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Good News . . . Bad News . . . Big News . . . Big Prizes: 7QT

by | Aug 14, 2015 | 7 Quick Takes | 152 comments

Most of the posts you’re seeing on the blog these days were scheduled out in advance before baby Mary Jane arrived, because life in the Tierney house has taken a turn for the crazy-pants crazy. (More on that below.) But I want to share some current events and I was offered some giveaway opportunities for you good folks. So here I am! Keeping you up to date on all the good news and bad news and big news around here.

My Nephew Was Born . . . but He Took His Sweet Time About It

Introducing Brendan Gerard Tierney, Mary Jane’s opposite day cousin!

He was born on August 9th, twelve days past his due date, after twenty seven hours of labor!

He joins his mom and dad and proud almost one year old big brother Luke.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support for my brother- and sister-in-law. This has been a crazy journey through infertility and adoption and surprise pregnancy . . . to arrive at Irish twin-dom.

I know many, many of you have struggled or are struggling with infertility/subfertility/pregnancy loss. Our family prays for you every day.

It’s the Feast of the Assumption Tomorrow . . . but it’s not a Holy Day of Obligation This Year

We’ll still go to daily Mass, because we almost always go to daily Mass together as a family on Saturdays, but I never like it when they waive the obligation for Saturday and Monday feasts, because that just means our parish offers fewer masses and it’s harder to get to one.

I don’t really have a “thing” for the Assumption. I think we’ll do popovers for breakfast, because THEY RISE TOO! Huh? Huh? Get it?

It’s Been Crazy Hot . . . but We Live near the Beach 

AND our Iowa relations have been visiting. So, double reasons to hit up the beach, and dip Mary Jane’s toes in the Pacific.

The middle two are my nieces . . . Can YOU spot all ten cousins?

Some of Us Went to a Red Carpet Hollywood Premiere . . . of DinoTrux

My sister is a rock star, so when my Netflix Stream Team pals offered my kids the opportunity to go to a big time Hollywood premiere, SHE agreed to take them. (So I could stay home. Whew.)

They had a great time.

They liked the show (you can tell by Bobby’s gape-mouthed watching).

And REALLY liked the swag.

The whole series is available to stream on Netflix as of today. I can’t vouch for it myself but Bobby and Gus say: “It’s, um, about friendship, and . . . cooperation, kinda. And there’s a bad guy t-Rex guy with a wrecking ball tail, then later he has a chainsaw tail, and they chase him away but he keeps coming back. He’s against sharing, but the rest of them do share.”

So . . . check it out?

But wait, you say, I don’t HAVE Netflix. How will I watch this show about dinosaurs that are, inexplicably, also trucks and so be a hero to my children? (AndalsoIwanttowatchGranHotel. BecauseitsallanyonetalksaboutonFacebook.)

Well, I just happen to have THREE three month memberships to Netflix streaming to give away.

To win one, all you have to do is leave a comment on this blog post telling me what YOU would most want to watch on Netflix.

It’s Kinda Sorta Back to School . . . 

Because of the general upheaval around here of a new baby and some life changes (more on that below), I’m not 100% sure when we’re starting school this year. Maybe after Labor Day. Jack’s starting then, for sure. (More on THAT in another post.) Maybe Thanksgiving?

But I’m trying to be ready as usual. So we bought our uniforms for this year. I found really cute French Toast uniforms at Costco that were an amazingly good deal, so . . . yay. That’s sorted. We like uniforms. It’s okay with me if you don’t. More on that here.

However you’re schooling your kids this year, you’re going to want to catechize them, right? Right.

Well, my soon-to-be-bishop, Fr. Robert Barron, asked me if I could do him a favor (well, his people did . . . but STILL), and I’m the kind of gal who does what her bishop asks her to do. So here it is. It’s a pretty great deal for you guys, too.

One of you gets to win one of THESE (a $300 value!) . . .

