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New Book, Limited Edition Merch, a Giveaway, and the Thing I Was Wrong About Last Spring

by | Nov 17, 2020 | Uncategorized | 98 comments

It’s been a while you guys, since I last typey typed up a blog post. But I’ve had a lot in the works for you guys. First things first . . .

A new book!

You will probably not be surprised that I wrote another book. (There are more in the pipeline too!) But you MIGHT be surprised that I wrote a book of reflections for the Jesse Tree. Since . . . ya know . . . I’ve said in multiple places including in The Catholic All Year Compendium that we don’t DO the Jesse Tree. 😆

And we didn’t. We tried it when my oldest kids were little, and it wasn’t a super success for our family. It felt like a lot of flipping around between various mediums, and the length each day was inconsistent, and we gave it up. So, when Scott Hahn‘s publishing company reached out and asked me to write a book on the Jesse Tree, I knew what I had to do. Say yes anyway . . . and figure out how to make it useful and doable and beautiful and good. O Come, Emmanuel: Advent Reflections on the Jesse Tree for Families was written to solve the issues we had with the devotion as a young family.

It has everything you need right there between the covers: art + Bible reading + reflection + prayer. Each day’s content is similar in length, and not too long for little kids to manage. It’s appropriate for all ages from toddler to adult. It’s rooted in Catholic Scripture and Tradition but ecumenical in presentation, so we can share it with non-Catholic family friends. And it’s a high-quality, full-color, beautifully illustrated, sturdy hardcover book that will last for many kids and many Advents.

It’s available at Emmaus Road Publishing and Amazon and wherever else books are sold!

I hope it will be a great success for your family!

I wanted to be sure we had ornaments available to go with the particular symbols featured in the book. My friends at Emmaus Road Publishing have created a very cute set of printable ornaments to color and cut, yay!

Get your FREE Downloadable Jesse Tree Ornament Set PDF Coloring Pages to go with the book here!

But, I was hoping for ornaments that were less, um, scribbly, so I started looking at the lovely Jesse Tree sets available online. Unfortunately, none matched the particular set of symbols in Ms. Pilapil-Lasa’s artwork, to which I had paired the reflections in the book.

Then I started awake one night a week after I submitted the manuscript with an idea that the husband and I agreed was one of the worst I’ve ever had. And I did it anyway. I bought a laser cutter and designed a set of wooden ornaments to go along with the symbols in the book. I fired that baby up and my oldest sons and I have been changing out sheets of plywood 20 hours per day for weeks, and little kids have been popping them out and peeling and sorting them, and everyone has been packing boxes to create custom-engraved, custom-cut, beautiful wooden Jesse Tree ornament sets in case they’d help you make your Jesse Tree dreams a reality.

There are a VERY limited number of these sets available. I wish I could have made more, but they are really complicated and time consuming and I love them, but I cannot make any more! So if you want one, don’t delay.

There’s a 2-inch version that comes with a tree that can hang on the wall or stand on a tabletop with the included stand (see image above), and a 3-inch version good for hanging from a mantle or on a Christmas tree. Both sets include a signed copy of the book. Shipping to U.S. addresses only.

Get a limited edition Tierney-crafted Jesse Tree Ornament Set here, while supplies last!

And, just for fun, I want to give away one of each set to those of you who’ve ordered a book. Leave a comment here on this blog post telling me that you bought the book and I’ll choose two winners tomorrow (Thursday 11/19) morning. (If you bought a set then you win the giveaway, I’m happy to refund your purchase or send your extra set to the recipient of your choice.) Be sure to check back on the comments on Thursday to see if you won. You’ll have 24 hours to contact me, or I’ll choose a new winner, just to make sure I can get these shipped out in time to be used! Shipping to U.S. addresses only, sorry!

Next announcement:

An All New Catholic Mom Bundle!

It’s that time again! There’s an all new Catholic Mom Bundle for Advent filled with activities for kids, resources for prayer, marriage, and organization, crafts and decor, and much more!

