This is from the introduction to the (forthcoming) Catholic All Year Compendium, that I wrote for the pitch I submitted to the publisher, back in 2015: "Sometimes all you really need is a little enthusiasm and the willingness to give things a try. The easiest way is...

The Prayer Books Are Back, Baby! (With free printables!)
The three little prayer books are fixed, approved and currently available for next day shipping with prime! New and improved, now with correct Sign of the Cross pages! They've got the Frankie stamp of approval. Here's my very professional announcement video: You're...
It’s my Book Launch Day! Not THAT Book, but still . . .
I have some fun news! I have three little books out and published today! Rosary by Chews Life Dolls by Shining Light Dolls: Our Lady, and Pope St. JPII the Great I have not forgotten about my *REAL* book! It now has an official name: <trumpet fanfare> The...
Stuff I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You: including calendar explanations and errata, crazy plans, and other fun announcements
First off, I have to say how excited I am that anyone other than me wanted this calendar. I just can't believe how many of you have purchased it and are looking forward to starting off the new Catholic year on December 3rd and observing the feasts and the fasts. And...
It's Moving Day! -party horn emoji- dot dot dot -sobbing emoji-
Well, the day has finally arrived . . . moving day. Let's catch up on the goings on around here, shall we? -1- He absolutely insisted on getting TAPED into the box, and I was like, "Of course nawww . . . what am I thinking? Yes. Yes, I will tape you into that box,"...
Here’s Where You’ll Find Me Today
1. Trying to Figure Out Mac Computing Well, we did it. We got a Mac Mini. Thanks for all your advice and encouragement on my last post. I marched myself and all seven kids down to the Apple Store at the mall, which is fine with them because the place is simply teeming...
Eating With Your Hands for St. Joseph’s Day and How To Find Out What I Think About My Book
Hey, if you like radio or books or squeaky voices or awkward silences, you're probably going to want to check out my radio interview debut on the Son Rise Morning Show tomorrow morning. I'll be on at 8:40 am Eastern time. It's possible that we'll be talking...
Some Exciting News . . .
I'm pleased to announce that my little book and I will be making an appearance at the Behold Conference in Peoria, IL on March 1, 2014. What will you get if you come to see me? Well . . . I plan to offer copies of the book for sale, a meet and greet...
Christmas Wishes From the Tierneys (and a book pre-order announcement!): 7 Quick Takes XXXVIII
On the off chance that I don't have your address, I figured I'd share our Christmas card for this year with all of you! And I've got seven kids, and a take on each. So, I'm calling this my quick takes . . . So, here's the front, middle, middle, and back of the card:...