I’ve received many reader questions on this topic over the years, and just discussed them again this week in a Q&A session after an online talk I gave to a parent group, so I figured it would be a good time to go ahead and get it in a post.
Here goes . . .

Q: Do your kids have phones? Do they have smartphones and social media accounts? What kind of access do your younger kids have to devices? How do you manage peer pressure and kids’ desire for technology vs what you want for them as a parent?
A: The older kids do. Only the eighteen-year-old. None. What I think is right as a parent wins every time over what my kids think they should have and ESPECIALLY over what other people’s kids think my kids should have.
That’s the short version. The long version is that I know that this is a sensitive subject and I’m not here to cast aspersions on decisions that other people have made for their own families. If you are doing something that’s working for you, that’s good. Feel free to just scroll on down to read about how you guys crashed my IT guy’s server and how Emily and I are scrambling to try to make more box subscriptions available. But for those of you who maybe aren’t feeling great about decisions you’ve made, or those of you who are facing these decisions in the future, I’d like to share a little about what didn’t work for our family and what seems to be working now.

First off, I’ll say that I don’t think that the way we as a society are currently using technology—and specifically our phones—is the way that we always will. What society sees as a normal, healthy activity changes as we see its long-term consequences. Even very entrenched behavior patterns change with time. When I see photos of people in groups and at parties all holding their phones, I think of how in photos of previous generations everyone in groups and at parties was smoking. Then, eventually, we all decided that smoking wasn’t necessarily a great lifestyle choice and now, most group photos don’t feature everyone holding a cigarette.

We aren’t bound to make choices for ourselves and our kids based on what everyone else happens to think is a good idea at this particular moment in time. As Catholics, we have an eternal perspective. So, with that in mind, we’ve made some eternally-minded counter-cultural choices for our family.
None of our minor children have smartphones. Our older teenagers have flip phones. Our younger teenagers have Kindles. Our kids under thirteen don’t have access to cell phones or iPads. We have . . . a landline telephone. One. With a cord. On a wall in the living room. (It’s also a rotary dial, just to really commit to this thing. #notkidding)

Like most counter-cultural choices, these were a bit of a leap and a bit of a process for us. When my oldest kids were little, we had an iPad for them. We incorporated it into our homeschool day. The school-aged kids had some educational games they were allowed to play on it. The toddlers had some swipey Duplo games they were allowed to play while the older kids did school. It seemed like a good plan.
But it was not a success. My school-aged kids did not learn anything meaningful on the iPad. Full disclosure: they did win a presidential trivia competition at the Reagan Library based on knowledge gained from a game called Presidents vs Aliens, but that’s really the best we can claim. On the horrifying side, they were exposed to explicit cartoons that they accidentally happened upon.

My toddlers were not made less distracting or troublesome by the iPad. In fact, the very existence of the iPad, and the possibility that one might be granted access to it, became foremost in their minds. They exhibited addictive behaviors around it. They would fiend for it. It was a source of unhappiness and conflict.
So, now, none of the kids under thirteen in my house have access to devices. We just went cold turkey on it about six years ago and never looked back. I never, ever hand my phone to my babies, toddlers, or kids. Ever. (It’s a standard, Always Mean What You Say, “not for babies” situation.) They have limited community-only access to TV and video games, but no access to personal screens. They get to be kids without the burden of the desire to be iPadding.

Eventually, we start stair-stepping them up in supervised access to devices, in a way that we hope encourages their responsible use.
At about thirteen, our kids get access to an ad-free Kindle tablet. They can use it for ebooks, audiobooks, music, and email. We use parental controls to turn off the internet browser and app store, and we set a curfew on it, so it’s not accessible when they should be sleeping or doing school. There is a stated policy of no expectation of privacy on devices around here. They belong to mom and dad, and we have complete access to everything on them. We understand that the kids certainly could find inappropriate material on them, even with access to only the aforementioned platforms, so we talk to them about pornography and why it’s so devastating, we show them this video by Fight the New Drug, and we monitor their use as much as possible.
If Kindle-users around here misuse them or are unable to avoid temptation or if they need more time to focus on school or getting to their chores, the Kindle goes away for a time.

At about sixteen, our kids get an old-school flip phone. They can use it for phone calls and texts. The browser is disabled if possible, otherwise it’s just off-limits. (We have a freestanding GPS in the car for navigating.) They are required to be accessible by phone when away from home (which means remembering to keep it charged and bring it along and answer it when possible) and to respond to texts from mom and dad in a timely manner. They (and the younger teens) also have access to some computer-based google chats with classmates, also with the understanding that they are not private, and that access to them is dependent on appropriate and charitable use. But that’s it. They get to be teens without the burden of social media.

At about eighteen, our oldest got an iPhone and got to choose whether or not to join social media. He has a couple of accounts, but isn’t a big user of social media, which I think is a good choice for a college student. I first got on social media at thirty-seven, which seems about right to me, but we watched The Social Dilemma together, then left the decision up to him.
Of course, our parenting decisions change based on the needs of individual kids and particular circumstances. But this parenting decision that seemed crazy and unusual at the time, and—I guess—was, has turned out to feel like one of our all-time best. It’s really been a way to help safeguard our kids and their free time in an era when busyness reigns and bullies are faceless and childhood innocence is often lost early. Fortunately, Tierneys have a strong family culture and are not beholden to “everybody else is doing it.” And we are really blessed to have a great school and community around us in which our kids are NOT actually the only kids without access to smartphones. I mean, we’d still do what we think is right, but it IS nice to have that backup.
So, if you’re considering un-devicing your little kids, and taking it slow with older kids and phones, I say: Do it. Ten out of ten. Would recommend.
My oldest is 12, and I have no plans to allow social media. He wouldn’t be the one to care, anyway! We do let them have kindles, because I can’t think of another practical way to check out digital audiobooks from the library and they love them. That, Pandora, the camera, and the spelling app are its use and it’s been fine so far. This is the first year I’ve let 2 kids use an iPad app for school, and since it’s just one program it hasn’t caused fighting. 3rd grade and up learns to type and code on the desktop.
We had a flip phone but the service was terrible so there’s an iPhone everyone shares now. It has a real advantage of FaceTiming grandma without taking my phone. I’m tempted by an actual landline, but again – this is working for now. They can take it when they go on bike rides, but it doesn’t have browser access. I do wonder how rules will change over time!
This is awesome, Kendra, and refreshing to me. Managing screens is a thorn in my side and I always have this nagging feeling that they are so very unhealthy for my kids. I have been far too lax over the past couple of years (slippery slope) and the screens have become pervasive in my home. The trouble is that my kids are 17, 15, 13 (today!), 10, and 5 and I almost feel like it’s too late to rein in the older kid(s). Honestly would love testimonials and prayers 🙂 Thank you for your confident guidance and example.
Hi Kendra,
Love all of this! Can I ask, how do you use technology, especially around your kids? Do you let your kids see you on the phone?
I’ve got this post all about it! George Washington’s Rules for Mannerly Cell Phone Use in Company and Around One’s Children