Catholic Living
Blessed Is She

Blessed Is She

I've mentioned it before, but I wanted to make sure you all know about my newest project. Blessed Is She is a daily devotional website for women. Right into your inbox, every day, you'll receive a link to the readings from daily Mass, plus a short reflection on one of...

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How to Start a Little Flowers Girls’ Club

How to Start a Little Flowers Girls’ Club

So, are you totally sick of this mailbag thing yet? No? Good. Because I have (at least) one more (so far) that I want to share with everyone. Jessica asked me about something near and dear to my heart . . . the Little Flowers Girls' Club. She's thinking about starting...

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Why What I Wear Matters

Why What I Wear Matters

In the comments to my post about the time it took us thirty-nine hours to fly to France, Erica noted that I was wearing a dress.  And I was. The same dress the whole time, as a matter of fact, since while WE were hanging out in Toronto, our bags were kickin' it...

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Our Favorite Family Read-Alouds for Advent

Our Favorite Family Read-Alouds for Advent

Advent is fast approaching, preceded by Thanksgiving of course, and (around here anyway) a new baby. Last week, I shared how Advent traditions have changed in our family. We really try to focus on Advent as a time of waiting and preparation. So, rather than watching...

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