Families to live
Catholic All Year
We Survived The California Wildfires
On the very windy afternoon of Tuesday, January 7, I was driving up the hill to our Altadena home with a car-full of daughters, some mine, some newly acquired in my July marriage. Maeve and Livia were telling us about a 2006 Christmas romcom, The Holiday, in which...
Merry Christmas from the Tierneys & Nortons
Dear Family and Friends, Season’s greetings, and—yes, you’re not wrong—things are looking a bit different this Christmas! For those of you who have yet to hear the good news, we are now Tierney + Norton around here. Kendra and John Norton were married this summer and...
The 2024 Catholic All Year Christmas Gift Guide!
Why does the end of the year always feel like it's moving at double speed? Advent is coming and we're doing our best to be committed to no last-minute shopping this year. Our Advent goals include cups of cocoa, slowly decorating our homes, and praying the Christmas...

Hi and welcome!
My name is
For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith.
My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.
If you’d like to learn more about what Catholics believe and why, and to be inspired by saints from every era all over the world, you’ve come to the right place.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of how to teach your kids about the faith in a way that’s true, engaging, and lasts a lifetime, we can help!

your Catholic faith
a memorable and meaningful
part of your busy family life now

Catholic blogger and mother of many Kendra Tierney shares how her family incorporates traditional Catholic practices into today’s family life throughout the Church year―from Advent and Christmas, through Lent and Easter, to Pentecost and beyond. She provides ideas for stories, decorations, activities, and foods that will help you to celebrate your Catholic faith with your family and friends without expertise or much advance planning.
She also offers tips and tricks from her twenty years in the Catholic mommy trenches on things like surviving bringing young children to Mass and saying a family Rosary. Be Catholic and Have fun doing it!

your family

What would your life Look like if you lived out The traditions of the Catholic faith?
Catholic All Year teaches families how to bring liturgical seasons and celebrations into their homes
Sometimes I Write About Liturgical Living

We Survived The California Wildfires
On the very windy afternoon of Tuesday, January 7, I was driving up the hill to our Altadena home with a car-full of daughters, some mine, some newly acquired in my July marriage. Maeve and Livia were telling us about a 2006 Christmas romcom, The Holiday, in which...

Merry Christmas from the Tierneys & Nortons
Dear Family and Friends, Season’s greetings, and—yes, you’re not wrong—things are looking a bit different this Christmas! For those of you who have yet to hear the good news, we are now Tierney + Norton around here. Kendra and John Norton were married this summer and...

The 2024 Catholic All Year Christmas Gift Guide!
Why does the end of the year always feel like it's moving at double speed? Advent is coming and we're doing our best to be committed to no last-minute shopping this year. Our Advent goals include cups of cocoa, slowly decorating our homes, and praying the Christmas...

2024 Costume Contest: Winners and Honorable Mentions
Can we just say that y'all pulled out all of the stops for this year's contest!? It was so fun to get to see which saints your families chose to dress up as, and so difficult to narrow it down to just three winners! But alas it had to be done, so without further ado...

2024 All Saints’ Day Costume Contest
It's time again for the annual Catholic All Year All Saints' Day Costume Contest! We've LOVED getting to see all of your cute and creative costumes over the years and can't wait to see what you have dreamed up this year!Need some inspiration? Check out our previous...

Deciding to Get Married Again (after being widowed): My Talk at the 2024 Fiat Conference
Photo by Bea Creative Co. https://youtu.be/0vtsYPS4AYU Here's the text of the talk! Okay, Fiat 2024, you guys. Thank you so much for being here for the conference today. It’s been my great pleasure to host this event at my home for the last ten years. (This is the...
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Not Sure Where to Begin? Get our Liturgical Living Checklist!

Catholic All Year
wall calendar

This printable thirteen-month wall calendar (December 2022 to December 2023) has been thoughtfully designed with liturgical living in the home in mind.
Seasons, holy days of obligation, solemnities, and required and recommended days of fasting, penance, and abstinence are noted. You’ll also find helpful reminders of prayers and activities associated with the feast days.
Included on the calendar is every feast day on the Universal Roman Calendar, all the saints on the U.S. proper calendar, plus dozens of other historic and international saints included in The Catholic All Year Compendium. Feasts are placed on this calendar according to their dates on the current U.S. liturgical calendar.

Start here
Not Sure Where to Begin? Get our Liturgical Living Checklist!