October is the Month of the Rosary . . . Sometimes I imagine Saint Bernadette, eagerly and devoutly praying the rosary at the feet of Our Lady. She reverently hold the beads, she carefully recites the prayers, her heart and her mind full of Mary's love for her son...

Seven Things I DON’T Do With a Newborn (anymore)
With baby Mary Jane closing in on the two-week anniversary of that time she was accidentally born in our bathtub, I thought I'd take this opportunity to share some photos of her, and a few things I've learned NOT to do while parenting my newborns. 1. Change Her Diaper...
Reflections, Printable Prayers, and Movie Reviews About Anxiety (andthe thing I'm trying not to be anxious about)
Here are some Friday Seven Quick Takes for you . . . on a Saturday. 1. I'm at Blessed is She today, reflecting on Matthew 6:25-34. You know the one . . . Do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall...
Seven Odd Things I’ve Come to Appreciate About Homeschooling
I've written before about why and how we homeschool. But, recently, as we go about our daily routine, I keep noticing odd little things that I really like about homeschooling. I don't think any of these would be a very good reason to have decided to start...
In Which there is Feasting, Fasting, Fake Quotes, Feuding, Finding Out, Fourteen Thousand, and the Fair
Today's Seven Quick Takes are brought to you by the letter . . . F. - one - I'm at Blessed Is She today, sharing some thoughts about observing the feasts and the fasts on the liturgical calendar. You can read the post here, and sign up to receive the daily emails...
What’s All This, Now, About “Guardians of the Galaxy”?
A couple of months back the husband and I went to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier. (meh.) Before the movie we saw a trailer for a crazy-looking comic-book-based movie featuring what appeared to be an Ent, a sexy Wicked Witch of the West, that guy from Parks...
Books to Love Whether or Not You Have a Big Family (but Especially ifYou Do)
One of the great things about a good novel is how it allows you to transport yourself into a place or time or situation completely unlike your own and see what that's like for a while. Great picture books can do the same thing, and help my kids delve into new and...
Movies You Should See Even if You're NOT Stuck on a Plane for Fourteen Hours
Last month, we went to France (you can find posts about the trip here). I had grand plans about all the things I was going to accomplish on the flight. Reading, writing, embroidering, catching up on sleep, etc. I did a tiny bit of the first, and some of the last, but...
Hey Look! I Made This: 7 Quick Takes XXXV
I had intended to write up a few posts in advance of the new baby, and schedule a couple each week. But that hasn't happened. Instead, this is my tenth post in as many days. Apparently, the new plan is to make you all so sick of reading my blog that you'll be grateful...
Costumes for All Saints Day AND Halloween: One Part Catholic, Two Parts Awesome
I love the tradition of Catholic schools and homeschool groups doing All Saints dress up days in lieu of Halloween costumes. (When my son was enrolled in Kindergarten at our parish school, the Halloween costume parade was the straw that broke the camel's back for us....
The Problem Solving Edition: 7 Quick Takes XXV
This week, I solve your problems. (I know, people hate that. But it doesn't bother me when *I* do it.) --- 1 --- Problem: You think cutting onions is unpleasant. Solution: I hate cutting onions, too. They make me cry. And not in an awesome BBC period miniseries kind...
Maybe I’ll Open a Bait Shop (that’s how many cans of worms are open around here): 7 Quick Takes XXIV
It has been an interesting week on the ol' blogstead . . . --- 1 --- One of the main goals of my blogging has become trying to affirm the different but still good choices that different moms make. My audience is mostly other Catholic moms. We share the primary goal of...
Make a Mud Pie (it just may save your life): 7 Quick Takes XXVII
--- 1 --- Okay, maybe that's hyperbole. But SCIENCE says that women tend to have allergies and auto-immune diseases at a statistically higher rate than men, perhaps because they don't get exposed to as much immune-system-boosting mud and dirt as children. So here my...
