A pretty standard response to "regular" people finding out that I homeschool is, "Wow, you're amazing, I could never do that." I never know how to respond in person. So I'm going to do it here instead. I'm going to let you all in on a little secret....

Survival Guide to Air Travel II: This Time With Babies
On Tuesday, I wrote about how I keep my two-and-ups entertained during air travel. But what about babies? Just look how entertained he is. For me, six months and under is EASY. They just nurse. The whole time. Trans-Atlantic, trans-continental,...
From the Trenches: A Survival Guide to Air Travel With Small Children
Thanks to a reader question from my dear sister-in-law (Hi Brie!), today's post is on flying with kids. Ah yes, that's it. Safety first. Although this way is also fun. And this. I have done A LOT of traveling with kids. From a trip to Hawaii with the...
Percy Jackson: A Book Review in Which I Disagree With Everyone Else Who Has a Blog
My ten year old son loves to read. And though he enjoys the books recommended by our classical curriculum, sometimes he yearns to read something a bit more modern and edgy . . . or perhaps something a bit more ancient and Greek. Somewhere, he heard...
My Biggest Lent Fails and How I Learned Mortification Without Suffering (Almost)
I have already posted about our family's Lent undertakings. And what I'm doing this year. But not everything I have tried to do (or not do) for Lent has worked. Today, you get to hear about what I don't do during Lent, what I avoid not doing during Lent, things I...
A Vocation to Motherhood
This is me on my last day as a flight instructor: Scanned from a Polaroid, but isn't it awesome?My student is totally pointing at my belly. Well, I guess not quite. This was my last flight, one month to the day before Jack was born. But I was still teaching a...
Tierney Bistro: Child Labor at its Finest, for St. Valentine’s Day
If you're like me, you like your husband. You like getting dressed up. You like eating food. You like general adorableness. And being waited upon. And little bells. But if you're like me you do NOT like sitting in traffic on a Saturday...
Mardi Gras Madness and a Hoodoo Movie Review
We expect a lot from our kids. We demand good behavior in church, kneeling up straight for evening prayers, and speaking up when saying the Rosary. We keep Lent (and Advent). We fast and abstain when the Pope says we're sposta. And all that's...
Birthday in a Winter Wonderland
Our dear sweet Betty turns NINE next week, and to celebrate she wanted a Snow (Princess) themed birthday party. We ended up getting some great bargains, since on January 1st anything with a snowflake on it goes on clearance to make way for the swimsuits and Easter...
DIY Worth It? Chocolate Chip Cookies
Thanks to everyone who voted for Catholic All Year in the Sheenazing Catholic Blogger Awards. Alas we did not win. Now go check out Like Mother, Like Daughter -- a waaaay better blog than mine. Seriously. But then you could come back here if you want....
The Essentials Only Guide to Baby Gear: six months to one year
This post is number two in a series on essential baby gear, see here for the first. For parenting book recommendations, see here. My six to twelve month old babies are still using most of the gear from my newborn to six month old recommendations, but I've also...
From the Trenches: Mass Survival Strategies That Work for Us
Voting is now closed. Thanks to you if you voted, or if you didn't. That's fine too.After nearly a month of blogging, I am FINALLY getting some recognition. :0) I am excited to have been nominated in the category of "Best Lifestyle Blog" in the...
The Essentials Only Guide to Baby Gear: birth to six months
In honor of some soon-to-be mothers I've been thinking about recently, especially my lovely cousin Pryor and the adorable Sarah of Oh My Soul, today I'm going to share with you my guide to baby gear for the first six months (check back later this week for my...
Can’t Buy Me Love? Not For Chores Anyway.
This post is fourth in a series on chores for kids . . . see also here and here and here.So, if we don't usually do chore charts, how do chores get done around here? The answer is: they get done FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. We get up, we do chores. Sometimes...
Stop Laughing at Me, Chore Chart!
Hey Guys, Frankie here. Adam from Equipping Catholic Families has written back to answer my question about Mass survival tips! Head over there to check it out, then check back here next week for my post about what our family does.This post is third in a series on...
Frankie Gets a Penpal
Greetings, Monica over at Equipping Catholic Families has a two-year-old named Adam, who by all accounts is just as much a handful as my Frankie. Adam got ahold of Frankie's letter to the Church Lady and figured he would drop Frankie a line. You can...
What Went Right With Les Misérables: and Why I’m Sad My Kids Can’t See It Yet
If you haven't seen the movie Les Misérables yet, you probably don't want to continue reading this. Because it has spoilers. But mostly because you should stop WHATEVER you are doing and GO SEE IT RIGHT NOW. Seriously. Quit your job. Don't pick up the kids from...
A Well-Organized Toy Closet: Setting Kids Up for Success
This post is one in a series on chores for kids . . . I have posted previously about the first chores we assign our toddlers--the ones that they really love. Today I want to discuss getting them to do chores that they are less excited about, and helping kids of all...
Chores for Enthusiastic Toddlers
Two-year-old Jack (and his black eye) doing a little mopping. I have had two different readers request that I address the subject of chores and chore charts. For us anyway, this is an area that has seen a lot of flux over the years. Since...
Why We Wii
I have to preface this by saying I don't "get" video games. I don't play them myself. Not since my dad and I conquered Myst anyway. If I'm going to sit down and stare at a screen for two hours I at least want to have a blog post to show for it. I have...
DIY Worth It? At Home Haircut
Okay, the DIY haircut! Financially it's a no-brainer. A set of hair clippers, like the Wahl Haircutting System that I use at home, costs about $35. I have four boys, aged 1-10, and a husband. Let's say they average a haircut every two months, from age 1...
The “Your Baby” Method of Sibling Preparation, and Some Book Recommendations
Sometimes, baby makes four, or five, or six, or well . . . you get it. I think I had the standard reaction to finding out I was expecting baby number two: crying, for no reason. But right after that . . . I was excited, but worried about how a new...
Notable and Quotable
Hey All, For today, you get a roundup of how things sounded around my house this week and the important lessons we learned. 1. I am not an acceptable substitute for Julie Andrews.Anita (3) in the car: "Mom, could you not sing? I'm trying to hear Mary...
DIY Chewbacca Sleepsack Mod and a Homemade X-Wing Bomber
If you like Star Wars and Christmas presents and awesome, but prefer wood and lasers to faux fur and embroidery floss, you should just scroll down a bit. This is a bit off topic . . . but, speaking of projects, I wanted to share my most recent one, my...
The Myth of Me-Time
Thanks to Diana for sending in A READER QUESTION! It still counts if I know her in real life right? What things usually look like from where I'm sitting. So, the question is: How do I take care of myself in general, and specifically during the homeschool year? The...
My Favorite Parenting Books
It feels so easy now. The kids can still surprise me, and each one is different of course. One, in particular, is especially noisy. But mostly, I feel like I know what's coming, and how to handle it when it does. It's easy for me to forget now how overwhelming it...
Homeschool Holiday
Our "School Table" up until yesterday And mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again . . . Well, it's happened, school has started again. But, as a homeschool mom, I have to say that my perspective on school vacations may be a bit different than the folks...
How Butter Proves the Existence of God
The existence of God is proved by the existence of butter, and not (just) because it's so tasty. I was raised in the suburbs, with very little concept of where food came from. Although I remember earning my "I milked a cow at the Del Mar...
DIY Worth It? Pesto Sauce
If you've seen this post, then you know I've got a lot of kids. If you also have kids, or if you know someone who has kids, then you will know that kids like to eat. EVERY DAY. My mom was more of a defroster and/or microwaver (hi Mom, love you!). But as the years...