St. Joseph is the patron that we have chosen for our family this year. So needless to say I absolutely had to do something special to share about our St. Joseph traditions with you! WATCH NOW Though he was a quiet man, who left us not even a single quote, there is...

Catholic All Year at Home, Ep. 4: St. Frances of Rome
Calling all homemakers, wanna-be homemakers, and reluctant homemakers! I've got the perfect saint to introduce you to in the latest episode of Catholic All Year at Home! WATCH NOW This episode is all about St. Frances of Rome, a young woman who wanted to dedicate her...
Catholic All Year at Home (on FORMED!)
I'm so excited to announce Catholic All Year's newest undertaking . . . we made a real no kidding TV show! And it's available exclusively on FORMED. FORMED provides the very best Catholic content to help parishes, families and individuals explore their faith...
The Catholic All Year Costume Contest is BACK!
We did a costume contest in 2015 and it was REALLY cool. I loved seeing all the great Catholic costumes you good folks and your kids can up with. So . . . even though I’m not sure the world needs any more of my All Saints Day costume posts, I decided to do it again....
A Christmas Family Movie Night
In our quest to give Advent and Christmas distinctly different characters, we have a strict family policy of not watching Christmas movies during Advent. Then, once Christmas comes, we watch a different family Christmas movie together for each of the “twelve days of...
20 Easy Saint Costumes Made of T-Shirts!
Hey guys! If you’ve been following me for any time at all, you know I like to go all out for All Saints’ Day. But just to prove that's not required, today we’ll be making twenty simple saint costumes . . . out of t-shirts! For many years, creating awesome costumes...
I Learned some Stuff from this Product Launch Week: Books and Boxes and Binders and Babies and Dreams
Thanks for putting up with this week of me trying to sell you stuff.* But hopefully you think it's good stuff and . . . it will mostly be over after this last push today. So, here's what I've got to tell you about . . . The Catholic All Year Liturgical Living Weekly...
Liturgical Year Subscription Boxes, Meal Planner Catholic Mom Bundle, and New CAY Memberships!
Hey guys! I’ve been working for months on a bunch of new products and ideas and they all sort of came together at once, and (no surprise) many are liturgically seasonal, plus . . . I really like the creating of the things and I don’t at all like the marketing of the...
Pentecost, Printables, Behind the Scenes, and Maybe Patreon?
As of February 2021, I'm switching CAY subscriptions from Patreon to this website! Click here to learn more about the membership options, and here to read why I'm making the switch. First, some good news! They won’t be open for Pentecost, but Los Angeles churches have...
A Tierney Christmas Card Which is Late by All Metrics but One, aka Praise God for Candlemas
Usually I can sneak a Christmas blog post in during the Christmas octave, or before Epiphany, or at the VERY latest before the Baptism of the Lord, and get to say, hey it's late but it's STILL Christmas! Even *I* think it's pushing it now, but watch me try. On the...
Shtisel on Netflix, and Crimes I Committed for My Orthodox Jewish Neighbors
Hey guys! The Catholic All February prayer/devotion booklets are done! (These are companion books to the Compendium, with all the prayers, blessings, devotions, and Bible readings I recommend for the month all in one easy-to-use spot.) Check it out as a printable pdf...
How (and When) we Celebrate Epiphany, and Why This Christmas Card is Definitely Not Too Late
Today is January 6th, which is the traditional date of Epiphany, the day that the three Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem, having followed the star to meet the baby Jesus. But for Western Catholics, we celebrate it tomorrow, on the Sunday after January 1st. Liturgical...
How to Turn a Ten Bedroom House Into A Four Bedroom House
Renovations are well underway at the new old house. It's amazing to see it start to come together after playing around with it on paper and on the computer for so many weeks. My friend Christy keeps pestering me for before and after photos, which don't exist because...
State of the Blog Address
I hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas! School starts up again around here today, for better and worse. I do like a break, but . . . Especially this year. This holiday season has been an absolute blur of new house stuff. There was some back and forth as to...
Happy Father’s Day, now Answer Me This!
It's Father's Day here at Answer Me This! And, um, all other places in America. Let's get to it, shall we? Here are THIS WEEK's questions . . . 1. What's the best thing about your dad? My favorite things about my dad are his indomitable positive attitude and can...
