1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your love and support on my last post. I knew you guys were going to be the BEST, but I was still blown away by it. 2. It's Memorial Day weekend here in the US of A. This is a FB post the husband shared a couple years back. I...

Seven Quick Takes of Chatting and Catching Up
Let's be random and rambling today, shall we? 1. My drafts folder is empty. I wrote and scheduled about two months' worth of posts before I had Mary Jane. Then, since she was born, I've been writing about one new post per week, to mix in here and there, and that's...
Guardian Angels and Goings On
There's been quite a bit going on in the world and this country and my house. Interesting stuff, exciting stuff, disappointing stuff. It's been a while since I updated everyone on the goings on around here. And I figure you're just dying to know how the Tierneys feel...
Them’s the Rules: Part I (7 Quick Takes)
Remember way back when I wrote that post on Living the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy in the Home (with Frankie)? Well, it just happens to mention one of our Family Rules: Don't take your pants off without a plan. In the comments of that post, Annie asked if I...
Good News . . . Bad News . . . Big News . . . Big Prizes: 7QT
Most of the posts you're seeing on the blog these days were scheduled out in advance before baby Mary Jane arrived, because life in the Tierney house has taken a turn for the crazy-pants crazy. (More on that below.) But I want to share some current events and I was...
This Week in Pictures
Hey! Been wondering what the week has looked like around here? No? Too bad. Here goes. 1. This week in modern conveniences . . . We were without air conditioning from Sunday through Thursday. In the Valley. In July. But we survived. Pope Francis would be really proud...
Seven Quick Recaps of That Conference I Hosted
The Catholic Women's Blogging Conference: California Convention, was a couple of weekends ago now. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you already had a peek at the proceedings. But it was just so lovely, that I don't want to let it go by without a little...
Seven Quick Links, Quotes, Major Awards, and Times I Made Facebook Mad
Okay, it's Seven Quick Takes time . . . - one - Are you a Catholic and a woman and a blogger? Do you want to come to my house and work on getting a little better at all three? Well, good news. We're throwing a conference. Well, mostly I'm just hosting and giving...
What I Did on My Christmas Vacation
Well, I was away from the blog for a couple weeks. And many things happened. This happened, more than would have been my personal preference, but I'm not in charge. But that wasn't the ONLY thing that happened. And I felt LESS horrible in the mornings, and didn't get...
Seven Quick Reasons I Don't Have a Problem With "Happy Holidays"
Every year, I see rabble rousing Christian websites trying to get folks to boycott businesses that use Happy Holidays in their advertising. Obviously, I support people's right to do as they please with their own money. But as for me, I'm not a boycotter to begin with,...
Seven Reasons My Kids Don't Need Toys This Christmas
Don't you just love this song? I do. But naughtiness isn't why there's not going to be much under our tree this year. It's just that there are plenty of reasons my kids don't need any toys. Seven, in fact. Here they are . . . 1. We Have a Lot of Stuff We have a...
Quotable Frankie, Printable Prayers, Peaky Blinders . . .
My friend Kelly is hosting Seven Quick Takes today, so I'm back on the link-up wagon. -one- The Quotable Cranky Frankie Frankie (3): a mornin mama Me: mornin Frank Frankie: No! I'm Frankie! Me: <whispering> Good morning Frankie. Frankie: No! Not like...
Pumpkin Picking, Pumpkin Carving, and the Anarchy and Socialist Anti-Religion Agenda of Curious George Boo Fest
-- 1. Pumpkin Picking -- We had Frankie's birthday party last weekend and the husband has been out of town this week, so our first chance to get pumpkins was Thursday. I suppose it's just as well, because I've learned the hard way what happens when you carve pumpkins...
In Which there are Seven Free Printable Prayers and so many other things . . .
I've had some more requests for printable prayers from good folks like Sarah and Charlotte and Robin. And, in honor of the Feast of the Queenship of Mary, and in celebration of the monumental events of the day (more on that below), I decided to take an evening off of...
