Hiya, and welcome to this summer's FINAL edition of Answer Me This, the internet's favorite virtual cocktail party, where we all answer the same six random questions and get to know each other a little better. If you've always want to play along, now's your chance! 1....

Answer Me This: the Superhero Edition
Hiya, and welcome to another edition of Answer Me This, the internet's favorite virtual cocktail party, where we all answer the same six random questions and get to know each other a little better. And now for THIS WEEK'S questions, to answer THIS WEEK . . . 1....
Answer Me This: the “Not at Edel” edition
Hiya, and welcome to another edition of Answer Me This, the internet's favorite virtual cocktail party, where we all answer the same six random questions and get to know each other a little better. And "virtual" cocktail party is going to have to do it for me. Usually...
Baby, You’re a Firework (whatever that means), now Answer Me This . . .
Greetings. And welcome to another edition of Answer Me This, a thrilling game of questions and answers that I just made up and isn't really a game. But it's fun. So, I hope you'll play along. I'm writing this to you FROM THE PAST, because the husband and I dumped the...
Happy Father’s Day, now Answer Me This!
It's Father's Day here at Answer Me This! And, um, all other places in America. Let's get to it, shall we? Here are THIS WEEK's questions . . . 1. What's the best thing about your dad? My favorite things about my dad are his indomitable positive attitude and can...
Answer Me This: Summer, summer, summertime . . .
Welcome to the return of Answer Me This! Here are THIS WEEK's questions . . . 1. Any big plans for the summer? Well, I'm having a baby. And while that's not exactly an unusual occurrence around here, it's still the biggest thing I've got going. We usually spend...
Now for THE LAST TIME, Answer Me This . . . !
Well, probably not for the last time EVER. But, unless there is GREAT public outcry, I'm going to retire it as a weekly thing. I've really enjoyed doing it, but I want to have a little more flexibility on what I post. Perhaps I'll bring it back for holidays or once a...
Answer Me This . . . Home again, home again, jiggety jig
Hey! We're back in LA! Home again, home again, jiggety jig. Can I just say, quick, that looking at this illustration makes me think I've got to come up with crazier chores for my kids. These children walked somewhere, purchased an animal that is bigger than they, and...
Answer Me This . . . and all the things about Iowa! (oh, and me lip-syncing)
In my excitement over your generosity towards Bonnie's fundraiser for Fulton, I decided to make an entry for Fulton's mom Kelly's lip-sync battle at This Ain't the Lyceum. (That whole sentence was kinda name dropp-y.) Anywho, watch it, thumbs up it if you don't hate...
Answer Me This: Sleeping, Circuses, and Summer
G'day, strangers! And a very warm welcome to Answer Me This . . . the internet's favorite virtual cocktail party* in which I ask six totally random questions and we all answer them and get to know each other a little better. Isn't that nice? *this statement may not be...
Answer Me This . . . and all the recent feasting!
It's been a Week of Feasts at Casa Tierney. Wednesday was the Optional Memorial of St. Bridget: You say "Optional Memorial," I hear "Excuse to Par-tay, Swedish-style." Or, I should say, my personal made-up Swedish-style. Since I am not Swedish and don't actually...
Answer Me This . . . Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner
Ahoy, you landlubbers! And a very warm welcome to Answer Me This . . . the internet's favorite virtual cocktail party* in which I ask six totally random questions and we all answer them and get to know each other a little better. Isn't that nice?*this statement...
Answer Me This: Moms, Morning Offerings, Mojitos
Howdy! And a very warm welcome to Answer Me This . . . the internet's favorite virtual cocktail party* in which I ask six totally random questions and we all answer them and get to know each other a little better. Isn't that nice? *this statement may not be...
Answer Me This . . . The Occasional Perils of Public Transportation
Welcome to Answer Me This . . . the internet's favorite virtual cocktail party* in which I ask six totally random questions and we all answer them and get to know each other a little better. Isn't that nice? *this statement may not be true. So, here goes this week's...
Answer Me This: I'll Procrastinate Later
I'm writing this post about procrastination ahead of time, because we are headed east to the mid-west on our annual summer trip to visit our Southside Irish relations. I hope the space time continuum will be okay. We have a winner of the Monastic Immersion Weekend...
Answer Me This . . . Hold the Mayo
First, some updates . . . I have a very special giveaway and a very special request, both ongoing. If you have a moment, please check them out here. Whatever my mystery itchiness is, it has subsided almost completely, which is just awfully nice. There's nothing like...
Answer Me This . . . In Which I Don’t (But Now I Do)
. . . answer anything. Here are this week's questions! I'm, um, running late again. I just have a husband who keeps surprising me with date nights on nights I plan to blog. I KNOW, it's terrible. I'm going to throw this up for anyone who wants to link up...
Answer Me This . . . Beach Days and Bunny Sweatsuits
We're home! Thanks to Monica of Equipping Catholic Families, who brought us diapers, snacks, Tylenol, and, best of all, company, when our flight to Paris was canceled and we got stranded in Toronto for a night and a day on the way over. Thanks to Catholic...
Answer Me This: Carrots?
Answer Me This . . . The Link Up is at Carrots for Michaelmas today! So head on over and say hi and answer All The Questions! Here are THIS WEEK's questions. You'll answer them over there. This week. 1. What's the scariest thing that's ever been in...
Happy Mother's Day . . . Now Answer Me This!
Happy Mother's Day to you whether you are a mom or have a mom or hope to be a mom. And if you are grieving today, please know that you have my prayers. A big thank you to my mom: who is already in Lourdes waiting for us! Love you mom! Thank you to my children,...
Answer Me This, Crybabies (and not Crybabies, so, Everybody).
Welcome to another Answer Me This! Here are this week's questions: 1. Are you becoming your mother? Probably? I'm really not sure. My sister and I were just discussing this, and we agreed that we are both a pretty even mix between our mom and our dad. I see traits of...
A Happy Clappy Answer Me This
Welcome to another edition of Answer Me This. Here are this week's questions: 1. Do you hate happy clappy church music? Will you all throw me out of the club if I say that I don't? I know I shouldn't like it. Intellectually, I understand that the jazzy...
Answer Me This: He is Risen. He is Risen Indeed. (Updated!)
If you know me in real life, fair warning, I have every intention of doing this to you over the next fifty days or so. The Paschal greeting, also known as the Easter acclamation, is an Easter custom among Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Eastern Catholic...
Answer Me This . . . of Boggarts and Barbies (and Pageviews and Palm Sunday)
Updated! (now even MORE stuff at the bottom) Welcome to Answer Me This, a new Sunday link-up here at Catholic All Year. If you missed the big introduction post, here's a quick recap of the rules: I ask you questions, you answer them. You can answer in the...
Answer Me This . . .
I had such fun reading all the answers to Friday's Liebster post, that I've decided to make a regular thing of it, at least as long as you folks are up for participating. Here's how it will work. (Unless I change how it will work. As with a Liebster Award, in...