Many of you, after watching the episodes of Catholic All Year at Home on FORMED, have written us kind and encouraging and complimentary comments and emails (especially about Barbara and her regrets about that mouthful of salt—both times). Thank you!
You’ve also written to ask about various kitchen gear and goods and gadgets that make appearances in the show. We shoot the episodes in my kitchen with my kitchen stuff, and plenty of different items have shown up over the course of our six episodes. This post is my best attempt to run down the list of stuff you guys might be curious about, that I got recently enough it’s still available and I can remember where I got it.
It’s a big list! So to make things a bit easier for you to look through we’ve created an Amazon storefront with everything organized into easy-to-browse categories.
You can go directly to the CAY Amazon Storefront here!
The links in the storefront are affiliate links for which CAY receives compensation if you make a purchase, so . . . thanks!
Non-Amazon stuff is in the links below!
CAY Products in CAYAH
You can find the products that we sell in the CAY Marketplace in these blog posts for each episode!
Episode 1 – St. Nicholas
Episode 2 – Christmas Eve
Episode 3 – Fat Tuesday
Episode 4 – St. Francis of Rome
Episode 5 – St. Joseph
Episode 6 – Holy Thursday
Petite Santoku Knife
My all-time favorite knife, a great size for kids and adults.

Hand-carved Wooden St. Nicholas Cookie Mold
The cookie mold I use came from an estate sale. This one is similar, but he’s wearing his mitre!

The Barbara salt incident(s) were the BEST!