These bundle sales are so fun for me. I love trying to come up with a product people didn’t know they wanted, but will end up using! My contribution this time around is a Rosary printables set with posters, booklets, and prayer cards perfect for little hands during a family Rosary. They’d also make fun Valentines!

Individually, all of this would cost $557. But for 5 days all 21 products for Catholic moms, by Catholic moms are available as a bundle for only $25. The sale ends November 20. See all the details and the other great products included here.

If you just want to enter the giveaway, feel free to pop over to buy the book, and then scroll right past this to the comments to tell me you’ve got your book and want to win an ornament set!

But if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been for the past few months, I figured I’d give you a quick little update here. Mostly, I haven’t been blogging because I’ve been really busy with new opportunities that keep presenting themselves. I’ve turned in two book manuscripts. I’ve been asked to record talks for a bunch of virtual conferences and have spoken virtually to smaller groups all over the world (one of my Patreon subscription levels includes a virtual talk!). I went to Chicago to film a video series on family prayer at Spirit Juice Studios for the St. John Paul II Foundation.

It was SUPER fun.

I totally redesigned my liturgical year wall calendar pages for 2021, and made four artwork versions, plus a large format desk calendar.

See all the calendar choices on the home page. “Print Version” means an actual physical calendar will be shipped to you. “Digital download” means you get a PDF to use on a digital device or print at home. Get 10% off of the print versions with the code SELFPUBLISH10 (in all caps) until November 20th at 11:59 PM. Print versions of the calendar ship worldwide!

I spent a crazy number of hours working on these ornament sets, with lots of helpers. Figuring out a Glowforge and Adobe Illustrator was no mean feat. (Here’s my Glowforge referral link if you want to join me in the high highs and low lows of home laser cutting!)

But also, I disappeared from blogging because I painted myself into a corner a bit with my last blog post. I stand by the main point of it, that if one wants something blogged about . . . one should start a blog and blog about it, rather than requiring others to do so. But also I kind of implied that I only blog about meaningful things related to my apostolate of liturgical living in the home, and that’s just entirely not the case. This blog has always been about all sorts of things, many of them meaningful, many of them silly. I figured anything I wrote about next would probably get me accused of being a hypocrite and worse, so, with so many other places to spend my energy, I just let the blog sit.

Then I watched The Social Dilemma and found it super convicting that social media isn’t a healthy place to spend a lot of time, and I read a great article that I can’t find right now that encouraged Catholics and other non-woke voices to return to blogging because of the purposeful suppression of those voices on mainstream social media, so I’m feeling like I really SHOULD be blogging more. I just need to make the time. Pray for me!

Family stuff is good. The husband is doing well, latest scans show no change, which is good news. We are grateful for your continued prayers on that front. It’s hard to believe that this time last year George was hospitalized. He’s still in physical and occupational therapy for lingering apraxia of balance, but is overall really great and such a joy.

I think that’s it! Get your copy of O Come, Emmanuel (and have you seen these new paper goods that coordinate with it PERFECTLY?!) and leave a comment here to enter the giveaway, and get yourself an ornament set before they’re gone, just in case, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!


  1. Stephanie

    What a providential post! I’m just in the middle of making our own set of Jesse tree ornaments to do it for the first time (so don’t enter me for the giveaway, thanks!) and am trying to figure out how we’re going to actually, y’know, DO the Jesse tree once I’ve completely the obviously-most-fun craft bit.

    It’s good to see you back here, Kendra. I’m completely off Facebook, Twitter, etc, so Catholic blogs are my main online media.

    • candace

      have ALWAYS loved your blogs and insight and general awesomeness!! keep sharing!!

    • Stephanie

      Just ordered your book for my domestic church! My eldest son just asked this week if we can do a Jesse Tree this year. Perfect timing. Thank you! Praying we get a set of your BEAUTIFUL ornaments, as they’re all sold out now. Thank you!

      • Katherine H Chetta

        I just got the book and I can’t wait to use it with my kiddos! The sets look beautiful!

