Thank you all so much for your responses to my reader survey! Almost 1500 of you took the time to fill it out. It's been really interesting to see the results, and to read all your kind feedback. Just ONE story of this blog being a part of a conversion or a deepening...

Help ME Help You with the 2018 Catholic All Year Reader Survey and Prayer Book Set Giveaway
Dear Readers, My big takeaway from all the hubbub of the last week . . . is that I've really missed blogging! Somehow, just microblogging on Facebook and Instagram doesn't feel the same as being here on the blog and writing things that live on to be googled by new...
Please Stay Tuned for the Following Important Announcements . . .
Hey guys! It's been a while, huh? House stuff, book stuff, school stuff, kid stuff . . . it's all been keeping me pretty busy. But it felt like time to share an update with you, the good and patient people of this blog. 1. Ya know how when you're a Catholic mommy...
Maybe We CAN’T Talk About NFP Without Giving Offense
It's NFP awareness week. A quick glance at my header will tell you where the husband and I fall on the ol' sliding scale of fertility/NFP competency (but just in case it's: high/low). This is a mommy blog. This is a Catholic blog. This is the PERFECT place to be able...
Using PicMonkey to Create Images that Win On Pinterest
Hey all! We are back home after a truly amazing ten days of family fun and hands on history on the East coast. I've got a bunch of upcoming posts I'm excited to share with you, including the big trip recap, my latest Netflix binge watch, and the beginning of a new...
Using PicMonkey to Make Word Art
We're out of town, so I thought I'd take this week to share with you some of the tips and tricks I use on PicMonkey to make this blog prettier. This is installment four of four, also see Lesson 1: Using PicMoney to Make Good Photos Great and Bad Photos Pretty Good,...
Using PicMonkey to Make Graphic Designs and Pinnable Images
We're out of town, so I thought I'd take this week to share with you some of the tips and tricks I use on PicMonkey to make this blog prettier. This is installment three of four, also see Lesson 1: Using PicMoney to Make Good Photos Great and Bad Photos Pretty Good,...
Don't Make These Mistakes Using PicMonkey to Make Shareable Images
We're out of town, so I thought I'd take this week to share with you some of the tips and tricks I use on PicMonkey to make this blog prettier. This is installment two of four, see Lesson 1: Using PicMoney to Make Good Photos Great and Bad Photos Pretty Good....
Posts I Loved (but maybe you missed?) in 2014
Hey, I've (finally) got my first OB appointment today. Who wants to guess how far along I am and how many very small people are in there? *I* think twelve weeks and one person, but I really don't know for sure. I wasn't charting. I'm against charting. And now . . . I...
The Top Ten Posts of 2014
So, this pregnancy has been a more-sick-than-most pregnancy, and I'm still feeling pretty dead to the world in the evenings, which have always been my prime blogging hours. BUT. I don't want to just disappear forever. I have about a zillion things bouncing around in...
If I’ve Been Sending You Harassing Emails . . .
It wasn't me. Someone has been entering this blog's email address into the "my contact information" field of Catholic websites, and leaving harassing messages. I've gotten a few auto response emails back. One was a list of like 50 self-published books on Amazon...
Mothering and Making, how to do both (and a handMADE giveaway)
Motherhood is a full time job. But there's never much to actually SHOW for all my work at the end of the day. The things I cleaned have been messed again. The food I prepared has been eaten. The laundry I washed has been worn. And, as much as my full time job is...
How to Use Instagram Without an iPhone, and Why You Should Bother (and my birthday giveaway!)
I know I am late to the Instagram party, but I had a good excuse: I didn't have an iPhone. I still don't. But all the cool kids were doing it, so I've finally made the plunge and joined. Here's why, and how, and what I think so far. WHY I joined Instagram because...
In Which I Am a Lot Like Flannery O’Connor
Look out you guys, this is going to be all over the place today. --- 1 --- via I got sick. I got sick because I am a weirdo who doesn't like taking medicine because I don't want my little soldiers who fight the germs to get fat and lazy. (See take four...
If My Social Media Friends Had to Do This in Real Life, a screenplay in five acts
Haley's brilliant defense of our online community got me to thinking. I love my real life friends. I like dinner parties and homeschool parkdays. I like going out for frozen yogurt with a friend. But I also really, really love my online community. I like...
It Happened Again . . .
I have once again been honored by a Liebster award, that most flattering of all chain letters. This time by Tammie of TTE Designs. I'm trying to talk her out of some of her amazing handcrafted jewelry for my upcoming Mother's Day giveaway, so here goes . ....
A Taste of My Own Medicine
Well. After telling you what I think you should do on your blog, and what I think you should do on my blog, I figured it was time to let you tell me what you think I should do on my blog. So here goes nothing. Wait, before you read any further, go read this at Carrots...
How to be a Really Good Reader of Blogs
Last Friday, I shared with you some things I really enjoy about many of the blogs that I read. In response to some comments on that post, this week I'm going to share with you some things I love about the folks who read this blog, whether they have a blog themselves...
Seven Things I Love About Your Blog
I have a blog. Maybe you do too. My blog happens to have recently had a Lent-related explosion of popularity. But don't worry, I'm not going to get too big for my britches. I'm not even going to talk about my blog today. Today, I'm going to tell you the things I love...
Some Exciting News . . .
I'm pleased to announce that my little book and I will be making an appearance at the Behold Conference in Peoria, IL on March 1, 2014. What will you get if you come to see me? Well . . . I plan to offer copies of the book for sale, a meet and greet...
This Party Ain't Over, Some of Us Just GOT Here!
--- 1 --- Contrary to reports you may have heard . . . the blog is not dead. Maybe it's different than it used to be (it is according to Waltzing Matilda). Maybe it's not what teenagers are doing (it's not according to this guy). But, I'm not a teenager, and I'm okay...
Happy Blogoversary to Me: the winner, the most, the quick takes
Hooray! I've been blogging for one year. To celebrate, I'm going to attempt two linkups, a recap, and a giveaway all in the same post! 1. Post With the Most Clicks I love the idea of a "Most" of 2013 linkup. What a fun idea, right? And easy. The posts are...
Pay it Forward: my favorite blogs you might not know about yet
Last week, I wrote my thank you notes to some bloggers who have helped me along my bloggy way this last year. And you guys were mostly all, "Duh. Obviously. Those are all great blogs and we already totally like them." So now I'd like to share the love with some...
My Thank You Notes (and a Giveaway!)
It has been almost a year since I started this here blog. And what a year it's been. You guys are the BEST! I can't believe I get to harangue the interwebs with my opinions on everything from Irene Adler to Cryin' Babies to Quitting NFP and you good folks are here to...