Hi and welcome!
My name is Kendra
For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith.
My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.
If you’d like to learn more about what Catholics believe and why, and to be inspired by saints from every era all over the world, you’ve come to the right place.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of how to teach your kids about the faith in a way that’s true, engaging, and lasts a lifetime, we can help!
Not Sure Where to Begin? Get our Liturgical Living Checklist!
Make your Catholic faith
a memorable and meaningful
part of your busy family life now
Catholic blogger and mother of many Kendra Tierney shares how her family incorporates traditional Catholic practices into today’s family life throughout the Church year―from Advent and Christmas, through Lent and Easter, to Pentecost and beyond. She provides ideas for stories, decorations, activities, and foods that will help you to celebrate your Catholic faith with your family and friends without expertise or much advance planning.
She also offers tips and tricks from her twenty years in the Catholic mommy trenches on things like surviving bringing young children to Mass and saying a family Rosary. Be Catholic and have fun doing it!

What would your life Look like if you lived out The traditions of the Catholic faith?
Catholic All Year teaches families how to bring liturgical seasons and celebrations into their homes
Not Sure Where to Begin? Get our Liturgical Living Checklist!
Catholic All Year
Video Content
with Kendra Tierney
From the Blog