In Which I Continue This Mailbag Thing: Lightning Round-Style
All this week, I've been sharing my replies to reader emails and Facebook messages. Today is the Lightning Round! Seven questions, seven answers. These are questions I've chosen because they are seven of the topics about which I get asked most frequently. Let's do...
In Which I Solve EVEN MORE Problems
The world is full of real problems. But since I've got nothing to offer for those except my prayers, (and who could do more than that, right?) I'm going to solve some significantly less important problems for ya. I've done it before. I'll probably do it again. 1....
Seven Things You’re Probably Going to Want to Go Ahead and Freak Out About
In case you were having a nice relaxing day, I'd like to call your attention to the following things that you might not be quite worried enough about: via 1. Sunscreen Every other summer, I've just hated sunscreen for being messy and having that odd dry-slimy feel and...
Things I Learned About Soccer While Trying to Watch the World Cup
1. Sometimes when someone on the team for which you are rooting scores a goal, it's a good thing. Everyone is happy. Horns sound. Chants are chanted. Instead of far away camera shots of tiny guys playing soccer on TV, you get far away camera shots of tiny, deliriously...
Come Holy Spirit, the Party’s This Way
Here's hoping everyone had a happy and holy Pentecost! It can be hard to motivate to celebrate the liturgical year at home. Especially on a weekend which already saw sporting events, multiple team parties, and a birthday party. But, now that we've been doing this a...
In Which I Am a Lot Like Flannery O’Connor
Look out you guys, this is going to be all over the place today. --- 1 --- via I got sick. I got sick because I am a weirdo who doesn't like taking medicine because I don't want my little soldiers who fight the germs to get fat and lazy. (See take four...
This Just Might Be the Best Defense of Catholicism Since Aquinas
How to be a Really Good Reader of Blogs
Last Friday, I shared with you some things I really enjoy about many of the blogs that I read. In response to some comments on that post, this week I'm going to share with you some things I love about the folks who read this blog, whether they have a blog themselves...
Seven Things I Love About Your Blog
I have a blog. Maybe you do too. My blog happens to have recently had a Lent-related explosion of popularity. But don't worry, I'm not going to get too big for my britches. I'm not even going to talk about my blog today. Today, I'm going to tell you the things I love...
In Which I Got 99 Problems (but you only have to read about 7 of them)
Sean McCabe I've got problems. They are lame problems, but they are MY problems. It's a real . . . well, let's just get on with it. --- 1 --- Grocery Bag Problems My biggest problem in the whole world right now is the county (and soon-to-be state) -wide ban on "single...
In Which the Biathlon is the Awesomest Sport in the Olympics, Obviously
Figure skating and other spinny judged sports might be getting more attention, but I am confident in my conviction that the Biathlon is really where it's at. Here's why . . . --- 1 --- You have to be pretty much the perfect athlete to succeed at biathlon. Biathlon is...
In Which There are Things I Like
So, what do you think of the new digs? Thanks to the husband for giving me the redesign for Christmas, Kristin at Designer Blogs for making sense of my emails and putting up with my waffling, and Micaela of California to Korea and back again for taking the photos!...
In Which There are Links
Today you get links. Lots of 'em. And me trying to be smart in order to keep up appearances. etsy, obviously Wait, not THOSE kind of links. Although, can I just say that is totally amazing? --- 1 --- This nonsense has taken the interwebs by storm: I Look Down On Young...
In Which I Am PROBABLY Not a Robot
In the comments of this blog and on the blogs of others, there has been speculation that I am a robot. Today, I am here to say that . . . I am probably not a robot. Now, I have watched Battlestar Galactica so I know that no one can really be sure...
In Which My Groove is Temporarily Thrown Off
First things first, can you spare a moment to say a prayer for Bonnie's son and Micaela's friend? And now for the quick takes . . . --- 1 --- Heather sent me a link to an article that claims that the eldest children in big families are exploited by their...
This Party Ain't Over, Some of Us Just GOT Here!
--- 1 --- Contrary to reports you may have heard . . . the blog is not dead. Maybe it's different than it used to be (it is according to Waltzing Matilda). Maybe it's not what teenagers are doing (it's not according to this guy). But, I'm not a teenager, and I'm okay...