It’s my book launch day! The Catholic All Year Prayer Companion is officially available wherever books are sold, but, to be specific, you can get it from me here in a signature edition (also available paired with The Catholic All Year Compendium), or from the publisher, Ignatius Press, or from Amazon.
I am so thrilled to be able to have all these amazing prayers, scripture readings, and devotions all in one place!

Here are a few questions people have had . . .
How is this book different from The Catholic All Year Compendium?
My friend Karianna says this book is the expansion pack 😂 .
The Catholic All Year Compendium is an introduction to liturgical living in the home. It has the histories and backstories of over one hundred feast days and seasons throughout the year. It also contains suggestions for the prayers, devotions, and readings that our family uses in our observations of those feast days.
The Catholic All Year Prayer Companion contains the complete texts of all those prayers, devotions, and readings. All in one place! In approved translations and properly sourced and cited! So convenient.
So can you use one without the other? Absolutely. They complement each other very nicely, but neither requires the other.
The Prayer Companion also has an introduction that details what daily prayer looks like in our family, what we sweat and what we don’t, how we motivate kids to participate, and real-life examples of ways to handle challenging situations like a non-Catholic spouse.
How is this book different from the monthly prayer booklets?
The Prayer Companion is, basically, a new and improved compilation of the CAY monthly prayer booklets that were available as printables and paperback booklets last year. However, I made substantial edits and substitutions and changes to format and translations while creating this single-volume version. Everything included is now properly cited and licensed (and spelled).
Can I still get the monthly prayer booklets?
No, and yes. In order to avoid confusion, the monthly booklets are no longer available in paperback format on Amazon. There are enough differences between the booklets and The Prayer Companion that I think it would not be ideal to have family members trying to use both at the same time.
However, we are reformatting the pdf versions of the booklets each month to match the content of The Prayer Companion. This way the monthly booklets can be printed and used alongside The Prayer Companion in a family, group, or classroom. May and June are currently available. New months will become available on the 25th of the previous month.
They can be purchased individually, or you can get them as part of the monthly liturgical living printables that come with a Catholic All Year Membership. Membership resources include new calendars, saint summaries, recipes, and posters every month. They come as pdfs and are also available in a printed-and-shipped-to-you version. You also get free physical copies of new books (yes, including The Prayer Companion!) and a wall calendar in November.

Will this book work for people who follow the traditional calendar?
My old-time bloggy friend Rosie of A Blog for My Mom was one of the pre-readers for The Prayer Companion.
She says:
Look what’s here!! Kendra Tierney – Catholic All Year has worked incredibly hard on this amazing resource, which makes a perfect companion for her Catholic All Year Compendium, or can be used as a standalone volume as well. It is *so* convenient having all these prayers and devotions available in a standardized form in one location—it drives me nuts when we’re praying together as a family and then have to stop to look up a particular prayer on our phones… Problem solved!! *this follows the current liturgical calendar, but those who follow the traditional calendar will find it very useful as well, particularly with devotions to more recently canonized saints included
Do you have any other new books you’d like to mention?
I do! The Catholic All Year Weekly Meal Planner is here and ready to ship! It has a wipeable hardback cover, undated meal planning pages, and a detachable shopping list, plus a year’s worth of feast day meal suggestions in the back.

Get one for free with a CAY Membership (please commit to at least one month of membership per free book). Also available in a printable pdf version.
Do you know when Father’s Day is?
I, apparently, do not. All the versions of the CAY Wall Calendars show Father’s Day as June 13. Because I used my wall calendar to make the printable monthly clipart calendar for June, that’s wrong too. I’m pretty sure June 13 isn’t even a possible date for Father’s Day, but that didn’t stop me from trusting my own calendar right up until two days ago when a member emailed me to ask me what was going on. So . . . I don’t know what happened, but I now know that Father’s Day is June 20. I apologize for any confusion.
That does, however give you some extra time to order a copy of The Catholic All Year Prayer Companion for your favorite Dad. I’m not kidding! Really, this book was borne of my years of gathering various books and print outs of prayers to have available so that my husband could easily lead our family in prayer at the table, even though he works long hours out of the house and often gets home just as dinner is being served. This book is a great resource for busy dads who still want to be able to set an example of prayer and faith leadership in the home.

And perhaps some Catholic Beer Quote Coasters, too?
Thanks so much for all your support. I hope you find the book useful!
Congratulations Kendra!!! It’s a beautiful book and I’m so happy to have my signed copy!!
Mother’s Day is the always the “Second Sunday of May”. Father’s Day is always the “Third Sunday of June.” Terribly confusing! Why not make them both the Second Sunday of their respective months?! But I betcha that’s what happened when you picked 6/13 for Father’s Day. Having three weeks to think of a gift is pretty nice, though.
I have what I call a “congenial reluctant spouse.” By that, I mean as long as a prayer is short, I can sneak it in. “Hail Mary short.” Seeing our young son take to the prayers and make “prayer hands” melts his heart so he becomes more willing to enter into some other short blessing. So who knows? But that section is gold because I really don’t want to push. Attraction rather than promotion, as they say in 12 Step groups.
After reading that section, I think I have some possible Blog Post commissions for you – if not a whole book on the “reluctant family members.”
Thanks so much for the wise advice in that section. Attraction rather than promotion. And lots of prayer, too!
Congratulations, again. I love it! Am getting extra copies bc I like a user copy, a school copy for my classroom, and a clean copy with which to meditate.