Exactly How to be a Good Catholic
Knowing just what is required of faithful Catholics can be confusing. Especially in this time of blogs and social media. Blogs can be a really great way to learn about our faith, but it's easy for bloggers (even yours truly) to make it seem like particular practices...
Our Triduum in Photos
It's still Easter today! Happy Easter! Let's jump in the ol' T.A.R.D.I.S. and take a look back at the Triduum, just for posterity's sake, shall we? And let's, um, go backwards. 'Cause, why not? In case you missed it in all the hubbub yesterday, here are all the Easter...
Happy Easter from the Tierneys!
A very happy and blessed Easter from our family to yours. Here's what our day has looked like so far . . . And here's what we wore Easter Sunday . . . Lulu - eighteen months Dress and sweater: Boden Hat: made by a friend Shoes: Target Frankie - three Shirt: Old Navy...
A Little Peek Inside Our Easter Baskets (hint, it's mostly books) PlusGift Ideas and New Easter Printables
Happy Palm Sunday! Hosanna! Easter is one week away! Just in case you haven't finalized your family's Easter baskets, I thought I'd give you a glimpse of what is going to be in ours' this year (and yes, I pretty much JUST took care of all of this) . . . I've been...
Ten Quick Tips for Throwing a Great Party as Illustrated by the 2015 Hooley
This is a sponsored post. See my disclosure policy. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Did I mention we throw a St. Patrick's Day party? I DID? Once or twice? Well, this year's Hooley was last weekend, and it was our biggest. party. evah. A very fine time was had by all,...
Idle Threats, the Miracle of Waffles, St. Patrick’s Day Printables, and a Winner
I don't do these family glimpse posts as much as I used to, because I tend to share that stuff on the Catholic All Year Facebook page and on my Instagram account now. But I forget that not all of you are all those places. And I share different stuff on Facebook than I...
Seven Free Printable Catholic Valentines
In honor of Saint Valentine's Day . . . Here are seven different free printable Catholic valentines, featuring saint quotes and Bible verses, made by yours truly. You're welcome to right click and save any of these images. You may print them for your own personal use...
Celebrating Birthdays That Fall During Lent?
I'm once again striding boldly into the dangerous, churning waters of Lenten "breaks." This time to answer a mailbag question . . . Question: Hi Kendra! My youngest is celebrating his first birthday next month and I'm wondering how to celebrate a birthday in Lent. I...
Are Older Siblings Overburdened by Responsibilities? Or Are They Empowered by Them?
I have a backlog of great mailbag questions I got during and since the ol' hiatus. So, here's another one. The idea that I might be overburdening my kids with responsibilities around the home is something that I have definitely worried about myself, but, so far, what...
Bless Me Father, for I'm a Catholic on a TV Show
I have mentioned that I have watched quite a bit of Netflix streaming during this blah part of my current pregnancy. I didn't set out to find Catholic characters on TV shows or anything. My very scientific method of selecting series to watch is to just click on shows...
My Five Favorite Things About the Sheenazing Awards
Can you believe it's Sheenazing Award season again!? Time really flies, 'eh? Anyway, I am honored to have been nominated in a few categories this year, alongside some really terrific blogs. And Blessed is She was nominated as well! Please head over to A Knotted Life...
How to Teach Catholic Kids About Creation and Evolution
More from the mailbag! This time it's a homeschooling faith vs reason question I received on the Catholic All Year Facebook page from reader Karen. Question: We are new to homeschooling and love your blog! We are starting our journey through the history of the world ....
little kids & BIG CHANGES: how much help does an older sibling need when a new baby comes along?
What do you do when you want to blog, but you ALSO really, really want to take a bath and hit the sack? Why, fish something out of the mailbag of course. It's already written and at least one person in the universe is interested in the answer. Today's question is from...
Posts I Loved (but maybe you missed?) in 2014
Hey, I've (finally) got my first OB appointment today. Who wants to guess how far along I am and how many very small people are in there? *I* think twelve weeks and one person, but I really don't know for sure. I wasn't charting. I'm against charting. And now . . . I...
The Top Ten Posts of 2014
So, this pregnancy has been a more-sick-than-most pregnancy, and I'm still feeling pretty dead to the world in the evenings, which have always been my prime blogging hours. BUT. I don't want to just disappear forever. I have about a zillion things bouncing around in...