  2. Tony

    I purchased a copy of your book, O Come, Emmanuel.

    • Talitha Rhein

      Purchased the book on Amazon! We haven’t started this tradition yet, but hope to as we have a bit more elbow room with homeschooling this year 🙂 .

  3. Monica

    I’m so glad you are back! Your thoughts and voice are so appreciated. Beautiful book — congratulations!

  4. Amanda Wolf

    I bought the book as soon as I saw the email. Then scoured the internet for laser cut Jesse tree ornaments. Nothing. Then this. How cool to just do it thyself (with family to help) They are lovely. Glad you are back to blogging. Can’t wait to get the book. Praying for you always. You are such a gift to us moms. Thank you.

  5. Lacey Flaim

    I bought the book and I love it already! I wanted to do a Jesse Tree so bad, but couldn’t figure out how and this book is perfect. Already having to fight my 20 month old, because he loves the pictures so much he thinks it’s his book. Can’t wait to start using it!

    • Rachel Enot

      I purchased your new book and I’m excited to start using it! My 3 year old is super into stories now and I think it’ll be a perfect way to learn salvation history! Thank you for all you do!

    • Natalie Elskamp

      Just bought the book! I can’t tell you how excited I am that you did this. We have multiple Jesse tree references but we always end up using a hodge podge of papers, booklets, board book bibles, kids bibles and an “adult” Bible. For years I’ve said, “I’m going to make a book just for our family with all the readings and prayers in one place!” And never have. This is exactly what I wanted. Every Jesse tree list is different though, but thankfully, most of our ornaments are needing to be replaced this year so it’s a perfect time to start new! Although, my husband’s Noah’s ark ornament with a beer bottle cap with a dove looking creature on it, might just stay, it’s too perfect… Thanks for creating more great stuff!

  6. Tressa Maciag

    The Jesse Tree had always intimidated me but when I saw you came out with a book, I had to dive in to this tradition!

  7. Renee Heinlein

    I am SUPER excited as I just ordered your advent book! I came across your blog several weeks ago and saw your new book on advent that was coming out and told my husband about it. We have five children aged 22,20,16,14 and 9. Over the years we have used a variety of materials for our family advent reflection and prayer and none of them worked for our family. Some seemed too simple and others geared towards teens. Just yesterday I told my husband I need to order your book but could not find the site!!! I even had him check our computers history to find your blog site without success!! And then this morning in the inbox was your e-mail! God was certainly at work again! Looking forward to advent with your book! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a beautiful Christmas!!

  8. Patricia Lowzinski

    I just bought your Jesse tree book. I used to do this with my children, excited to have this new resource for my Grandchildren. Your ornaments look beautiful. Please enter me in your giveaway.

  9. Jennifer Macht

    I purchased the book and am so grateful for you and your wisdom. Thanks for helping me figure out how to practice liturgical living with my young family and grow in my faith. Blessings!

  10. Rose Osada

    Bought the book! Happy to see you back to blogging and looking forward to reading more.

  11. Charity Witherow

    I just purchased your book! We’ve gone through two Jesse Tree devotionals (neither of which are Catholic) and they have not been the best fit for all ages. I’m so excited to start yours with my soon to be 4 little ones! We would cherish an ornament set. Every year I think about buying a pricey set on Etsy but can’t bring myself to spend the extra money- there’s always so much to buy this time of year! Prayers for a peaceful and joyful Advent season to you and yours

    • Meaghan Thorpe

      Kendra, I am so happy you are back on the blog!! Your voice has been missed!

      I was hunter-gathering various Advent books (and looked at your post on this!)…but I know this will be the winner in our family. We just ordered a copy of your book. Very excited to have it in our home and in our Advent traditions!

  12. Lisa Uberti

    I hadn’t looked into the Jesse Tree in the past, in part because I figured if it didn’t work for you, it couldn’t work for me. I was so excited to see a new post from you, and the LLHU about the book, I bought it right away! I got the Compendium in September of last year, and it has truly changed my family’s life, so I trust that you can make this accessible and doable for us as well. I can’t tell you the impact you’ve had on us, but some of the highlights are that we now homeschool our kids, and became open to life in a way we hadn’t been before, even with NFP. #4 is due on Christmas Eve! I can never thank you enough, Kendra, and I pray for you and your family every day.

