See Me Homeschool

by | Feb 25, 2015 | Homeschool, Parenting | 26 comments

It’s a blog hop, y’all. The lovely Micaela of California to Korea and Theresa of Ordinary Lovely have invited me to share a homeschooling day in photos . . . only. No lengthy descriptions, no captions. It nearly killed me.

But here it is. I took these photos last Thursday, on a day when we didn’t have any commitments outside the home, Anita was feeling a little sick, and Frankie fell down not once, but twice, during morning exercises. Jack had a phone consultation with his teacher assistant from our curriculum provider, Mother of Divine Grace, as well as an online class. We were practicing our speeches for the Great American Speeches Pageant at our parkday. And it was really a lovely day out here in suburban Los Angeles.

Away we go . . .

And that was our school day. Late afternoons and evenings are sports practices and dinner and bedtimes. But this was a pretty typical homeschool day for us.

Check out other additions to the series, and link up your own day here.

For a day in the life post with words, lots and lots of lovely words, check out . . .

A Day in the Life of Me, Kendra Tierney, in Which a Lot of Things Happen and Often I Don’t Yell

For more about our homeschool philosophy, you may enjoy . . .

My Top Ten Books for Teaching Kids

The Secret Truth About Why I Homeschool

Why I Homeschool Like That

Seven Odd Things I’ve Come to Appreciate About Homeschooling


  1. Elisa | blissfulE

    The lack of words nearly killed me, too! I want to know all. the. things. But the pictures were terrific, and your bump is SO cute! 🙂

    • Candice

      Loved this! Would you be willing to post sometime about how big your house is (bedrooms and bathrooms) and how you make that work with lots of kids? We have 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths right now. We're about to have our first and would like to host an international student in the near-ish future, but I get nervous about the space. Thanks!

    • Kendra

      Hey Candice, we have 4 bedrooms: a master, a guest room, a boys' room, and a girls' room. That's where their clothes are, but they sleep wherever. No one has assigned beds. And we have three bathrooms.

  2. Sarah

    So glad you got that baby bump in there! Looks like y'all got a ton accomplished in one school day!

  3. Theresa

    Thanks so much for being part of the blog hop, Kendra! I loved the variety of your day!
    I can't even explain the warm weather jealousy I'm suffering from seeing these posts from you homeschoolers in areas of the world that have managed to avoid the clutches of winter. I'm totally doing another one of these posts in the spring so that I can get some greenery and sunshine into my photo documentation of a typical day. Our homeschooling looks so different in May than it does in February 🙂
    Thanks again for your post!

  4. Julie

    Kendra, I have to say that these photos are so moving. The connection you seem to have with your children as both mother and teacher….well I have to say that I am a little bit jealous. Prayers to you all!

  5. alysialouise

    I'm sure this op feels different for moms who are homeschooling…..but as a mom of just a one year old….dang!! So. Many. Activities.

    I love your blog & I love your wisdom. What a beautiful family!

  6. Martha

    When you said Frankie fell down during "morning exercises," I think I assumed it was like…a morning offering combined with the Ignatian spiritual exercises? Like something spiritual??

    I did NOT think it was actual exercise! haha…oh 36 week pregnant brain. 🙂

  7. Heather

    Betty is a lefty! Me too! I always notice. Left handed people are typically more artistic. If you watch you'll notice a lot of actors are lefties.

    • Kendra

      Yes, I do notice that! So far Betty's our only one. I tell her odds are she'd have to wait for kid number eleven to get another one.

  8. Janie De Lara

    Your school days rock! Lucky ducky kids…I wish my school was like that growing up 🙂 Lovely, lovely family.

  9. Catie

    Oh this was great. I love how your day is so different from mine even though we are both homeschooling, Catholic mamas. I do not live in beautiful, warm, sunny California. I am currently cooped up indoors with two sick toddlers and a bit of snow on the ground. I have 4 boys, all of them 8 and under. We are in a season of all littles and if I took pictures, 90% of them would not include anything remotely schoolish. You give me hope that this phase won't last forever!

  10. Amanda

    You got more done in a picture than I do in a day! So fun to see.

  11. K

    So fun! Thanks for resting your writer-ness and showing us your life 🙂 maybe this is answered in another blog post… Are your kiddos wearing uniforms? Or just matchy-matchy? I can't quite tell.

    • Kendra

      Thanks! Yes, the kids wear uniforms. You can read all about it in "Why I Homeschool Like That." The link is below the photos.

  12. E

    You're adorable! Also… Your kids are studying a speech that I teach in my AP 11th grade English class. Whew. 🙂

  13. Schafergal

    Love it all! Especially the uniforms. If we ever couldn't do our current Catholic school (with uniforms, of course), I would totally do uniforms for homeschool. I love uniforms. No "getting dressed" drama.

  14. Hope

    I love it! (And I'm a bit envious about your sunny outside time! I can't wait for spring!). It is great to see a glimpse of everyone's homeschool days.

  15. Kris

    What was the cool timer app on the tablet? I would love that for timed tests!

    • Kendra

      It's the "timer" option on the "clock" app that comes on the iPad. We use it a ton.

  16. Anonymous

    You guys read Freddy! Those books were always a favorite of mine growing up and my younger brothers are just getting into them–it was big news when they acquired nearly the whole collection!

    • Kendra

      We are HUGE fans of the Freddy books. The writing is just so clever and the stories are so sweet.

    • Anonymous

      I just wanted to add I also love those books! I read them as a young teenager, I think, just because they were so clever and charming.

  17. Micaela Darr

    These are great, Kendra. That pic with your three big kids hugging is adorable, as are Frankie and Lulu in every picture.

    Thanks so much for linking up. I lost a week of my life dealing with various illnesses, but we're on the mend, so I'm looking forward to visiting everyone else's posts.

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