Gus has been very anxious to be included in the Kids Cook for Themselves series, and prove that HE, too, can cook dinner for the family all on his own. But . . . he's seven. And while charm and confidence will get you quite far in life, they don't necessarily help...

Kids Cook for Themselves: Crock Pot Pulled Chicken Burritos
Here's another of our go-to recipes. From scratch, real food, but quick and easy enough to be managed by busy moms, or even kids . . . all on their own. Jack (13) is a pretty accomplished cook these days. His preference is to grill out <imagine quip about men and...
Kids Cook for Themselves: Friday Frittata
Scroll down to the end for the big winners of last week's giveaway! The kids have been doing most of the cooking around here this summer as I was super-pregnant-with, then snuggling-with baby Mary Jane. I figured we'd share another recipe today. This time brought to...
Top Secret Ten Minute Ice Cream Cake: Kids Cook for Themselves
Jumping in here for a quick installment of Kids Cook for Themselves, because if you're looking for a quick, easy, impressive dessert for this weekend . . . Anita can help. She made this cake herself for her sixth birthday party today, using her great grandmother's top...
Kids Cook for Themselves: Easy Chicken Parmesan
Okay, here we go again. It's the second installment of Kids Cook for Themselves! The three big kids around here (12, 11, and 9) have taken over dinner duties for the summer in anticipation of the new baby arriving next month. With a little advance planning and prep...
The Force is Strong With These Guys (but you already knew that)
Sometimes I get contacted about sponsored post opportunities here on the old blog. And I try to be really discerning about which ones I accept, because I want my blog to feel honest and consistent. I only want to do a sponsored post if it fits with the mission of my...
Kids Cook for Themselves: A Universal Smoothie Recipe
I am, in general, a big advocate of kids doing stuff for themselves. It's like they say, give a kid a fish . . . no, wait, that doesn't seem like a good idea. Maybe don't do that. Anyway. My desire to have my big kids be able to cook, is often at war with my desire to...