I already wrote and posted quick takes this week. But it turns out I am bursting with takes. So here we go again . . . --- 1 --- The husband took the five big kids to our homeschool group ice skating trip. The kids were abuzz about it all week. SO excited. How...

Happy Blogoversary to Me: the winner, the most, the quick takes
Hooray! I've been blogging for one year. To celebrate, I'm going to attempt two linkups, a recap, and a giveaway all in the same post! 1. Post With the Most Clicks I love the idea of a "Most" of 2013 linkup. What a fun idea, right? And easy. The posts are...
My Thank You Notes (and a Giveaway!)
It has been almost a year since I started this here blog. And what a year it's been. You guys are the BEST! I can't believe I get to harangue the interwebs with my opinions on everything from Irene Adler to Cryin' Babies to Quitting NFP and you good folks are here to...
Christmas Wishes From the Tierneys (and a book pre-order announcement!): 7 Quick Takes XXXVIII
On the off chance that I don't have your address, I figured I'd share our Christmas card for this year with all of you! And I've got seven kids, and a take on each. So, I'm calling this my quick takes . . . So, here's the front, middle, middle, and back of the card:...
“C” is for Cookie . . . and CONTROVERSY: 7 Quick Takes XXXVIII
--- 1 --- CCM Just when I think I'm the controversial Catholic blog, Haley goes and makes the internets mad by insulting CCM (that's Contemporary Christian Music for those of you who, like me, didn't know what CCM was). Anyway, I think her larger point was lost on the...
Because Sometimes Folks Just Need to Get Punched: 7 Quick Takes XXXVII
--- 1 --- . . . by a Saint Happy St. Nicholas Day! Think Santa is all pipe-smoking and belly-laughs? Think again. Dude totally punched a heretic in the face AT THE COUNCIL OF NICEA! Seriously, you're going to want to read all about it here: When Santa...
Baptizing and Barfing: 7 Quick Takes XXXVI
Quick Takes late Saturday afternoon, because I just had a baby and I can . . . --- 1 --- So, things are still mostly great around here. Thanksgiving was delicious, Baby Lulu is sweet and squishy and sleepy. But also, there was barfing. Some on Thanksgiving, but...
You Like Me, You Really Like Me!: 7 Quick Takes XXXIV
--- 1 --- So it was kind of a big week, blog-wise. Between guest posting for Haley at Carrots for Michaelmas, impressing Heather from Mama Knows, Honeychild with my (admittedly hilarious) moustache party food tags, and my wildly popular (for me) handmade Jesse Tree...
Things I Learned on My Babymoon: 7 Quick takes XXXIII
Baby's due in less than three weeks (!) so the husband and I spent last weekend in Santa Barbara. Just us. It was very fun and very relaxing, and I may have even learned a few things . . . --- 1 --- I spend a lot of time each day planning and preparing food. I...
Naysayers Gonna Naysay: 7 Quick Takes XXXI
update: I've edited this post to remove links and references to other people's articles, for fear of having misrepresented the positions expressed within. You're stuck with just my opinion now! --- 1 --- I have witnessed a lot of back and forth recently about the...
You’re Welcome: 7 Quick Takes XXX
I'm pretty sure you're going to want to thank me for these awesome links, so: --- 1 --- I wasn't surprised when my Open Letter to Breaking Bad and Flannery O'Connor inspired other posts, but now I'm going to go ahead and take credit for the existence of a whole new...
So . . . Moses Has Horns?: 7 Quick Takes XXVII
--- 1 --- If you have ever seen Michaelangelo's Moses at St. Peter in Chains in Rome . . . okay, now you have You may have noticed that he has, um, horns. Odd right? We saw it in person in Rome and were all rather perplexed. Well, since the Feast of St. Jerome was...
Same Church, Same Hat, Same Message: 7 Quick takes XXVI
--- 1 --- I think it's clear that for whatever reason some people in the "mainstream media" are willfully misunderstanding Pope Francis. They seem to have decided that anything Pope Francis says is awesome and revolutionary, while everything that Pope Benedict said...