  13. Ingrid Pillow

    Yay, excited to see your email in my inbox this morning! This could not have come at a better time. I’ve been trying to paint my own Jesse tree ornaments since last Christmas and just can’t seem to find the time. I’ve also been on the search for a book just like this. I just purchased! Thank you! I have not seen the Social Dilemma yet, but have heard enough about it that and am not on social media now, so keep blogging 🙂

  14. Heather White

    Just ordered the book! The ornaments look beautiful!

  15. Katie Walters

    Sometimes I wonder if Amazon is a bad thing because it is so convenient, but I do love that I just grabbed your new book just like that!! I would love the ornaments to go along with it and hang on the mantle. They are beautiful! Great job!

  16. Stacy Whitaker

    I ordered O Come, Emmanuel as soon as I heard it was out! I’m also a Jesse Tree failure. The length of the reflections looks perfect for my ten and under crowd.

    • Em

      I ordered the book and am so happy to see this blog post with plans for more from you!

  17. Stephanie Robie

    Trying to win part of comment: I just ordered a set of ornaments with the book.
    Thanksgiving part of the comment: I am so glad you have taken up the ‘pen’ again to blog. Your writing is one of the few that sounds genuine to me. You have been a candle leading me to liturgical living. Thank you for sharing your gifts so I can stumble less while leading my children on their journey to sainthood.

  18. Erica Miller

    It’s so beautiful!! I bought the book! Can’t wait to get it!

  19. Elizabeth

    So excited you’re back! I’ve missed you 🙂

  20. Skye

    Hi Kendra! Your last pot-luck blog was great food for thought and is actually one of the reasons I don’t want to start a blog. I’m *really* not interested in addressing all the main concerns of the day unless I want to; but perhaps that where prayer and discernment comes in. I’ve never shied away from disagreements in the past, but now it feels like everyone is working with a different set of facts. And those facts seems to align w political parties – that might be the most painful part for me. I used to have fruitful discussions about how to solve our common problems with all my friends – regardless of our different political persuasions. Now because we can barely agree on the problem, we cannot have a discussion at all.

    So your last post made sense – and was helpful for me. But I understand what you’re saying here – that this blog is about all sorts of things. And that is what I love. It’s a safe space for us but it’s thought-provoking too. So thankful for you and your insights. You have taught me a lot.

    Thanks for your books and Jesse Tree. I am such a fan of everything you write and I love the extra edification that you give me to learn a new perspective. So many prayers for you, Jim, and the kids.

    • Kendra

      Thank you Skye. I’m so grateful for your support. And yes, these are trying times and the obstacles to civility and discussion are heartbreaking. I’m just trying to remember that God raises up saints for each age, including this one. And to have an eternal perspective. And I’m pretty sure we’re not even cracking the top of the rankings for trying times in history.

  21. Meg Goth

    The book is so wonderful! Just got it last night! Would love the set of ornaments!

  22. Lindsay

    I bought the book and would love to win a set of ornaments! Thank you for making liturgical living feasible for those of us who don’t write books or laser cut ornaments

  23. ajunkel

    I bought the book! We moved and can’t find chocolate advent calendars, so I need it to be as exciting every day as that

  24. Gladys

    Long time reader, first time commenter. I bought the ornament set for my family but would be grateful to be entered into the giveaway and if I win, it would be a gift to my nieces/goddaughters. Thank you!

  25. Christina Forth

    Hi! I’m not sure if signing up for Patreon to get the book is a valid entry, but ‍♀️. Love that it came out in time for our local MOPS Jesse Tree ornament swap. I made Bethlehem using clear ornaments from Michaels, sand and a cricut svg.

    Fun fact: apparently there are different versions on the Jesse Tree. I guess I’ll have to swap some ornaments to make them fit around the book.

