Where Do Pets Go When They Die?

Where Do Pets Go When They Die?

Mailbag time! The Question: Hello, my name is Mollie and I am a big fan of your blog. I lost my pet of 17 years this weekend and I am struggling with the thought of breaking the news to my seven year old son this afternoon. We have been preparing him for her passing...

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When There Is So Much to Fear

When There Is So Much to Fear

Mailbag time: What to do when it all seems like too much . . . (and if you make it to the bottom there's news and shopping, yay!) The Question:  Hi Kendra, I found you blog a new months ago and have so enjoyed going through your old posts and soaking up all the...

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Motivating Reluctant Helpers

Motivating Reluctant Helpers

Mailbag time! You're not going to believe this, but some kids are NOT super excited about doing chores. Here's what we do about it. - question -  Hi Kendra! My question is this: I've recently begun having my four- and two-year old children set the table for...

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Homeschooling is a Scary Proposition

Homeschooling is a Scary Proposition

It's the last installment of homeschool week on the blog. For earlier posts see here and here and here. Today we'll be looking at some obstacles to homeschooling, and how to overcome them, if you feel like homeschooling is something you'd like to try. The question: Hi...

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Weaning: my hows, whys, and whens

Weaning: my hows, whys, and whens

Sometimes when I get a mailbag question, I can't believe I really haven't ever written on the subject before. This was one of those. I've written about breastfeeding (those posts always spark quite a discussion) and getting babies to sleep (conversation AND, um,...

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Maybe Unmedicated Childbirth Isn't For Me?

Maybe Unmedicated Childbirth Isn't For Me?

MAILBAG TIME! Question: How you have accomplished drug-free births? I have about 7 weeks to go and I'm toying with the idea of no epidural. But I'm scared. So far my birth experiences have been: emergency c-section due to late (i.e. during labor) discovery that baby...

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