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State of the Blog Address

State of the Blog Address

I hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas! School starts up again around here today, for better and worse. I do like a break, but . . . Especially this year. This holiday season has been an absolute blur of new house stuff. There was some back and forth as to...

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Posts I Loved (but maybe you missed?) in 2014

Posts I Loved (but maybe you missed?) in 2014

Hey, I've (finally) got my first OB appointment today. Who wants to guess how far along I am and how many very small people are in there? *I* think twelve weeks and one person, but I really don't know for sure. I wasn't charting. I'm against charting. And now . . . I...

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The Top Ten Posts of 2014

The Top Ten Posts of 2014

So, this pregnancy has been a more-sick-than-most pregnancy, and I'm still feeling pretty dead to the world in the evenings, which have always been my prime blogging hours. BUT. I don't want to just disappear forever. I have about a zillion things bouncing around in...

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In Which There are Links

In Which There are Links

Today you get links. Lots of 'em. And me trying to be smart in order to keep up appearances. etsy, obviously Wait, not THOSE kind of links. Although, can I just say that is totally amazing? --- 1 --- This nonsense has taken the interwebs by storm: I Look Down On Young...

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Good News and Bad News

Good News and Bad News

The good news is that I WON a Sheenazing Award. Seriously. I'm flabbergasted. Unless someone calls for a recount, or I wake up . . . Catholic All Year won  Smartest Blog  and came in second place for Best Lifestyle Blog  (Congratulations Haley!) ...

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Toothpaste Jesus and Other Miracles

Toothpaste Jesus and Other Miracles

Move over Grilled Cheese Virgin Mary, make room for Toothpaste Jesus. That's right. Toothpaste. Jesus.  He miraculously appeared on the back of my medicine cabinet nearly two years ago. Probably as an encouragement of my lax inner-cabinet housekeeping, but I...

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