Since Father’s Day is coming up, I thought I’d make a batch of free Father’s Day printables, using a few of my favorite Father’s Day quotes.

I hope you like them, and I always love hearing how you use them!
As with all my printables, you are welcome to right click on the
image and save it to your computer for your own personal use. You may
print the images and / or upload them and have prints made for your
personal use or to give as gifts. (These are sized for 8×10 or square but will
print well much bigger.) You may use my images on your blog, just please
link back to my blog. If you would like to sell my images, please
contact me first. To request a custom printable, visit my Etsy shop here.
For LOTS MORE free printable prayers, check out my Pinterest board.
Ephesians 6:1,4

Fr. Lawrence Lovasik

Mark Twain

The Lord’s Prayer

I hope you enjoy them!
Also in honor of Father’s Day, you might enjoy this post . . .
How to Let Your Husband Be a Great Dad

PS: Father’s Day is a few days away! Have you ordered your bundles yet?
Great quotes and printables! But have you ever considered that I am running out of walls?!
I think I'm going to use them to make Father's Day cards! The second quote would be perfect for my husband and the third one for my dad.
Hah! I was making my children memorize the first half of Ephesians 6:14 in the car today after a particularly bad grocery shopping trip. Some new decor may be in order.
Hi Kendra! Thanks for these printables! I've tried to upload to Sam's to print, and it keeps telling me that it's too small to print at even a 4×6. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. If you have any tips, I'd appreciate it! Thanks!
If you click on the photo in the post it should open up bigger in a different window, then right click and save it to your computer from there. That should be the full size image. Let me know if that doesn't work and I'll put it in google drive as a download.
Yes, that worked! Thanks so much!!