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The Firstborn Son and His Automatic Pancake Aspirations

by | May 14, 2014 | Tierneys Unmasked | 17 comments

While we’re out of town, I thought you might like to get to know the family a little better.

Here’s interview number two: my firstborn, Jack.

What’s your full name and how old are you?
John Paul Tierney and eleven and ten twelfths.

For whom are you named?
St. Pope John Paul II

Do you read my blog?

What’s your favorite movie?
The LEGO Movie.

What do you like about it?
For one thing IT’S LEGOs. It’s also very funny. And <singing> everything is awesome . . .

How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Three brothers and three sisters.

That’s a lot of brothers and sisters.

What do you think of having so many?
It gives me a lot of opportunities and is a lot of fun, but it can also mean that your room is really crowded and you’re often annoyed.

What is your favorite chore?
Going to the store. I like that I get to go on my bike and do something on my own.

What is your least favorite chore?
The chicken job. When it rains there are pools of poop.

What do you think you’d like to be when you grow up?
An inventor or a video game designer.

Do you think your vocation is to religious life, married life, or consecrated celibacy?
<shoulder shrug>

If you had a blog what would it be about and what would you call it?
I’d call it Automatic Pancake Maker after my first big invention idea. It would also feature other things that I have invented, things I’ve built on my own, and reviews of video games, books, and movies. The only reason this blog doesn’t already exist is because I have to do school.

You’re homeschooled. What do you like about it?
Not having to be dependent on the clock. If you don’t have a lot of work that day and you work hard you can get done by lunch and go do something fun.

What do you not like about it?
I mostly like it. But once I get to high school I think I want to go to a regular school just for the sake of doing the real thing.

You’re also Catholic. What do you like about that?
Knowing that the world stretches beyond what we can see, hear, and feel, and the joy of knowing that there is someone all powerful who loves you with his whole being.

Do you have any message you’d like to share with my readers?
<Singing> Everything is awesome . . .
Except school. Kidding. But it does take up a lot of my time.


  1. Anonymous

    Wow. "Knowing that the world stretches beyond what we can see, hear, and feel, and the joy of knowing that there is someone all powerful who loves you with his whole being." I'm not sure many full grown adults could give such a good answer to that question!! Good job Jack (and mom and dad)!!

  2. Anonymous

    I am really loving this series! Jack is so wise!

  3. Hafsa

    I can't wait to read more about the Tierneys! Curious, what do think about Jack wanting to go to a traditional high school in the future?

  4. Gramma Tierney

    Jack is witty, friendly, kind, and original. He sets the bar high for the rest of the Tierney Tribe. I amso proud to be his grandma!

  5. Mrs. Amen

    What a handsome and smart young man! I think it's funny that the part he likes about homeschooling is not worrying about the clock. Especially since so much of your "day in the life" was reminding the kids what time it was.

  6. Bonnie

    I loved Jack's answer about God. Wow.

    Also, like Hafsa, I'm curious about your thoughts on Jack wanting to got a "normal" school.

  7. Rosie

    Hey, my John Paul informed me this morning that he's almost 4 and 10/12! Well, actually he told me that he's almost 30 and 10/12, since apparently we are 26 years in the future. I don't really know what goes on in his head…

  8. Joy

    I can't believe that you didn't make him reduce that fraction in his age! 🙂

  9. Alea

    My oldest, at 12 & 2/52nds and Jack would be great friends. They think alike. He's taken to reading posts here that have to do with him.

  10. Caitlin Bootsma

    How can I teach my boys (now 2 yrs and 2 months) to understand as much about the faith as your son. His answer about the faith is really what I want them to know and embrace. Beautiful!

  11. paula

    Too cute! Looking forward to Jack's Clash of Clans post for my Jack:)

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