    Does anyone else have a dedicated tree just for the ornaments?

    • Kendra

      Yes, signing up for Patreon counts! 🙂

    • Bryn Peters

      Yes! We have a mini Christmas tree for our Jesse tree ornaments. It’s about 4 feet tall and we usually put it in our front entry foyer or our dining room!

  26. Bryn Peters

    We have always struggled with the Jesse tree each year, and I’ve been searching for the right book for our family. I just ordered your book from Amazon, and I’m thrilled to try it out this year with our 7 kids!

    I’d be so grateful to be entered into the ornament giveaway. Although it’s not in my budget at the moment, I can see that it’s worth every penny and is totally a Tierney family labor of love! Thanks for all you do Kendra!

  27. Breanne Espen

    I’ve purchased the book! Also, your comment about ‘scribbly’ ornaments is exactly how I feel about crafts!

    • Katrina G

      Just purchased the book!

      We tried a version of a Jesse tree a few years ago … but it flopped … similar experience as yours! I love the idea of Jesse trees so hopefully the book will help even if we don’t win and roll with the scribbly ornaments

      • Kendra

        Katrina, you are a random number generated winner of a Jesse Tree ornament set! Congratulations! Please email me at catholicallyear@gmail.com by midnight tonight pacific time (Thursday 11/19).

  28. Melecia DiLiberto

    Wow YOU have blown my mind! I Have been looking for a Jesse Tree and ornament set like this for years! I resorted to making my own but they are worn out and not very sturdy to hold up over the years.Thank you so much for making this!! It’s perfect! I would love to win one! I ordered the bookBy the way, I am loving my Patreon subscription! We have used it since Lent.

  29. Cathy Reichert

    I bought your book! I’m so excited to do this with our children this year! You have helped our family live the liturgical year so much better! Thank you!

  30. Nadia

    Your ornament set is gorgeous! I purchased the book and hoping that my children will love learning about the Jesse Tree.

  31. Anna Spooner

    Is there somewhere other then Facebook that I can get the moms bundle? I deleted my Facebook in April and haven’t looked back.

  32. Michelle Velasquez

    We’ve been trying to do the Jesse Tree tradition for a few years and haven’t managed to make it work either. We were so excited for making our own ornaments that first year and ended up with a whopping…two! I’m sure this will help it come together for us. Thank you for this wonderful addition to our Catholic traditions.

    • Michelle Velasquez

      Oops, I was supposed to say I bought the book! I bought the book!

  33. susan

    I ordered your book and received it yesterday! So beautiful! Really want the laser cut ornaments! Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks for all you do!

  34. Ashley Njaa

    I bought the book this morning. Very excited for it and for the upcoming prayer companion. Thank you for the work that you do.

  35. Maria Liles

    Hi! I just got your new book in the mail! It is beautiful and awesome! Thank you for writing it! I love the Jesse Tree devotion but its hard to be consistent. I also love everything you blog about! I’ve started getting back into blogs because social media is like a time wormhole!

  36. Stephanie Scordato

    I purchased a copy of the book and very excited to dive in! Thank you!

  37. Liz Huysentruyt

    These are beautiful! Looking forward to picking up the book- I’ve been trying to figure out how to tackle the Jesse Tree for awhile!

  38. Michelle

    I ordered the book! I’m so excited to receive it and use for Advent this year. We love doing the Jesse Tree and since I love your ideas for feast celebrations all year I know this will be wonderful as well. Also, I thought I posted already but it didn’t show up.

  39. Grace Soderberg

    Wonderful! I’ve searching for a Jesse Tree and materials as I want to have one with my Little One for this Advent.

  40. Joy

    I just ordered the book last night! So excited to receive it!

  41. Anne Hilker

    I bought the book! I sent you a message on Facebook last week inquiring about which symbols would be included. That settles that! So beautiful!

  42. Jamie Mears

    Just purchased the book on Amazon and would love the opportunity to win your homemade ornaments. I bought The Catholic All Year Compendium earlier this year and love following you! Blessings to your family and peace be with you!

