So, this pregnancy has been a more-sick-than-most pregnancy, and I’m still feeling pretty dead to the world in the evenings, which have always been my prime blogging hours. BUT. I don’t want to just disappear forever. I have about a zillion things bouncing around in my head that, hopefully, will get written up in the relatively near future. But, until then, I’m going to throw together a couple of quick best of the year posts.
I know, I know, most people do those in December. But, hopefully, most people didn’t barf as much as I did in December (or yesterday).

This was far and away the most popular post of the year on this blog. It’s my most popular post, all-time, in fact. It was linked to all over the place. And, as much as I recognize Lent as a challenging season, I love that it’s something we Catholics do together. Even Catholics who aren’t quite on board with ALL the Catholic things, mostly give up something for Lent. It’s nice to be in this one together.

I have to admit that most things I write just pop into my head and I type them up and send them into the blogosphere. Usually I ask the husband to tell me if he thinks
very many people will be offended by them, but then, off they go. But this post was different. I really wanted to say this right. This post went through many versions, and was proofread by friends and approved by the sister and sisters-in-law I mention therein, before I hit publish. So, I really did hope it would be well-received. But the success it found exceeded my greatest expectations. If you only ever read two posts on my blog, I’d want it to be this one, and
Hey America, Pregnancy: You’re Doing it Wrong.

Folks have strong opinions about Santa and how he does or does not factor into their family celebration of Christmas. And that’s okay. I support people having their own
family cultures. This post was MY strong opinion about Santa, and a description of how he fits into our family Christmas.

I wrote a handful of posts this year that required a follow-up post. But this one took THREE! In the end, after reading encyclicals, and consulting experts, I stand firmly behind the content of this original post. But the whole thing was certainly an interesting exercise, and one I won’t soon forget.

This is the post that started a movement! Dozens of you have written to me to say you were letting your hair go natural. Now that I think about it, I actually haven’t heard back from anyone on how that went, either way. So, I’m just going to assume the best and figure you all love it. Anyway, if you’ve ever wondered why I have GRAY hair, this post will explain why.

If you’re new to the blog, I should probably just get it out of the way and tell you now that I have this thing where I don’t like the movie
Frozen, but I can’t stop writing blog posts about it. Seriously, it kind of kills me that this review of
Frozen is still getting hits. And
the Melted Olaf Snow-globe I made for Anita’s birthday party gets pinned all the time. I feel like I’m just enabling you guys now.

Some folks pointed out that my response to what the president said in that speech of his, wasn’t in fact a response to what the president was actually talking about in his speech, but rather to what members of the media willfully misrepresented him as having said, by taking one line out of the context of his entire speech. To that I say: perhaps. But he DID say it. And I thought MY response was way more fun than any of the other responses out there.

This post got me
a guest spot on Jennifer Fulwiler’s radio show which was pretty great. Getting to the point where I could write it — and mean it — though, was the work of many, many Christmases, and many, many great toy clean outs. And even though
it wasn’t a perfect success, it’s what was right for us this year. I look forward to heading into Christmases-future confident that it’s okay to make decisions for that year based on what will really benefit our family, not on what “everyone” says we need to do for Christmas.

I am proud and happy to be in any way associated with this fabulous YouTube video created by SoulPancake and featuring my real life bestie, Blythe Fike.

This is another one I was really happy to see make this list. It’s a lesson that was a long time coming for me, personally, but that I’m so happy to have taken to heart. I had the idea for this post three days before it needed to post, and all of my contributors really stepped up. Reading it again as a currently-pregnant lady, it gives me such comfort.
So that’s it. The ten most popular posts of the year. Thanks to each of you who read and commented and shared these with your friends, and helped me and my blog grow this year.
Kendra, I scrolled down the top ten list and I have read them all in the past- now what?! I'm sorry about your monring noon and night sickness, – but at least you have two guardian angels with you at all times now- yours and the little soul you are carrying!
Netflix streaming- have you watched Blood Brother, a documentary about a young man who goes to India and ends up helping out an an HIV/AIDS orphanage? There are some very remarqueable people in the world.
Now, you get to know the never-before-told backstory behind each one!
And no, I haven't seen that one, I'll have to add it to the list.
In the middle of planning ahead, t was good timing to read the Lent post and the comments! Thanks! I hope the nausea passing soon!
Love this! I just recently started reading Catholic All Year and even with my extensive blog stalking (guilty – don't we ALL do it though??) I haven't read some of these! Which will be corrected. NOW. 🙂
Those are all great posts. Still praying you feel better soon – #8 shouldn't be your worst pregnancy, you have too many other people to take care of!
More-sick-than-most pregnancy? Might there be Tierney twins in your future?
My OB appointment is Wednesday, so we shall see. I AM pretty sick, but I also don't have much of a bump yet. So I don't *think* it's twins. Jack did accuse me the other day of, "refusing to have twins." Which is funny AND kind of true.
That would be so exciting. After 7 kids you think you know what you are doing, and then you get twins. I would be about par.
You had Frankie, your "problem child", then the most perfectly sweet LuLu, what more could God be trying to teach you?
Plus, I am having twins and I am trying to prepare and in doing so I say to myself, "What would Kendra do?" But, I don't know what Kendra would do- because there are no blog posts for me to stalk about caring for twins.
I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but twins is more likely to occur the older you are when you conceive. Not that I think you are old, but I think in the baby-making world past 35 is considered "old".
Unless you are in Hollywood. Which, you kind of are… Okay no more tangents.
Can't wait to hear exciting news about baby Tierney #8 (and possibly #9).
I found your blog when a friend posted a link to your "Pregnancy" (doing it wrong) post when I was 44 and pregnant and fed up to the moon and beyond with my docs/nurses/and well-wishers telling me all the things I had to be careful of because I was so OLD! I read your post and poured a lovely glass of red wine and gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby girl, our seventh child (and second girl!). Her name is Millie Jewel, and every time I think back on my pregnancy, all I see in my head is the prego photo of you with the bag over your head and I laugh! You have blessed me many times over ever since! God bless you and your blogging ministry!
This is so cute. And I just added Millie to my girl name list, it's all throwback and sweet!
My granddaughter due in May will be named Cosette Camille. I have heard people use Millie as short for Camille. Our girl will definitely be called Cosette, though, after Cosette in Les Mis. Grandbaby #2, due the same time as yours will be either Penelope Zoey or Elijah Joel. Joel like noel, not Joel like Billy Joel. Right now I refer to #2 as Peanut. Gbaby#2 will also have a hyphenated last name as his mom is Mexican and didn't take my son's name when they married – a cultural thing, from what I understand. That babe will be destined to repeat first grade by the time they learn to write their name.
Kendra, squeee! You like the name Millie! Awww–makes up for how many times I've told people your kids' names (countless) because I love them ALL! I'm so… "verklempt." And I did drink that glass of red wine (and several thereafter) to your health! Heather, I love the names for your grandchildren. I have a "Joel" and a "Noel" both middle names though. Elon Nole (spelled that way to make the palindrome, of course), and Mikko Joel (Mikko is a Finnish form of Michael). I'm a sucker for baby name chatter! I've been tempted to set up a blog or discussion forum so I can revel in it continually.
I loved #2. Loved it. Shared it. Read it multiple times. There area a couple here that I haven't read (don't know how that happened), so I'm excited to check those out too. Hope you feel better soon!
Love looking through this list! Loved these posts!
Feel better soon!