My kids are homeschooled. The reasons I began homeschooling are various and ignoble and you can read more about them here. But not a year goes by when I don't find another big reason to like it. The most recent came as I was administering the Terra Nova...