  43. Cassie

    How could you do this to me, Kendra?! I finally decided NOT to try the Jesse Tree this year… and you off and write a book to make it do-able. I guess I’ll give it a try after all! (I’ve ordered the book & would like to be entered in the giveaway)

    • Katie Brenneman-Upah

      I have ordered the book and would desperately love a set of ornaments to go along with it. Yesterday, my 12 yo daughter asked me what special thing we could do this advent…. and your email arrived today! This is soooo perfect! We LOVE all your works …. from The Little Book about Confession to your Catholic All Year Compendium! Thank you for all your gifts!!

  44. Laura

    Love this! I bought the book because I wanted everything in one place! Previously, I’ve had to look up daily verses or print off sheets of paper, which didn’t always match the Bible verses. It became too much disorganization! Thank you!

  45. Hope B

    I got the book. Looking forward to trying it!

  46. Jennifer McCarthy

    I bought the book…we’re excited to give the Jesse Tree a try this year.

  47. Mackenzie

    so beautiful! I ordered a book on amazon and would’ve loved to order a 3″ set of ornaments – so please enter me in the drawing! And if another set becomes available I would love to know!!

  48. Betka

    Yay! I bought the book! Jesse Tree was a beautiful tradition in our early family (with my first, perfect child) but once we acquired a critical mass of boys things deteriorated for just the reasons you give. I so needed to resurrect this as a happy custom this Christmas! Thank you for saying yes!

  49. Marie

    I love, love, LOVE this post and the only bummer was I was too late to order either of the ornaments, so yes, please enter me in the giveaway! I just purchased O Come, O Come Emmanuel from Amazon. Great to hear from you Kendra and God Bless you and your family!

  50. Amanda O'Neill

    So excited! I just ordered the book! We loved doing your stations of the cross this year. Really looking forward to using devotions for Advent.

  51. Kathryn

    I just purchased your new book! So excited!

  52. Eileen Duke

    I bought three books to share with our grandchildren. Unfortunately, the ornaments were already sold out! I would love to win at least one set to give away. Please let us know if you decide to make more.

  53. PZ

    I loved your last blog post. Like really loved it and did a fist pump loved it.

    I did not think you painted yourself in a corner. On the contrary you held others accountable for their own call to stand up for what they believe in.

    I love your blog. Always have. Even when I haven’t agreed, I have loved it. Keep it up! Knowing that there is another family that also celebrates the liturgical year is comforting.

    God bless,

  54. ikaiya

    I just placed my order for the book!

  55. Betsy Black

    I bought the hardcover book. So excited!

  56. Anissa Ripple

    I just purchased a copy of the new book. I am so excited. I love your books and am hoping this will be a success for us. We have tried others and just haven’t been able to get into them. I was bummed that the ornaments were already sold out. Hoping to win a set. Thanks for all you do to help Catholic families with their liturgical living!

  57. Maria

    I can’t wait to get my copy. You continue to amaze me!

  58. Olinda

    I jusg placed order for your new book!! I can’t wait go recive it.

  59. Carol Ezovski

    I just discovered your blog and am so excited! There is so much to read and learn about here, not to mention a chance to win this wonderful book and the ornaments.

  60. Liz Miller

    I’ve thought/heard about the Jesse tree in the past, but never done it myself–you’ve inspired me to try it with my family this year, Kendra. I bought your book and would love to be entered in your drawing! Regardless, my little guy is going to love coloring those printable ornaments and this will give us all a good focus during Advent! Thanks for sharing!

  61. LT

    Welcome back!!!! I have missed your posts and this made my day.
    Wow, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s Glowforge… I’ve been wanting one of those for years ever since I met my first laser engraver in a college drafting class. Someday!
    At the risk of sounding unorthodox, would you consider selling the files for the laser engravings similar to how you sell digital downloads? I don’t know if there is a way to do that. That way those lucky enough to have access to an engraver could print ornaments, too.

