Catholic All Year has been around for (almost) a decade. In that time, I've shared hundreds of liturgical living and feast celebration ideas, liturgical wall calendars, dozens of prayer booklets for you to print, over a year of physical boxes with feast materials, and...
Being Catholic in the Car: five ways to pray and live liturgically while driving
My whole thing is liturgical living in the HOME, right? Right. But as much as I prefer to be home, daily time in the car is pretty unavoidable. As my family grew, we spent more time in the car on errands and drop-offs and pick-ups. As we spent more time in the car, I...
See Me Homeschool
It's a blog hop, y'all. The lovely Micaela of California to Korea and Theresa of Ordinary Lovely have invited me to share a homeschooling day in photos . . . only. No lengthy descriptions, no captions. It nearly killed me. But here it is. I took these photos last...
Seven Reasons My Kids Don't Need Toys This Christmas
Don't you just love this song? I do. But naughtiness isn't why there's not going to be much under our tree this year. It's just that there are plenty of reasons my kids don't need any toys. Seven, in fact. Here they are . . . 1. We Have a Lot of Stuff We have a...
Potty Training in Three Days, Or Bust
There are many ways to potty train. There are many sides to choose: early vs. late, fast vs. slow, potty chair vs. toilet. Some families use charts, or treats, or threats, or bribery. There's camp undies, camp pull-ups, and camp nothing at all. Whatever gets the job...
Mailbag: Getting Babies and Toddlers to Sleep Successfully, Together (or not)
Mailbag time! Question: I came across one of your mailbag questions and thought I'd ask you for your advice as well. In a month or two, we would like to put our two daughters (2 1/2 and 8 months right now) into one room together. By then, the baby will be sleeping...
The Littlest Apostolate, or: Why I Let My Kid Pick Up Trash
I let my kid pick up trash. Other people's trash. In public places. It's our own weird little apostolate. I didn't always, of course. I was a first time mom once, too, trailing after my kid at the park, saying, "No, no, honey. Don't touch that. That's yucky." But I've...
A Homeschooling How We Roll
I'm over at California to Korea today, where my friend Micaela interviewed me about my homeschooling style as part of her How I Homeschool series. So, head on over there to find out my answers to questions about my one sentence Homeschool Philosophy, the ONE Mother of...
Encouraging Independence in Children: How We Roll
My Day in the Life post inspired a lot of comments, and a lot of questions. So, I'm starting an occasional series called How We Roll to answer them. I would say that my children are very independent, compared with the general population of two to...