Hey all, while we're out of town for Easter Break, I'm cleaning out my drafts folder. So if this sounds like it was written a while ago, it probably was. I'll still be checking comments, so feel free to have an opinion. And a very happy Easter to you...

How We Do the Triduum: Good Friday, Holy Saturday
Yesterday I wrote about what we do for Holy Thursday. (I had intended to write about what we do for the whole Triduum, but, as usual, it got a little long, so here's the second installment.)Good Friday is meant to be a solemn and somber day. But little...
You Get to Pick Your Own Shoes: 7 Quick Takes V
--- 1 --- I have to admit to being a Pope Benedict XVI kinda gal. He's been the Pope for most of the time I've been paying attention. He gave my oldest son his First Holy Communion. He's a writer and a thinker of thoughts. And, like myself, he...
A Prestigious Award and 33 Things About Me
Woo-Hoo! God Bless Pope Francis on his Installation Day and Happy St. Joseph's Day! It's a solemnity, so you have to eat dessert. Seriously. We're planning waffles for breakfast and a YouTube replay of the installation Mass for this morning. To see what we've got...
From the Trenches: A Survival Guide to Air Travel With Small Children
Thanks to a reader question from my dear sister-in-law (Hi Brie!), today's post is on flying with kids. Ah yes, that's it. Safety first. Although this way is also fun. And this. I have done A LOT of traveling with kids. From a trip to Hawaii with the...
Balloonford?: 7 Quick Takes
If you usually read my blog, you'll understand how much of a challenge "quick" takes are for me. Let's see how I do . . . --- 1 --- Happy Chair of St. Peter! In this house we celebrate the fasts AND the feasts, so we always look forward to the feasts...
Our Lent So Far, In Pictures
I don't see this jar as mostly empty,I see it as a tiny bit full Our clipart Lent calendar and our Lent RemindersOnly forty-three pictures to go Our school/dining tableWith purple cloth, potted succulent, and rocksAlso, in-progress mortification(Just look at that...
Mardi Gras Madness and a Hoodoo Movie Review
We expect a lot from our kids. We demand good behavior in church, kneeling up straight for evening prayers, and speaking up when saying the Rosary. We keep Lent (and Advent). We fast and abstain when the Pope says we're sposta. And all that's...
Keeping Lent: A Guide to What We DO for Kids
This post is one in a series of Catholic Toddler Letters. Last week, Adam from Equipping Catholic Families asked Frankie, What kind of things does your family do during Lent, Frankie? Dear Adam, Thanks for introducing me to your Boppa. My Grandad is also awesome. He...
DIY Worth It? Chocolate Chip Cookies
Thanks to everyone who voted for Catholic All Year in the Sheenazing Catholic Blogger Awards. Alas we did not win. Now go check out Like Mother, Like Daughter -- a waaaay better blog than mine. Seriously. But then you could come back here if you want....
DIY Worth It? At Home Haircut
Okay, the DIY haircut! Financially it's a no-brainer. A set of hair clippers, like the Wahl Haircutting System that I use at home, costs about $35. I have four boys, aged 1-10, and a husband. Let's say they average a haircut every two months, from age 1...
DIY Chewbacca Sleepsack Mod and a Homemade X-Wing Bomber
If you like Star Wars and Christmas presents and awesome, but prefer wood and lasers to faux fur and embroidery floss, you should just scroll down a bit. This is a bit off topic . . . but, speaking of projects, I wanted to share my most recent one, my...
DIY Worth It? Pesto Sauce
If you've seen this post, then you know I've got a lot of kids. If you also have kids, or if you know someone who has kids, then you will know that kids like to eat. EVERY DAY. My mom was more of a defroster and/or microwaver (hi Mom, love you!). But as the years...