Do you know St. Catherine of Siena? She's one of our favorite saints! A doctor of the church, and a marvelous example of "holy feistiness". She did everything with a Holy Spirit-driven intensity! This intensity gave great fuel to her prayer life and inspired a holy...

20 Easy Saint Costumes Made of T-Shirts!
Hey guys! If you’ve been following me for any time at all, you know I like to go all out for All Saints’ Day. But just to prove that's not required, today we’ll be making twenty simple saint costumes . . . out of t-shirts! For many years, creating awesome costumes...
It’s the Feast of St. Mark, or: Thank You For Participating, Here’s Me Not Listening.
Thank you all so much for your responses to my reader survey! Almost 1500 of you took the time to fill it out. It's been really interesting to see the results, and to read all your kind feedback. Just ONE story of this blog being a part of a conversion or a deepening...
Easy Family Activities for the Month of the Poor Souls in November
For Catholics, November is the month we remember the dead. On November 1st, we celebrate all the saints in heaven, who are our hope and help and inspiration. The rest of the month, we focus on the holy souls in purgatory. (They are also called poor souls . . . same...
All Saints' Day Costume Backlash: only neat and tidy saints need apply?
Hey guys. 👋 I'm still not back. The book is coming along, but there's still a ways to go. But. I got this mailbag question via email and answered it via email, and wanted to share it here, just in case any of you are facing the same criticisms. I really hope...
Over 150 MORE All Saints Day Costumes for Kids: and all the winners of Catholic Costume 2015
Another excellent year of Catholic Costumes y'all. I just love the variety. Here's a look at how the Tierney kids' costumes turned out this year . . . I had all but given up on a costume for Mary Jane and I. Then, the morning of our homeschool group All Saints...
Over 150 All-Saints Day Costumes for Kids
I was so amazed at the awesomeness of your entries in the Catholic Costume Contest, that I decided to post, not just the winner, not just a handful of favorites, but almost 200 awesome Catholic costumes, made by real parents and kids just like you and yours. It seems...
Blessed Is She
I've mentioned it before, but I wanted to make sure you all know about my newest project. Blessed Is She is a daily devotional website for women. Right into your inbox, every day, you'll receive a link to the readings from daily Mass, plus a short reflection on one of...
My Apostolate of Parties and What a Hooley Is
As I chop and measure and mix and bake (and try to decide if finger-batter counts against Lenten disciplines) in preparation for our big annual Hooley at the Tierneys.' hooley: Irish slang for party or celebration; by extension, some substance with which you...
The Chair of St Peter
Happy Feast of the Chair of St. Peter! Yes, there is an actual, physical "Chair of St. Peter" housed at the Vatican. I've seen it! Jimmy Akin, can tell you everything you need to know about it and this feast, if you click here. But what to do about it, today, with...
If You’ve Already Taught Your Kids Everything They Need to Know About Their Faith, You Don’t Need This
But if, on the other hand, you have NOT already taught your kids everything they need to know about their faith, if you MEAN to teach them stuff, but sometimes don't get around to it, if you'd LIKE to teach them stuff, but don't know where to start . . . I've got...
Every Kid is Special (three days per year)
As a parent, I want to figure out how to pay enough attention to each child so that he knows he is precious and valued, but not so much that he ends up an entitled brat. Fortunately, we have enough kids that I think it would be really, really hard for us to err...