Jack took this photo as his entry into the Boy's Life Magazine summer photo contest. What do you think? Installment number four of the trip recap takes place in Normandy. After Lisieux, we drove to Bayeux, to a lovely bed and breakfast in an old hunting lodge, built...

#3: in Which We Go to Lisieux, Not THE Zoo, Much to Frankie’s Disappointment
But first . . . Chartres! If you like Gothic, get thee to Chartres. It's a masterpiece of French Gothic architecture. The present cathedral was begun in 1194 and dedicated in 1260, sixty-six years! But if you saw it, you'd understand. Every inch of it is carved. It's...
#2: In Which Gus Receives his First Communion and We All Receive a Valid but Illicit Blessing From a “Bishop”
If you read Part 1, you'll know we arrived in Lourdes one day late. So, instead of the two days I had planned for, we had one full day in Lourdes in which to Do All the Things! And we did. Really, we did. We met up with my parents, who had already been in Lourdes...
Becoming a Family of Prayer
You guys actually read my crazy Day in the Life post. All the way to the bottom! And some of you had questions about it. So, I'll be addressing those questions over the next few weeks. How we do bedtime routines, why our kids don't have their own beds, letting our...
How to Love Your Kids and Like Them Too
Discipline. It's a scary word that conjures up images of switches behind the shed and nuns with rulers in hand. But I'm here to tell you that it's the thing that makes me not only love my children, but genuinely enjoy being around them. We live in a Chicken Little...
Nick and Tesla: Fiction for Kids Who Love Science, or Reading, or Both
You guys. I love these books. When I was a kid I my grandmother gave me one of those personalized children's books where you fill out a questionnaire about the child and get a book back. It said something like "Only KENDRA and her best friend KRISTEN could save their...
Saving Mr. Banks is a Movie About . . .
movies. It's a movie about the creative process, and the investment of creators in their creations. It's a movie about charming doggedness triumphing over crabby nitpickiness. But mostly, it's a movie about fathers. A really good movie about fathers. The Big Story of...
The Three Most Important Things I Do Before Having a Baby
Hey all, I'm super excited to be guest posting today for my friend Haley from Carrots for Michaelmas while she finishes up the edits on her Liturgical Year Cookbook. The Three Most Important Things I Do Before Having a Baby If you’re expecting me to say things like...
Baby Steps to Living the Liturgical Year as a Family
My Catholic faith journey has been all about baby steps. God never knocked me off my bicycle, blinded me, and gave me a talking to. It's been slow and steady the whole way. And making the feasts and fasts part of our family's day-to-day life has been no different. For...
Homeschooling: One-Room Schoolhouse Meets Three-Ring Circus
In the comments of a kind of random post about some Latin quizzes I made, Tamar and Caitlin asked me how I manage a homeschool day with four different grades, a preschooler, a toddler, and one in the oven. I guess the real answer is: Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't....
If I Can’t Have it All, I Choose to Not Have the Vacuuming
In the early years of marriage and kids we lived in a series of small apartments and houses. I had a little system in which I allotted specific tasks to specific days of the week, which I had written down on a schedule that was taped up inside a cabinet door. I won't...
Make a Mud Pie (it just may save your life): 7 Quick Takes XXVII
--- 1 --- Okay, maybe that's hyperbole. But SCIENCE says that women tend to have allergies and auto-immune diseases at a statistically higher rate than men, perhaps because they don't get exposed to as much immune-system-boosting mud and dirt as children. So here my...
Hey America, Pregnancy: You’re Doing it Wrong
I've debated writing this post for a while, because really -- who wants to be the poster-child for "irresponsible pregnancy?" But, you know me, I can't resist a can of worms. And I think it needs to be said. So, here goes: You know all that stuff you're not supposed...
Five New Picture Books That Won’t Ruin Your Kids
Have I mentioned that I do not like sassy, disobedient picture books? I have? Well, let me say it again: I doanlikum. Sometimes a trip to the library can feel like I'm slashing through a jungle of fart jokes and hating the new baby and running away from home so dad...
The One Secret of Championship Mothering
Just a couple of weeks ago, in my seventh quick take, I mentioned that I'm not a believer in that oft-spouted mantra: "Hey kids! You can be anything you want to be!" Well, I still believe that (or I still don't believe it, I guess), but I recently read something that...
You’re Either the Flower or You’re the Watering Can
One isn't better than the other. They are complimentary. Both are good. Of course, that's easy for me to say, since I'm the flower. But it really does seem to be true of all the marriages I'm party to the ins and outs of. And it doesn't always break down according to...
Always Mean What You Say: The HOW of Parenting With Authority (a summer re-run)
Here's another summer re-run from the early days of the blog, so maybe you've already seen this one. But if your kids are driving you crazy this summer, this might be able to help. For a post on WHY we practice Parenting With Authority, see here. I started out to make...
Charity That Kids Can Understand
Among our many goals for our kids is that they would grow up to be generous and charitable. We figure the best time to start laying that foundation is . . . now. But it's easier said than done, right? I started my kids' charitable giving by secretly cleaning out...
A Commenter’s Astute Medical Diagnosis: 7 Quick Takes XVI
--- 1 --- Back in January, when I started this here blog, I hooked it up to Amazon Associates. That means that when you click on a link from the blog that takes you to Amazon, then you buy something, I get a teeny, tiny percentage of what you spend. Now,...
How Butter Proves the Existence of God (a summer re-run)
Hey, summer re-runs aren't just for network TV right? If you saw this post, you'll know that I'm planning to run some of my earliest blog posts over the summer while I try to accomplish some other things. So in case you missed it, here's a post from Day 5 of this...
I’m on a Retreat Right Now: Here’s How
By the time you're reading this I'll have been on a retreat for a whole day with another day to go. I know I OUGHT to make time to go on a retreat every year. I know I'm always glad I went when I get back home. But there were a few years, those years with all little...
Pentecost is Bigger Than Christmas
Seriously. And don't try to pretend like you already knew. Unless, like me, you have kids who use the 1963 Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism for school. In which case, like me, maybe you found out that Pentecost is bigger than Christmas in front of your first...
The Making Excuses Game
I teach my children to make excuses for bad behavior, and I don't even require that the excuses be particularly believable. It's fine if they are, but sometimes the most outlandish excuses are the most fun.And before you figure I've finally gone off the parenting...
What Opus Dei Isn’t
A friend asked me to weigh in on this really, REALLY long negative take on Opus Dei, written by an unhappy former member, and the resulting back and forth on her facebook timeline. But, it got way too long for facebook, so I'm putting it here. So . . . what Opus Dei...
The Mysterious Benedict Society
Hey all, while we're out of town for Easter Break, I'm cleaning out my drafts folder. So if this sounds like it was written a while ago, it probably was. I'll still be checking comments, so feel free to have an opinion. And a very happy...
Encouraging Discerning Readership in Children (and an update to my Percy Jackson review)
Hey all, while we're out of town for Easter Break, I'm cleaning out my drafts folder. So if this sounds like it was written a while ago, it probably was. I'll still be checking comments, so feel free to have an opinion. And a very happy Easter to you and yours!In...