    • Kendra

      Ooh, that’s an interesting idea. I am up to my eyeballs in packing and shipping, but if you email me in a couple days, I might be able to put it together.

  62. Andrea

    Hi Kendra! Just ordered your new book to begin our new family tradition and to add to our Catholic All Year library. Hoping we win one of these beautiful sets. Thank you so much!

    • Kendra

      Andrea, you are a random number generated winner of a Jesse Tree ornament set! Congratulations! Please email me at catholicallyear@gmail.com by midnight tonight pacific time (Thursday 11/19).

  63. Lori

    Our family does a Jesse Tree each year – it’s one of our favorite traditions. I was looking for a new option this year to keep it fresh, and this looks lovely! I purchased on Amazon. I missed out on the ornaments and would love to win either set. 🙂

  64. Amy Penton

    Just ordered your book and can’t wait to get it!

  65. Sara C

    Ordered the book last night, hoping you didn’t already do the ornament drawing.

  66. Debra ward

    Bought the book. Soo sad I missed the ornaments. There were five left and went to check out and they were gone. Hoping now maybe I win the tree and ornaments. Love love love it! If not, is there anyway you could sell your cut file so those of us that own Cricuts could make one?

  67. Melissa Jansen

    I just got my book yesterday! I’m excited to use it. We’ve never done the Jesse tree before.

  68. Isabel Marin

    I ordered the book via Patreon! Sad I missed the ornaments and would love to enter the giveaway!

  69. Amanda

    Bought the book! Looking forward to using it this year!

  70. Monique Fleischer

    I’m so pleased to see you back! I immediately ordered your version of the Jesse Tree – it was already my plan for this advent and I was trying to figure out which version to use. Now you’ve got me organized. Thank you!

  71. Karen E Kosiarek

    Kendra, I’m really excited about your book. But I’m surprised that the reflections start on December 1, as that has always frustrated me with non-Catholic Jesse Tree resources, since they don’t follow the liturgical season. I haven’t read the whole book yet, but are there suggestions for matching it to Advent?

    I’d love to get another chance to buy the ornaments! Maybe another Catholic hobby woodmaker would be willing to take on the project?

    Congrats on the book!

    • Kendra

      I know, I know! The whole book came about because Emmaus Road Publishing acquired the existing piece of art, which is a whole painting divided into 25 pieces each with one symbol. So, the 25 days was set. We almost took the word “Advent” out of the subtitle, since this presentation is a “December” devotion, rather than an “Advent” devotion. But in the end we kept the Advent reference. I do like the idea of having the correct number of days for Advent, but I also really like this artwork and how all the pieces come together into one.

    • Stephanie

      I’ve considered a number of Jesse tree schema but actually it’s really annoying because Advent is a different length every year so you either end up with extras or end up losing some bits. So starting on 1st December ended up being the only option that made sense to me.

  72. Allison

    I have the book and was moved by the beautiful artwork—it’s almost like a hidden picture puzzle. Can’t wait to use the devotions this year!

  73. Maria

    Glad you’re back Kendra- seems like you’ve been up to a TON!

  74. Toni Carmon

    So glad to see you back on here Kendra! I’ve been reading your blog for years – my children are almost all in college now but we maintain so many of the liturgical living traditions I learned from you. They love sharing them with their college friends. They bring their friends home for seven churches on Holy Thursday, celebrate name days at school, celebrate Catholic New Year’s Eve with their friends – and it just makes me so happy when they ask me to share all the fun ideas I’ve learned from you throughout the years. We’ve just started a group at our parish to celebrate feast days together, encourage each other, and share ideas throughout the year. I love giving away your books and calendars as gifts to young and old alike. Like you, I also watched Social Dilemma and deleted all my social media so I am happy that you’re back!

    • Kendra

      I love hearing this! Thank you so much.

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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

If you’d like to learn more about what Catholics believe and why, and to be inspired by saints from every era all over the world, you’ve come to the right place. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of how to teach your kids about the faith in a way that’s true, engaging, and lasts a lifetime, we can help!

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