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I Have Some Things to Report: Part I (mostly house stuff)

by | Jul 14, 2017 | Birthdays, Gramblewood | 27 comments

Hey guys. Did you miss me?

I figured there might still be a few of you who would be interested in some updates to my announcements in my last post (seven months ago!). Let’s begin with the most exciting, shall we?

Introducing . . . baby George!

After a very fast (and very easy) labor two years ago resulted in Mary Jane being born at home in the tub after about 8 contractions total and about 45 minutes of labor, start to finish (read about that here) . . . we — well, mostly the husband — had really been hoping that we’d make it to the hospital this time. We have moved since our last birth and had a new OB and a new hospital that I was comfortable with, but which are a good twenty minute drive away. I had been praying, and so had many of you! that I would feel labor early enough to head for the hospital before it was too late to even try and that labor would be long enough that we could comfortably drive there and check in and whatnot. And, well, you’ve heard the one about being careful what you ask for? . . .

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

When last I posted, it was early December, I was hit pretty hard by first trimester fatigue and barfiness and I wasn’t going to make my December 6th deadline on the liturgical living in the home book manuscript. The folks at Ignatius were very understanding, and gave me another six months to get the book to them. In late January, I finally started coming out of the fog. So, because I am a person who never, ever learns her lessons, I decided to patch and paint and furnish and decorate the first floor of the house real quick, THEN finish writing the book.

It’s mostly Betty’s fault.

Her thirteenth birthday was February 6th, and in early January I had told her I just wasn’t feeling up to throwing a complicated birthday party, and she suggested that we just have a Sense and Sensibility tea party/movie night with a few girlfriends. That sounded perfect. And easy. But then with just over a week before her party I started feeling a bit more like myself* and all of a sudden I couldn’t live with the mac and cheese yellow walls patched with white in each place that the construction guys had put in a switch or outlet. At first I told the husband that all I really needed to do was just prime the walls in the living room and dining room. Then they’d be white not yellow for Betty’s party and I could live with that. I’m pretty sure he knew better than to believe me.

* “like myself” meaning “crazy” apparently

As keeps happening on every “little” project I try to tackle with this old house, I kept backing in to bigger and bigger projects. The patched parts of the walls needed texturing, there was a big hole that needed patching — and texturing — in the ceiling, and THAT is a huge mess and needs to be done before priming. There was yellow overpaint on the edges of all the wooden doors, and the brick edging, and the stone fireplace. And if we were going to move all the furniture into the middle of the room, we might as well just rearrange it all to its permanent location, right? I didn’t want the TV and the comfy couch in the formal living room long term, but that meant I also needed to paint the playroom/TV room and put up curtains in there so we could set up the furniture in that room. Once I had the walls painted, I realized how dingy the ceiling looked and so on and so on and so on.

So, in the week I had before Betty’s Jane Austen Tea Party, all I did was make the house a MUCH bigger mess than it was before.

But the party must go on, and it did. We had the couch and TV moved into the playroom and we had the party in there and a good time was had by all. Although I did have to pause the movie and explain to a bunch of 10-14 year old girls what an “illegitimate” child was. 😳 (How great is Col. Brandon? SO great.)

Anyway, I decided to keep up with the painting and decorating until the big annual St. Patrick’s Day Hooley, and I managed to finish the living room, dining room, TV/playroom, big kid game room, breakfast room, and mudroom/pantry. I need to do a whole house tour series one of these days, so I won’t photo dump now, but here’s a sneak peek of the living room.

Better, no? (That’s a built-in leather-doored liquor cabinet next to the phone, if you’re wondering. And we got the phone many years ago from Pottery Barn, and they don’t seem to carry it anymore. But here’s a similar one.)

The guest bedroom, main back hallway, school room, and two downstairs bathrooms did not get finished. And still aren’t. But I had to quit anyway, because there was still the little matter of this book to finish in about three months. Also . . . I fell off a ladder painting and broke my tailbone. In the middle of the night. The husband was out of town, of course.

I know what you’re thinking, “Wow! How fun and exciting! That must have been really awesome!”

But, surprisingly, it was not. It hurt a crazy amount, I think more than anything I’ve ever experienced before, mostly when trying to stand up, or drive, or move when sleeping. And, unfortunately those three things are things I have to do e’rry day. I’m happy to say, it is FINALLY better, which might surprise you once you know more about Georgie.

