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kendras thoughts
God Bless Pope Francis

God Bless Pope Francis

What a joyful day!  For me, it really felt like a collision of new and old worlds.  I found out that the smoke from the burning paper ballots (pretty old school) was white from a text message I received from Pope Alarm (that's new).   I was leaving a very cute, but...

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Best.  Church Lady.  EVER.

Best. Church Lady. EVER.

This is part of a series of Catholic Toddler Letters. Dear Adam, Pack your bags, we're moving to San Diego!  I found a Church Lady who wants us!  If you'll recall, that hasn't always been the case for me. It's okay, San Diego is where my Nana and Grandad live.  We can...

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Winter Wonderings

Winter Wonderings

This is the post I had scheduled for today.  In light of current events, I also wrote another post.  But please feel free to enjoy some winter frivolity alongside the more important stuff. Hey it's another Catholic Toddler Letter!  Confused?  Click here to learn more....

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Homeschool Holiday

Homeschool Holiday

Our "School Table" up until yesterday And mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again . . . Well, it's happened, school has started again.  But, as a homeschool mom, I have to say that my perspective on school vacations may be a bit different than the folks...

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DIY Worth It?  Pesto Sauce

DIY Worth It? Pesto Sauce

If you've seen this post, then you know I've got a lot of kids.  If you also have kids, or if you know someone who has kids, then you will know that kids like to eat.  EVERY DAY.  My mom was more of a defroster and/or microwaver (hi Mom, love you!).  But as the years...

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A Universal Experience

A Universal Experience

Thanks to everyone for your support and lovely comments.  I guess just about everyone has had an encounter with my Church Lady. You guys have reported sightings at libraries, department stores, YMCAs, and even your own churches.  She's a busy gal.  Now...

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