Results for "Rules"
In Which There are Links

In Which There are Links

Today you get links. Lots of 'em. And me trying to be smart in order to keep up appearances. etsy, obviously Wait, not THOSE kind of links. Although, can I just say that is totally amazing? --- 1 --- This nonsense has taken the interwebs by storm: I Look Down On Young...

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Why I Homeschool Like That

Why I Homeschool Like That

Unless you were homeschooled yourself (which I wasn't) the decision to homeschool your own kids can feel overwhelming in a thousand different ways. It's easy to look at a really easy-going homeschooling Mom and say, "I couldn't live like that, I need order and...

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How I Met My Husband

How I Met My Husband

Blah, blah, blah, stuff happened, I found myself 24 and single. My dad (who reads this blog, but I am going to say this anyway) was a super-weirdo about that sort of thing and started immediately panicking that I would become an old maid. He kept trying to find guys...

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Best.  Church Lady.  EVER.

Best. Church Lady. EVER.

This is part of a series of Catholic Toddler Letters. Dear Adam, Pack your bags, we're moving to San Diego!  I found a Church Lady who wants us!  If you'll recall, that hasn't always been the case for me. It's okay, San Diego is where my Nana and Grandad live.  We can...

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