Okay, I think that’s enough catch-up for today. I still need to tell you all about the book, and more about baby George, but first, there’s the whole Frankie in the hospital thing . . . stay tuned.


  1. Carla

    I hope you will be able to find time to post more of your adventures. The house is amazing (I can only hope to do something similar with an older home someday). Your lovely family and all their crazy adventures is heartwarming to this mama of six so I can understand much of what it is like to raise a large family. Keep up the great work!

  2. mel

    So happy you are catching up, and can't wait for the book!

  3. Karla Baca

    Love seeing you back… Can't wait for more updates. You tease! Lol.

  4. Amanda

    Does this mean you're back? Yippee! Glad to see that little bundle of cuteness to add to all of your other Tierney cuteness. I look at your Instagram but bloggy Kendra is my favorite.

    • Kendra

      I don't know. I'm going to give it a solid hopefully maybe.

  5. AnneMarie

    I love the living room!!!! And I have to ask-is your baby named after the saint or Mr. Knightley?

    • Kendra

      Thanks! He's named after MANY solid Georges. I'll do the whole rundown in Part III, or whatever ends up being the birth story part!

  6. Unknown

    Glad to see the update! The house looks amazing. Hope to see you post more. Hard to find good a good Catholic mommy blog now a days! ��

  7. Alea

    I did miss you! Love the art above your fireplace -it's one of my favorites. Looking forward to more updates!

  8. Amanda

    I've been glad you stayed current on social media but I'm very very excited to see new blog posts! He is such a bundle of cuteness and I'm anxious to see the birth story.

  9. Kathleen

    Yay! You're back! I am going to steal your sense and sensibility tea and movie for my daughter!!! And now you need to write the birth story!!! He is so cute!

    • Kendra

      It turned out so cute, and really was easy. Betty did most of the "cooking" for it: cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches, and peanut butter and Nutella, and tuna salad. It was perfect for a Friday, too! And I made the cupcakes and lemonade and tea.

  10. Marta Bender

    Baby Georgie is beautiful! Congratulations, and God bless all of you!
    And, your house and its creative, talented "decorator" continues to amaze and inspire! You're doing an incredible job and are so impressive with all the hats you wear. Thanks for sharing, and please blog as much as possible!!

  11. CMO

    Your living room is beautiful! And I think we suffer from the same problem when it comes to house updating…except I don't seem to have your knack for decorating! We've been in our current house for almost two years and I'm still working on painting the walls because of the rabbit hole it turns into. haha!

    • CMO

      woops…commented from my husband's account… ha!

  12. Amy W

    Hooray!! Excited to catch up on recent Tiereny adventures. And welcome sweet baby George!

  13. Being Refined

    Congratulations! Wow, busy seven months! I hope you are back to blogging. I miss reading your blog. I'm not on Instagram.

    Looking forward to the rest of the catch-up! And George's birth story. And the house tour.

  14. Heather

    Congratulations on baby George! I was so happy to see you pop up in my inbox again; as I've missed hearing from my west coast friend whom I've never met 🙂 Can't wait to hear more!

  15. Ann-Marie Ulczynski

    Yay! The living room looks lovely. I'm turning 37 this year, but I really like that idea for my birthday party. Can't wait to hear more as you have time.

  16. Elaine M

    Wait! What! Don't stop now! I was so excited to see your post today – boy have you been missed. Hope you'll be able to post regularly again. Hugs and blessings AND WELCOME SWEET BABY!!

  17. Laura Fidler

    I'm do happy to see you've posted! George is just so handsome that I can't stand it, and your home looks amazing. I'm praying for you and all those lovely souls in your home.

  18. Ali

    Congratulations and welcome Baby George! He's adorable!
    The house looks beautiful and I can't wait to see more. What an adventure the past 7 months have been. Looking forward to hearing more and so glad you are still writing for BIS. God Bless!

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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

If you’d like to learn more about what Catholics believe and why, and to be inspired by saints from every era all over the world, you’ve come to the right place. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of how to teach your kids about the faith in a way that’s true, engaging, and lasts a lifetime, we can help!

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