--- 1 --- This is Trevi Fountain: When we went to Rome for Jack's First Communion, we threw coins in, because when you actually ARE in Rome . . . well, you know. Some folks think that means we're destined to return. Of course, we're not superstitious, because...

You Get to Pick Your Own Shoes: 7 Quick Takes V
--- 1 --- I have to admit to being a Pope Benedict XVI kinda gal. He's been the Pope for most of the time I've been paying attention. He gave my oldest son his First Holy Communion. He's a writer and a thinker of thoughts. And, like myself, he...
A Cheerful Giver-Upper
As the light of Easter morning slowly begins to lighten the horizon of our Lenten journey (seriously you guys, can you believe I'm writing this stuff for you for FREE?), I thought I would address a concern that seems to plague good Catholics all year, but especially...
Splenda is to Eating as the Pill is to . . . : 7 Quick Takes IV
--- 1 --- Two of my boys can say they were named for a Pope, but only one can say that a Pope was named for him. (Sorry Gus!) When Gus was a toddler, a priest once remarked to me,"If you didn't want him to give you trouble,you probably shouldn't have...
God Bless Pope Francis
What a joyful day! For me, it really felt like a collision of new and old worlds. I found out that the smoke from the burning paper ballots (pretty old school) was white from a text message I received from Pope Alarm (that's new). I was leaving a very cute, but...
My Minivan is a Rolling Civics Classroom: 7 Quick Takes III
--- 1 --- A quick lesson in SCIENCE . . . The Flat-tailed Horned Lizard looks like this: to blend in perfectly with his surroundings. The Chapman Zebra looks like this: to momentarily confuse its predators by motion dazzle. Frankie looks like this: to...
I Was a Good Guy THIS WHOLE TIME: 7 Quick Takes II
--- 1 --- My sister and her two little girls are visiting from Iowa this week. Hooray for cousins! Is Frankie finally surrendering? I doubt it. My sister's baby likes to really rub it in by being super-smiley and charming AT ALL TIMES. The...
Balloonford?: 7 Quick Takes
If you usually read my blog, you'll understand how much of a challenge "quick" takes are for me. Let's see how I do . . . --- 1 --- Happy Chair of St. Peter! In this house we celebrate the fasts AND the feasts, so we always look forward to the feasts...
A Vocation to Motherhood
This is me on my last day as a flight instructor: Scanned from a Polaroid, but isn't it awesome?My student is totally pointing at my belly. Well, I guess not quite. This was my last flight, one month to the day before Jack was born. But I was still teaching a...
Best. Church Lady. EVER.
This is part of a series of Catholic Toddler Letters. Dear Adam, Pack your bags, we're moving to San Diego! I found a Church Lady who wants us! If you'll recall, that hasn't always been the case for me. It's okay, San Diego is where my Nana and Grandad live. We can...
God Bless Pope Benedict XVI and His Successor
We have a great love for Pope Benedict XVI in our house. That's Jack, receiving his First Holy Communion from Pope Benedict XVI at the canonization Mass of St. Nuno (among others) in April of 2009. It feels like a good day to share the story. The husband wrote...
Winter Wonderings
This is the post I had scheduled for today. In light of current events, I also wrote another post. But please feel free to enjoy some winter frivolity alongside the more important stuff. Hey it's another Catholic Toddler Letter! Confused? Click here to learn more....
Stop Laughing at Me, Chore Chart!
Hey Guys, Frankie here. Adam from Equipping Catholic Families has written back to answer my question about Mass survival tips! Head over there to check it out, then check back here next week for my post about what our family does.This post is third in a series on...
Why We Wii
I have to preface this by saying I don't "get" video games. I don't play them myself. Not since my dad and I conquered Myst anyway. If I'm going to sit down and stare at a screen for two hours I at least want to have a blog post to show for it. I have...
DIY Worth It? At Home Haircut
Okay, the DIY haircut! Financially it's a no-brainer. A set of hair clippers, like the Wahl Haircutting System that I use at home, costs about $35. I have four boys, aged 1-10, and a husband. Let's say they average a haircut every two months, from age 1...
Notable and Quotable
Hey All, For today, you get a roundup of how things sounded around my house this week and the important lessons we learned. 1. I am not an acceptable substitute for Julie Andrews.Anita (3) in the car: "Mom, could you not sing? I'm trying to hear Mary...
The Myth of Me-Time
Thanks to Diana for sending in A READER QUESTION! It still counts if I know her in real life right? What things usually look like from where I'm sitting. So, the question is: How do I take care of myself in general, and specifically during the homeschool year? The...
My Favorite Parenting Books
It feels so easy now. The kids can still surprise me, and each one is different of course. One, in particular, is especially noisy. But mostly, I feel like I know what's coming, and how to handle it when it does. It's easy for me to forget now how overwhelming it...
Homeschool Holiday
Our "School Table" up until yesterday And mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again . . . Well, it's happened, school has started again. But, as a homeschool mom, I have to say that my perspective on school vacations may be a bit different than the folks...
How Butter Proves the Existence of God
The existence of God is proved by the existence of butter, and not (just) because it's so tasty. I was raised in the suburbs, with very little concept of where food came from. Although I remember earning my "I milked a cow at the Del Mar...
DIY Worth It? Pesto Sauce
If you've seen this post, then you know I've got a lot of kids. If you also have kids, or if you know someone who has kids, then you will know that kids like to eat. EVERY DAY. My mom was more of a defroster and/or microwaver (hi Mom, love you!). But as the years...
What Went Wrong With The Hobbit Movie, and How to Discuss it with Smart Kids
An illustration for the book by Greg Hildebrandt and Tim Hildebrandt A still from the movie. So far, so good. The Hobbit movie has gotten plenty of press for its shortcomings (and its long-drawn-out-ed-ness). Well, the husband and I saw it over the...
A Universal Experience
Thanks to everyone for your support and lovely comments. I guess just about everyone has had an encounter with my Church Lady. You guys have reported sightings at libraries, department stores, YMCAs, and even your own churches. She's a busy gal. Now...