A couple months ago, Bonnie asked me to make her some suitable-for-framing graphic images of some prayers: The Morning Offering, and The Act of Contrition. So I did, and I made them downloadable, for YOU. Then I made a St. Michael Prayer, because that's my favorite....

Born Without Original Sin. Ate Locusts.
Happy Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist! Some FUN FACTS about St. John the Baptist:Only Jesus, Mary, and John the Baptist get feasts for their BIRTHdays. A saint's feast day is usually celebrated on the day of his death, or his birth into Heaven. This is...
Come Holy Spirit, the Party’s This Way
Here's hoping everyone had a happy and holy Pentecost! It can be hard to motivate to celebrate the liturgical year at home. Especially on a weekend which already saw sporting events, multiple team parties, and a birthday party. But, now that we've been doing this a...
Jack Takes Over the Blog
As you may have already read, Holy Week is a busy week around here. Today, when we handed out chores, somehow Jack ended up with blog duty, and *I* had to clean out his closet. "Content," I told him, "The people want content." Let's see what he came up with...
Last Minute Somewhat Free Easter Baskets
Before you rush out the door to the dollar store to put together an Easter Basket, here are a few ideas for lovely and edifying Easter gifts that you can make happen in a hurry. And sometimes for nearly free! Printables Shining Light Saint Printables! Just a word of...
Answer Me This . . . of Boggarts and Barbies (and Pageviews and Palm Sunday)
Updated! (now even MORE stuff at the bottom) Welcome to Answer Me This, a new Sunday link-up here at Catholic All Year. If you missed the big introduction post, here's a quick recap of the rules: I ask you questions, you answer them. You can answer in the...
Eating With Your Hands for St. Joseph’s Day and How To Find Out What I Think About My Book
Hey, if you like radio or books or squeaky voices or awkward silences, you're probably going to want to check out my radio interview debut on the Son Rise Morning Show tomorrow morning. I'll be on at 8:40 am Eastern time. It's possible that we'll be talking...
The Virtue of Hospitality and the Hooley of 2014
Another Hooley at the Tierneys' is in the books. We are so grateful to our family and friends who spent the evening with us. It was the best. You rock. To those of you who were not here: You should have been. Come next year. It was really fun. Please look at these...
My Apostolate of Parties and What a Hooley Is
As I chop and measure and mix and bake (and try to decide if finger-batter counts against Lenten disciplines) in preparation for our big annual Hooley at the Tierneys.' hooley: Irish slang for party or celebration; by extension, some substance with which you...
The Chair of St Peter
Happy Feast of the Chair of St. Peter! Yes, there is an actual, physical "Chair of St. Peter" housed at the Vatican. I've seen it! Jimmy Akin, can tell you everything you need to know about it and this feast, if you click here. But what to do about it, today, with...
If You’ve Already Taught Your Kids Everything They Need to Know About Their Faith, You Don’t Need This
But if, on the other hand, you have NOT already taught your kids everything they need to know about their faith, if you MEAN to teach them stuff, but sometimes don't get around to it, if you'd LIKE to teach them stuff, but don't know where to start . . . I've got...
Keeping Christmas: How we keep celebrating from the partridge all theway to the drummers
At our house, we've been making a concerted effort to wait to celebrate Christmas, until . . . about now. It gives us at least a chance of keeping up with the kids' enthusiasm for the whole twelve days. (Or however many days of Christmas you like.) So, in case you're...
An at Home Nativity Play for Increased Christmas Awesomeness
Maybe it's the new baby, but Advent has FLOWN by in our house. Christmas is almost here! I just had to re-type this because I'm pretty sure I have to say my favorite part of our Christmas celebration is the Mass. But a VERY close second is our At Home Family Nativity...
Keeping Advent: Our Family’s Traditions
Here's a little glimpse at what the first few days of Advent have looked like at our house . . . Journey to Bethlehem (the board game) It's pretty much the best advent-themed board game ever. But it's a very limited edition, since Jack made it when he was in the first...
Three Reasons I Love Advent
A few weeks ago, I wrote about our family's advent philosophy, but now that advent is actually upon us, I wanted to share a little more about our three favorite advent family traditions. 1. Little People Nativity We have many nativity sets. We've got a big outdoor...
Just the Book I Needed
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how we were able to start celebrating the liturgical year in our home only by taking baby steps. And I mentioned how overwhelmed I had felt reading the first book I found about the celebrating the liturgical year in the home....
Every Kid is Special (three days per year)
As a parent, I want to figure out how to pay enough attention to each child so that he knows he is precious and valued, but not so much that he ends up an entitled brat. Fortunately, we have enough kids that I think it would be really, really hard for us to err...
Holidays and Holy Days: 7 Quick Takes XI
--- 1 --- So . . . holidays and holy days first. Happy Ascension Thursday (yesterday) to those of you in Boston, Hartford, New York, Newark, Philadelphia, and Omaha. I wish wish wish our Bishops wouldn't take feasts away from the rest of us! I wanted to take the...