Drunk Octopus Wants to Fight (but I do not): 7 Quick Takes XXVI
--- 1 --- I cannot explain why I find this so amusing. It defies explanation. I just really, really like it. I want to put a bunch of these up in my house and not caption them or anything, but just chuckle to myself every time I go by one. Or maybe if I ever have a...
Some Things I Watched and Some Things I Should NOT Have Watched: 7 Quick Takes XXV
--- 1 --- I see what you did there. And I like it. I hope everyone had a lovely Solemnity yesterday. We did! I really try to incorporate traditions, historical and/or from other cultures into our liturgical feasts. But there don't seem to be all that many traditions...
An Introvert’s Guide to Stay at Home Mothering
Perhaps this will be surprising in light of all my posts about traveling the world and throwing parties big and small, but I am an introvert. Totally. (Or maybe you saw this, so you already knew.) I'm not shy and I do enjoy interacting with people, but I don't find it...
I Think I Figured Out What’s Causing It: 7 Quick Takes XIX
--- one --- Overheard at the swim meet between two five or six year-olds: "No, you have to kiss him on the lips, THAT'S how you get babies." Good to know, good to know. --- two --- So, I did it again. I'm going to have to change the name of this blog to: Catholic All...
A Commenter’s Astute Medical Diagnosis: 7 Quick Takes XVI
--- 1 --- Back in January, when I started this here blog, I hooked it up to Amazon Associates. That means that when you click on a link from the blog that takes you to Amazon, then you buy something, I get a teeny, tiny percentage of what you spend. Now,...
Date Night Movies for Catholics on Dates: 7 Quick Takes XV
On Wednesday I told you that I thought Silver Linings Playbook had a real stinker of a message. But, since I didn't want to ruin your weekend, I also promised to suggest seven films that I think would make great date night movies. I don't recommend any of them...
It’s a Conspiracy!: 7 Quick Takes XIV
--- 1 --- Earlier this week, I wrote a post entitled: Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts: A Difference in Kind, not Just in Degree. It was the Boy Scouts' much-publicized policy decision regarding gay boy scouts that prompted me to finally get to writing, but I've wanted to...
Ciao, We’re Off!: 7 Quick Takes VI
--- 1 --- This is Trevi Fountain: When we went to Rome for Jack's First Communion, we threw coins in, because when you actually ARE in Rome . . . well, you know. Some folks think that means we're destined to return. Of course, we're not superstitious, because...
You Get to Pick Your Own Shoes: 7 Quick Takes V
--- 1 --- I have to admit to being a Pope Benedict XVI kinda gal. He's been the Pope for most of the time I've been paying attention. He gave my oldest son his First Holy Communion. He's a writer and a thinker of thoughts. And, like myself, he...
Splenda is to Eating as the Pill is to . . . : 7 Quick Takes IV
--- 1 --- Two of my boys can say they were named for a Pope, but only one can say that a Pope was named for him. (Sorry Gus!) When Gus was a toddler, a priest once remarked to me,"If you didn't want him to give you trouble,you probably shouldn't have...
My Minivan is a Rolling Civics Classroom: 7 Quick Takes III
--- 1 --- A quick lesson in SCIENCE . . . The Flat-tailed Horned Lizard looks like this: to blend in perfectly with his surroundings. The Chapman Zebra looks like this: to momentarily confuse its predators by motion dazzle. Frankie looks like this: to...
I Was a Good Guy THIS WHOLE TIME: 7 Quick Takes II
--- 1 --- My sister and her two little girls are visiting from Iowa this week. Hooray for cousins! Is Frankie finally surrendering? I doubt it. My sister's baby likes to really rub it in by being super-smiley and charming AT ALL TIMES. The...
Balloonford?: 7 Quick Takes
If you usually read my blog, you'll understand how much of a challenge "quick" takes are for me. Let's see how I do . . . --- 1 --- Happy Chair of St. Peter! In this house we celebrate the fasts AND the feasts, so we always look forward to the feasts...