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Sneaky Peeks at the Hundred Year Old House and the Brand New Shop

by | Nov 7, 2015 | Hundred Year Old House, Printables | 26 comments

I was going to wait to show you guys this hundred year old house until we had, ya know, bought it. But . . . I got tired of waiting. It is the best of houses and the worst of houses.

Living room: Yay!

Kitchen: Boo.

Schoolroom: Yay!

Mummified Rat: Boo.

And it’s still not (quite) ours. But things have taken a turn for the hopeful . . .  nearly three months into escrow.

It’s all been a decidedly unconventional house-buying experience.

Jack and the husband and my dad have been spending weekends patching and painting and replacing the pool equipment, of a house that IS NOT OURS, and our contractor had to demolish a very cute (but rather ramshackle) little groundskeepers cottage on the property because of some super random banking regulations. Again. Not our house.

Still waiting to hear back on the appraisal. Prayers appreciated.

Annnnd . . .

In all these months of not moving and having half of our belongings packed up in the garage, it’s been nice to have a little side project over on Etsy. Actually it’s turned into a bigger project than I ever thought it would be. (Who needs sleep?) I’m so grateful for all your support. And I’m having lots of fun making custom orders for people. You guys come up with the BEST ideas!

My friend Jacque made my Superhero Guardian Angel Prayer print INTO A PILLOW!

Seriously, how genius is that?

The image is in my shop here: Superhero Guardian Angel Prayer
And there’s a Groupon for Shutterfly to order a 16×16 pillow for $15!

Here’s a look at the new items I just put in the shop . . .

For Veteran’s Day next week, because St. Michael is the patron saint of police officers and the military, I made up six new versions of The Saint Michael Prayer:

  1. The St. Michael Prayer
  2. Marine Corps
  3. Navy 
  4. Air Force
  5. Police
  6. Army

AND I made them into printable two-sided Holy Cards, that you can download and print at home or at your local copy shop. They print well in color or in black and white.

  1. The St. Michael Prayer
  2. Marine Corps
  3. Navy 
  4. Air Force
  5. Police
  6. Army

Update . . . by popular demand, here is the St. Michael Prayer in a Coast Guard version:

  1. 8×10
  2. Holy Cards

Also new in the shop, FIVE versions of the Magnificat, in English and Latin . . .

  1. English on White 
  2. Chalkboard English
  3. Chalkboard Latin in Color
  4. Latin on White
  5. Chalkboard Latin

And the OFFICIAL Catholic beer blessing from the Rituale Romanum . . .

Also could be a good pillow?

And, last but not least, two sets of Princess Bride Movie Quote Printables . . .

Set 1:
As you wish . . .
When I was your age, television was called books.
Have fun storming the castle!

And Set 2:
No more rhymes now, I mean it! Anybody want a peanut?
Mahwidge. Mahwidge . . . is wot bwings us togevver today.
You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I can put them in there individually upon request.

So . . . hope you guys like ’em!

Custom orders are available here. If you want a prayer, but can’t afford the $5, please email me at helpdesk@catholicallyear.com, I might be persuaded to accept payment in rosaries.


  1. Sylvia

    So excited for the house, many prayers! And love the printables! 🙂

  2. Katrina Rose

    The wooden beams! Those doors! The built ins in the school room! Ah, I hope all the headache ends soon.

    And I have no idea how you churn all those designs out at lightning speed! That's just really impressive. I love the as you wish one.

  3. Colleen

    Okay so my house is decorated, and we haven't been able to find a new one even though we have to be out of here on Dec. 20, so I don't know what I'll be decorating next… But I think I NEED all six Princess Bride prints anyway. (Stress shopping? Yes.)

  4. Amanda

    The HOUSE! How come they're letting you work on it if you don't own it?

    It seems like you might be having a tad too much fun on those prayers 😉

    • Kendra

      I know. It's all kind of crazy. The owner is a woman who lives out of town and inherited the property. It fell out of escrow once before and it's a complicated house to sell for a bunch of reasons, so we're just kind of renegade working on it and hoping for the best!

      Yes. I think I am.

  5. Amanda

    Haha, we almost had to pay for a termite treatment on a house we didn't own… Took foooorever to explain to the bank that it was a steel beam construction with hardyplank siding and decking…none of which termites can even eat!

    Praying for your house situation! Maybe you'll finally close on your house about the time my husband finally gets a job. 😉

  6. Anonymous

    I'm surprised the owner allows you in the house given that you don't own it. In the end you could lose all your sweat equity and money spent if the sale doesn't go through. You must be really sure that things are going to work out. I hope it does for your sake. Will you remodel the kitchen before you move?

  7. Amanda

    Oh and I forgot to say I love the house pics! Fireplaces and arched doorways and beams….swoon! And the kitchen, really it's just an excuse to renovate and design your own perfect one 😉

  8. Colleen

    The mahwidge print is one of my most favorite things that I have seen in a long time.

    My husband and I just moved into our first home on Tuesday, so we have been painting away like mad men. Best of luck with your house!

  9. Mary

    We went through a similar experience. It worked out. I have a good feeling yours will too.:)

  10. Schafergal (Ashley)

    That living room!! I love absolutely everything about it! And that's a pretty spectacular school room too. Thanks for the surprise Saturday post and the sneak peek. So fun! My prayers will continue.

  11. Ana

    in the As You Wish printable is that the way you wanted to spell you? (without the U)

  12. Ali

    My heart is flip flopping for you with the house drama. Regular escrow is such stress & your sounds rather epic! I'll pray!
    I love all the additions to the shop and I am (still) trying to figure out which one to pick for the 7QT prize. So many great options & the pillow adds another layer to the decision making.
    If you find some free time, you are missing one very important branch of the military – the Coast Guard!

  13. AnneMarie

    That living room….wow, it looks incredible!!! I love the little staircase down to the arched doorway. And the yellow walls. And the huge windows. So beautiful! I will continue to pray that things get resolved smoothly with the house soon! That's so rough!

    Your friend is brilliant to make a printable into a pillow. I love that idea. Those Princess Bride Printables are wonderful 🙂

  14. Betka

    Now that you have posted "Princess Bride" quotes (so many quotes, so little wall space!), I can reveal the secret request I have been harboring in my heart through all the weeks since you opened your etsy store.
    "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." [I'd be okay with cutting out the first sentence, since I don't find myself trying to teach my kids to avoid fear all that often–or ever!]
    "If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will."

  15. Betka

    P.S. Loved seeing your house. I had a feeling it would work out in the end–but I'll keep praying!

  16. Hannah

    The light fixtures in the living room & school room are just amazing!! They're so medieval looking and epic.
    If you did a closer picture of them I would be thrilled, I want to try to make something like them someday 🙂

  17. mel

    drooolllling over the light fixtures and those built in shelves in the school room….

  18. Claire

    Hey, Kendra. Your printables are awesome! I can't decide which movie quotes to choose on Etsy. I asked my 12 year-old son what his fave Princess Bride quote is (you know, slyly, in a conversational way that was surely not a tip off), and he said its "…I'm not left handed either"! So, I'm not sure I can make a custom order, but you might want to make a printable design of that one….?

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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

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