Prima Latina Lesson Quizzes

Prima Latina Lesson Quizzes

My third trimester nest-iness is manifesting itself in manic attempts to hyper-organize our homeschool stuff. With four kids in four different grades, plus two littles, plus me needing an afternoon nap (NEED the nap) I often find it hard to find the time to give the...

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Adventures in Housepainting

Adventures in Housepainting

As you may have noticed from earlier blog postings, the kids and I were out of town for the summer. The husband came back and forth a few times to visit, and did his retreat-type stuff for the year, but I figured the time with the kids out of the house would be ideal...

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How I Met My Husband

How I Met My Husband

Blah, blah, blah, stuff happened, I found myself 24 and single. My dad (who reads this blog, but I am going to say this anyway) was a super-weirdo about that sort of thing and started immediately panicking that I would become an old maid. He kept trying to find guys...

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