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Answer Me This . . .

by | Apr 7, 2014 | Answer Me This, What I Wore Sunday | 14 comments

I had such fun reading all the answers to Friday’s Liebster post, that I’ve decided to make a regular thing of it, at least as long as you folks are up for participating.

Here’s how it will work. 

(Unless I change how it will work. As with a Liebster Award, in Answer Me This everything is made up and the points don’t matter. Also I might change it.)

As I was saying, here’s how it will work. Today, I will give you six questions, and tag a couple of bloggers. Next Sunday at 10am Pacific, I will answer the questions and open up a link up for everyone who would like to post. The link-up will be open through Tuesday in case you can’t get to it on Sunday.

Just answer the questions and link back to Catholic All Year in your post! We’ll do it for at least a couple of weeks and see if it’s any fun.

Here are the questions to answer 
and link up
on Sunday, April 13th.

1. What time do you prefer to go to Mass?

2. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?

3. How many brothers and/or sisters do you have?

4. If you were faced with a boggart, what would it turn into?

5. Barbie: thumbs up or thumbs down?

6. If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?


A big ‘ol TAG, YOU’RE IT to . . . 
Neeley at My Heaping Cup. You may wish to check out this post: 
Amelia at One Catholic Mama. You may wish to check out this post:
And finally, to show you that Answer Me This can play nicely with other link-ups, here’s What I Wore Sunday!

Me: Skirt = Ann Taylor Loft
Shirt = Target
Scarf = a gift from my mom
Necklace = a little malachite elephant from Thailand
Shoes = Zappos
Lulu: Dress = a handmade gift from reader/blogger/friend Jenny of Life in the Cookie Jar. Isn’t it the cute, cute, cutest?
Anita: Dress = Orient Expressed
Frankie: Ensemble = Old Navy
Check out Fine Linen and Purple for more What I Wore Sunday fun. And be sure to come back and link up here next week.
If I’ve left something out, or this doesn’t make sense, or you have an idea to make it better, please let me know!


  1. Erica Saint

    Sounds like fun! 🙂

    I love your skirt! It is very pretty. And the picture of your shoes and Lulu's baby legs is so cute!

  2. Amelia Bentrup

    Oooo….thanks for the tag. 😉 (and the whole week to think of my answers…that piece of advice question is tough!).

  3. Christine

    I'm so glad you are doing this! I wanted to link up with your original one, but I was out of town and unable to post.
    Everyone looks so pretty and spring-like for Mass!

  4. Nanacamille

    I dressed Louise on Sunday and noticed that the dress was hand made. As a sewer myself it's very cute. Anita's dress was Betty' and the online store is Orient Expressed in New Orleans. It has beautiful smocked clothes for girls and boys in a very Southern style. Last year all of the girl dresses and Frankie rompers were from. OE. Just love the style and fancy but not puffy.

  5. Ashley

    Kendra, out of curiosity, how long do you give yourself to get yourself and your family ready for Church on Sundays? I only have one 15-month-old and I feel like if I don't give myself at least two hours, we'll be late for Mass! How do you do it with 7 kids??
    Ashley at The Wannabe Catholic

    • Kendra

      Well, with a 15month old, you've got to get yourself ready and him ready and then make sure he doesn't unready himself, and what do you do with him if you want to shower? It's tough! With big kids helping we can get out the door in 30minutes if we need to, but an hour is nicer. We like to have a leisurely breakfast Sunday morning, but sometimes that means we have to get dressed in a not at all leisurely manner!

  6. Hafsa

    I'm excited to link up to these questions! And I love your wiws outfits, you always dress so modest but it still looks trendy.

  7. Patty

    What a fun idea…I have enjoyed reading some of the other ladies post from this first link-up! PS I loved your skirt…Ann Taylor LOFT is one of my favorite stores; makes me feel all Audrey Hepurn-ish 🙂

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