Theology of the Zombie: 7 Quick Takes XXVIII
--- 1 --- So, this happened during a family rosary in the car this week: All: . . . He will come again in glory to judge to living and the dead . . . Jack (11): What about the living dead? Will He judge the living dead?Me: Zombies? Well, since that issue isn't...
Please DO NOT Change for Simcha: 7 Quick Takes XXIV
--- 1 --- Simcha, Hallie, and Charlotte have opened up a can o'worms (which is great, I do love me a can o'worms) about how different types of blogs affect different people. the header graphic from Simcha's Blog: I Have to Sit Down Apparently, some moms (including...
The Duke of Whales: 7 Quick Takes XXII
--- 1 --- Me: Hey, remember when we watched the Royal Wedding? The Duke and Duchess are having a baby today! Bobby: What's he the Duke of? Me: Wales, I think. Bobby: The Duke of WHALES? How does that work? well, something like this, I'd imagine As it turns out he's...
On Cross-Dressing Cartoon Characters: 7 Quick Takes XXI
--- 1 --- I was so sorry to read Dwija's sad news that they lost baby Nicholas at 21 weeks along. I have felt so identified with her struggles since I am also 21 weeks pregnant. It's been such a joy to witness how she dealt with the challenges of this pregnancy with...
The Holy Spirit is My Felix Felicis: 7 Quick Takes XX
--- 1 --- The effects of Felix Felicis, as described by Harry Potter Wiki, are thus: Felix Felicis possibly works by providing the drinker with the bestpossible scenario. This usually registers in the drinker's mind in theform of an unusual urge to take a certain...
I Changed My Mind, the Internet is Awesome: 7 Quick Takes XVIII
--- 1 --- Two weeks ago, I had a quick take about how the internet can bring out the worst in people. But this week, oh THIS week, the internet has brought out the best in us. The fundraiser that Cari is running for Dwija is hands-down the awesomest thing I have been...
I Am Mr. Darcy: 7 Quick Takes XVII
New and Improved: now with awesome updates! --- 1 --- I set out to begin my quick takes this week with a zippy little analysis of Season 2 of Sherlock . . . but it really got away from me, quickness-wise. So it got to be it's own post. Check it out, if you're so...
In Defense of Nudity in Film: 7 Quick Takes XIII
--- 1 --- A pregnant lady at rest stays at rest and a pregnant lady in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced toddler. --- 2 --- Great Moments in Homeschooling . . . The husband to a boy on Betty...
Some Movies I like (and some I don’t): 7 Quick Takes XII
The movies edition: Iron Man 3, Anna Karenina, Life of Pi, Looper, Wreck-It Ralph, Argo & I Confess . . . --- 1 --- Iron Man 3 Eh, it was okay, I guess, if you're looking for an action movie. I just didn't find it nearly as clever as the first Iron Man,...
Holidays and Holy Days: 7 Quick Takes XI
--- 1 --- So . . . holidays and holy days first. Happy Ascension Thursday (yesterday) to those of you in Boston, Hartford, New York, Newark, Philadelphia, and Omaha. I wish wish wish our Bishops wouldn't take feasts away from the rest of us! I wanted to take the...
A Imbalance of the Humours: 7 Quick Takes X
--- 1 --- You Can Never Go Down the Drain You can never go down Can never go down Can never go down the drain. You can never go down Can never go down Can never go down the drain. You're bigger than the water. You're bigger than the soap. You're much bigger...
In Which I Discover Doctor Who: 7 Quick Takes IX
--- 1 --- Now that Bobby has had his First Holy Communion, he qualifies to be an Altar Boy at the Old Mission. I so love it there. No classes, no sign-ups -- if you've had your First Communion you show up and suit up and the older boys start showing you the ropes....
And Then There Were Seven: 7 Quick Takes VII
--- 1 --- --- 2 --- --- 3 --- --- 4 --- --- 5 --- --- 6 --- --- 7 --- That is all. For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary! And thanks to Kate from The Rhodes Log for linking this up for me! Update: We're off to Pompeii this morning, then...