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Winter Wonderings

by | Feb 11, 2013 | Kendra's Thoughts | 0 comments

This is the post I had scheduled for today.  In light of current events, I also wrote another post.  But please feel free to enjoy some winter frivolity alongside the more important stuff.

Hey it’s another Catholic Toddler Letter!  Confused?  Click here to learn more.

Dear Adam,

It has been really cold here in LA lately.  It’s barely supposed to crack 60 degrees today.  Brrrrr!


This is not me.  It’s my brother Jack.

I hear it’s even colder in Toronto where you live.


Before I was born, my family used to live in Chicago.  My oldest brothers and sister say it was pretty fun.

Once, when there was a big snow, my dad built a little sledding hill in our backyard.  A little birdy told me your dad does something even cooler in your backyard.



My mom really loved Chicago, but didn’t love having to get everybody into warm clothes to go outside in the winter time.  Here, we only have to keep track of our sweatshirts.  



My Gramma still lives in Chicago.  When we visit we have the same rules my dad did when he was little:


No whinin’, no cryin’, no beggin’ for food
and you carry your own coat.


How does your family handle winter?
What fun stuff do you get to do?  How do you keep from feeling cooped up?  Usually I go outside to play with my sister while the big kids do school at my house.  Do you still go outside and play in the wintertime?  

And hey!  Time is almost up for people to enter to win a free download of your mom’s Paper Chain Lent Quest Activities.  (see below for details)

Look out!  Lent is coming!

Your friend,

Win the New and Expanded
Advent & LENT QUEST PDF downloadable!

3 in 1 themes of challenges in each kit, along with permission to photocopy for use in your family, year after year… and even throughout the year!

Be ready for Lent!
Instant PDF can be printed at home, ready to use on Ash Wednesday!

See the full description of
Advent & Lent Quest at the Arma Dei Shoppe



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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

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