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Awesome All Saints Day Costumes in Expert, Store-Bought, and, What? is it October?

by | Oct 1, 2014 | Catholic Living, Costumes, Halloween, October | 10 comments

Can you believe it’s October?! With the weather we’ve been having in Southern California . . . I cannot. But, there you have it.

Probably, you want to be an awesome, totally organized mom who remembered that All Saint’s Day and Halloween were coming up. But probably the last thing you want to do is actually come up with an All Saints Day costume AND a Halloween costume for your kid(s).

So, here’s what I’m gonna do. I’m going to give you some all new suggestions and link up my previous posts featuring my kids’ All Saints Day costumes that double as Halloween costumes. Some require sewing and planning ahead, some can easily be accomplished with a store bought costume, some you can totally throw together the night before with a quick trip to the store or even with stuff in your house. There’s something for everyone!

First up, we’ve got (click on the title to go to the post and see photos and instructions):


Featuring costumes for . . . 
  • St. Denis / Guy Carrying His Own Head (expert)
  • St. Sebastian / Unlucky Cowboy (store-bought)
  • St. Kateri / Indian Maiden (expert or store-bought)
  • St. Longinus / Roman Centurion (expert or store-bought)
  • St. Philomena / Drowned Maiden (expert or store-bought)
  • St. Nuno / Knight (expert)
  • St. George / Knight (store-bought)
  • St. Margaret of Scotland / Princess (all of the above)
  • St. Elizabeth of Hungary / Princess (all of the above)
  • St. Olaf of Norway / Viking (last minute)
And then there’s (click on the title to go to the post and see photos and instructions):

Featuring costumes for . . .
  • St. Maximillian Kolbe / Escaped Convict (store-bought)
  • St. Gianna Molla / Doctor (last minute)
  • St. Joan of Arc / Knight (expert)
  • St. Lazarus / Zombie (last minute)
  • St. John the Baptist / Head on a Platter (expert)
  • Blessed Miguel Pro / Junior Businessman (last minute)
And, new this year, because it CAN’T stop and it WON’T stop:
St. Sunniva / Scandinavian Princess
(expert or store bought or last minute, because, who are we kidding, this dress is already in your house.)

Also new on the blog for this year, here are some All Saints Day throwbacks from Tierney Hallowtides Past . . .

St. Agnes and her lambs. Could be expert if you make it yourself, or you could get a store-bought Princess Leia Costume
and a Lamb Costume
Archangels Gabriel and Michael: tunic + cape + wings (expert or store-bought)

Blessed Francisco and Jacinta, the shepherd children of Fatima: make it yourself or get a Child Shepherd Costume
and a Little Bo Peep Costume
(expert or store-bought)

St. Francis and St. Claire: These were homemade, but this Galactic Warrior Hooded Cloak
would make a good St. Francis, just add a bird.

St. George with Lady and Dragon: these are all store-bought, Knight Costume
, Princess Costume
, Dragon Costume

And, from our pre-knowing-about-all-saints-day-days, because it’s my blog and I want to, polyester from-Mexico vintage Batman and maybe-my-favorite-thing-I’ve-ever sewn vintage Robin:

I don’t know what we’re going to do for this year, (but I have a feeling at least one is going to be Scandinavian), but when I know, you’ll know.
Come back tomorrow for the winners of ALL the Giveaways! There’s still time to enter.


  1. Colleen

    These are so great! I LOVE that my kids dress up for All Saints Day but I HATE that I have to get them each two costumes (especially since I can't sew). So smart!

  2. Amanda

    I didn't know people dressed up for All Saints Day. This looks fun!

  3. Micaela Darr

    Oy, October. The month when all my competitive and crafty desires conflict with my busy schedule and my procrastinating nature. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. Celia

    I love those! Especially the repurposed Star Wars costumes. Our costumes are doing double duty this year. Halloween I will have a queen and knight (already have the costumes, but new sword and tiara); All Saints' Day the kids will be St George (+ ridiculous IKEA stuffed dragon) and St Elizabeth of Hungary (with bread basket).

  5. Nanacamille

    Oh I loved making all of those costumes for little bitty Tierneys. It brings such fond memories. If you do St Francis try and find a smaller bird than that the one I did. Gus looks like he has a turkey on his shoulder. Not pictured is Betty's St Margaret of Scotland. I let her pick out the fabric and it was a pink polysatin and pastel plaid with long droopy sleeves and train. Unless Margaret was a Disney Princess she probably never wore a dress like this one. The boys continue to find saints who died in the most gory fashion and have Grandad mechanize them. There is also St Briget of Sweden who could double for Anna or Elsa. The possibilities are endless

  6. Alicia

    My daughter's patron saint is St. Isabelle of France, who was a real life princess, which works well for the 5 1/2 year old's obsession with all things princess. (My patroness is St. Margaret of Scotland, which would also work.) However, she is specifically requesting Elsa from Frozen (Really? Her?), so I guess holy virgin St. Isabelle will be wearing blue… and singing, Let it Go…?

  7. Elise

    Love your ideas, Kendra. This is so creative!

  8. Mrs. Perez

    Great ideas, all! My daughter will go as Belle from Beauty and the Beast + Blessed Isabelle of France. Perhaps the sister of King Saint Louis IX and Franciscan-abbey-founding-princess did not often wear yellow ball gowns, but at least they will share the name!

  9. Brigid

    Love the St Sunniva idea — because who doesn't love a Kristin Lavransdatter reference in with it, too! (I honestly might be this for Halloween. I'm 25.)

  10. Sarah Sahm Williams

    This is awesome!!! I am wanting to start dressing up our 2 and 1 year old girls for All Saints and if we don't do it this year, I will definitely use these ideas next years and on and on. Great ideas – thanks!


  1. Memento Mori for Kids: Other People Died and You Will, Too. Or, A Very Catholic Hallowtide - Catholic All Year - […] Awesome All Saints Day Costumes in Expert, Store-Bought, and, What? is it October? […]

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For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

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