I’m pleased to announce that my little book and I will be making an appearance at the Behold Conference in Peoria, IL on March 1, 2014.
What will you get if you come to see me?
Well . . .

Looking for information about the Eaton fire and how you can help? Click here!
I’m pleased to announce that my little book and I will be making an appearance at the Behold Conference in Peoria, IL on March 1, 2014.
What will you get if you come to see me?
Well . . .
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I am signed up to go to the Behold Conference as well!This will be my second time, and I will be enjoying the conference as well as helping out!
It would be an absolute honor to meet you Mrs. Tierney! Your blog has definitely inspired me to become a better woman, and better Catholic! If my nerves do not get the best of me, I will pop over to your table to say hi :-).
Praying for your safe travels.
Joanna @ wrappedinengagedbliss.blogspot.com
Can't wait to see you there!
Snap. I'll be in Peoria at a state oratorical competition that day at the Marriott. Here's hoping my high school junior comes home with a prize!
How exciting! I wish I could make it. I love that cheetah on Lulu!
Sigh…everything is too far away! Austin, Peoria…when will the big guns bloggers realize that Oregon City is where it's at?!
I hope you have a wonderful time there!
I am going to want the author you to sign the books I bought for family and friends.
First the Edel gathering, and now this? I chose the wrong time to pack up and leave North America! :c
I won't be at Behold but I DID just order your book through Amazon and I can't wait to check it out! My 7 yr old is making his first confession is just a few weeks, so this is awesome timing!:)