Results for "Rules"
Them’s the Rules

Them’s the Rules

So much to update you all on! But that's not what's happening today. TODAY, I'm just popping in with this post that has been in my drafts folder for three years, because I just happened to reference our family rules in today's Blessed is She devotion and awoke to a...

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Terms & Conditions

Catholic All Year Shop Terms of Use Last updated: March 2022 Catholic All Year, Inc. and/or its affiliates (“Catholic All Year”, “we” or “us”) operate an online store (“Catholic All Year Shop”) located at from which you may purchase products,...

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The Year of Mercy Family Challenge

The Year of Mercy Family Challenge

It's the Year of Mercy! But hopefully you already knew that, as I've been meaning to write this post since, um, November. We've been making an effort to be mindful of the Year of Mercy in our home, and we came up with a Year of Mercy Family Challenge to go with it....

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When There Is So Much to Fear

When There Is So Much to Fear

Mailbag time: What to do when it all seems like too much . . . (and if you make it to the bottom there's news and shopping, yay!) The Question:  Hi Kendra, I found you blog a new months ago and have so enjoyed going through your old posts and soaking up all the...

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The Secret to Teaching Kids to Read is . . .

The Secret to Teaching Kids to Read is . . .

The secret part is step number four, which involves understanding that not all kids start reading as early as you've been led to believe. But since there are five steps that I've followed to get my kids reading, I figure we should probably start with number one. 1....

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