A couple months ago, Bonnie asked me to make her some suitable-for-framing graphic images of some prayers: The Morning Offering, and The Act of Contrition. So I did, and I made them downloadable, for YOU.
Then I made a St. Michael Prayer, because that’s my favorite. (Oops, I didn’t make that one downloadable, so you can save it as an image, or I made a new big one, below.)
Since then, I’ve had a few more requests. I’m really enjoying my little budding graphic design career here, especially because it allows me to do something creative that can be accomplished in one sitting and underneath a sleeping baby. Winning.
I was really touched by your outpouring of support for Christina and her family. We raised hundreds of dollars for her, and she was able to get a loan for the rest of the money they needed, and they keep the farm! Yay!

You can still donate to Christina in any amount, if you’re so moved:
Oh yay! I really wanted the Memorare too but I didn't want to be too needy! Perfect!
It's perfect, Kendra. Thank you!
This is so perfect. I have a blank wall in my kitchen that needs filling.
Yay! I've been searching for a nice print of the Grace before meals!
Yay! Thanks, Kendra!
Also, if one has to be out running errands anyways then take the images on a jump drive to Office Max or a similar store. My 8x10s were about $1.
Thanks for the tip, Bonnie!
I think I might have to print out the Grace Before Meals for my mom's kitchen- we grew up on that prayer! Of course, my sister thought it was "Bless us, O Lord, and these thigh gifts…" until she was nine.
"Thighs? Why thighs? We're not even having chicken!"
The grace graphics are really pretty. They remind me of an antique print we picked up on our honeymoon in New Orleans – it has the two prayers written side by side in fancy font with decorative scrollwork around the outside.
I have a friend who is moving into a new home after a along time and a lot of flooding and having to sell her house for almost nothing. The grace printables will be a PERFECT addition to her housewarming gift. Thanks Kendra
I am so happy for Christina and her family and also bless those who donated.
Beautiful prayers
These are beautiful! What program do you use to make these? Also, I just love the graphics you make with quotes. So beautiful!
Thanks Laura. I use PicMonkey. You can do a lot with the free version, but since I use it so much, I upgraded to their Royale membership.
Gorgeous, Kendra! Love them all.
How do we donate?
Argh! The button isn't working. I'll need to fix the code, but until then, the donate button on take six ofthis post is working. Thank you!
Okay, it's fixed, thanks for letting me know.
These are so beautiful!
Thank you for sharing!
You have such a gift for these graphics! Beautiful! I'm hoping my husband's color printer at work will do a good job 🙂
awesome!! thanks for sharing these!
This is exactly the kind of thing we need. I've been searching for something with the after-meal Grace (having never learned it) and this is perfect! Thanks.
I love these! As an almost Catholic convert (next Easter!) and a new Catholic School teacher, these will wonderful to have in my classroom.
I LOVE the grace before/after meals. I really want to get them printed on canvas and hung in our dining room, just gotta wait for the right time. For now, I'll print them and tape them up (My husband HATES tape on the walls, so maybe this will be extra incentive for him to agree with me, lol).
I just made two of these into canvas prints myself and I was SO thrilled with how they came out. 🙂 Incredibly economical and easy ( I am NOT crafty at all!)
I'd love to know how you did it!
I read this post yesterday morning and was super excited to see the Grace Before/After Meals prints you made! I had actually been looking at a Grace Before Meals wooden sign on Etsy (as I had a certain place I was wanting to hang it in our kitchen), but it was SO expensive. I had your prints printed and framed yesterday afternoon and had my hubby hang them on the kitchen wall last night. I wish I could attach a picture of them to this comment because they look great (and even better than that expensive wooden Etsy sign I had been wanting)! My husband and I have always prayed the Grace Before Meals, but weren't really aware of the Grace After Meals – so we're looking forward to memorizing that one together (with the help of your print!). Down the road, I'm hoping to print/frame the other prayers you made as well! Thanks so much for making these available 🙂
These are so beautiful!
These are beautiful–thank you! I'm firing up the printer right now!
Getting ready to use the Grace Before and After Meals by our kitchen table! 🙂
Thank you so much! These are gorgeous!
Printing out the St. Michael prayer to pass out at our Michaelmas bonfire tomorrow night! So excited! Thanks for the beautiful download! 🙂
Hi Kendra; I used one of your graphics to illustrate a post on my blog at http://www.e-vangelist.org. I credited your site as the originator.
Beautiful. Thank you!
Thank you, thank you! Printing these off for my kids' backpacks!
I am the ten generation Catholic, love to hear from anyone who feel like me, what a
powerful prayer (the Grace before meals) I prayed when I was a child,but now I think
it was given for you & me Beautiful Grace given to us at the CROSS, NEW COVENANT! at the At the CROSS Communion time. (commune in Me eonly WAY through Christ our Lord Amen. so be it