The Catholicism Pilgrimage Journal represents a new
approach to catechesis in which adults and children encounter the
teachings of the Catholic Church in an interactive and communal way.
using the 10-episode series and this journal, families, parishes and
schools can now offer younger generations an encounter with Christ by
way of the rich, sacramental display of the Faith presented in this
This approach encourages cross-generational conversation,
faith-sharing, and learning that will not only bring adults and children
closer to one another, but will bring them closer to Christ. Our hope
is that the program contributes to the Church in a new and comprehensive
way. Viewing and discussing the Catholicism series will deepen the
faith of viewers of all ages as they encounter the truth, goodness, and
beauty of the Church as it has been expressed over time and is lived out
all over the world.
Catholicism Pilgrimage Journal Set Includes:

  • Pilgrimage Journal Adult Leaders Guide
  • 50 Postcards
  • 10 Pilgrimage Journals

This program can be used by:

  • Catechists in a religious education setting, for enrichment and to supplement regular curriculum.
  • Facilitators in parish setting, where adults and younger people are participating together.
  • Parents with teens or pre-teens at home.

Each episode is divided into two parts with corresponding written
materials for each part. Each lesson is structured in the same way:

  • A Learning Goal with corresponding Bible verse
  • Activities for viewers to do before the session
  • Space to take notes and write down questions and thoughts during the session
  • Discussion and reflection questions, as well as other activities for the viewers after the session

Just leave a comment on this blog post telling me who in your life would benefit from this great resource!

(If you want to enter both giveaways, just leave two comments. The winners will be announced ON THE BLOG on Tuesday the 18th, so be sure to read my boring recipe post scheduled for that day or you won’t know if you won!)

We Bought a House . . . Almost 

We have an offer accepted on a house. THE house. The one from last month. We lost it to another bidder, but then it fell out of escrow. It’s been quite a roller coaster of emotions. We’re currently paused on . . . hopeful.

We got the news that the seller had accepted our offer ON our fourteenth anniversary. Which was pretty awesome. Here’s Jim actually taking the call.

But we could use your prayers that the bank will approve the deal, because it’s a REAL fixer-upper. Like, it was built in 1920 and doesn’t have any outlets in the bathrooms. And it’s got outbuildings on the property, but they’re full of dead bees. (Kate, don’t tell Jake. Jack and Bobby were so sad. “Mr. Rhodes could have MOVED them.”)

There will be photos, once it’s really ours. Hopefully. But until then, check out this LA Times article that indicates that our soon to be house was really living it up circa 1991.


I can’t leave you without some baby photos, so here ya go . . .

Three weeks old!

Happy weekend all.


  1. Katie Anne

    I would LOVE to win the Catholicism set for use in my classroom and with my Youth Group!

  2. Amelia Bentrup

    Congratulations on your nephew! That's so exciting…2 cousins so close in age.

    Congrats on the almost house! That's also exciting.

    And, since I have such a good track record about winning giveaways around here…I'll go ahead and say that I would LOVE a 3 month membership to Netflix. We would watch all the things we can't watch when we don't have a membership. (and I do want to see Gran Hotel) and mystery shows like Bones and Law & Order and Lost and whatever I feel ilke. And maybe my kids would want to see something…..like Liberty Kids or shows about Dinosaurs and Cars or animal shows.

  3. Amelia Bentrup

    I'll enter twice. 😉 I know our parish would love that Father Barron series. That sounds awesome, and we just got a new pastor and he's trying to get some new programs off the ground, so that would be perfect And if he doesn't want it, I would take it. Our family would learn a lot, I'm sure.

    (Happy Anniversary too!).

  4. antonina31

    And the Catholicism set would be really neat to invite a bunch of fellow homeschool families over to watch and discuss!

    I have to ask – is there any cred to the house being owned by the Marx Bro?!?!

    • Kendra

      I don't think so. We have a title search on it, and they're not on there, unfortunately. Fake names maybe? 🙂

  5. Melissa

    I would love to win the set of Dvd's. I teach at our small rural parish and it would be a great resource for us.

  6. Layla

    Current Netflix obsessions are Arrow and Gran Hotel. Or Wild Kratts and Daniel Tiger (thank heavens for the new episodes; we'd memorized the old ones), if the wee ones are awake.

  7. Jennifer

    I would really love a subscription to Netflix- so that we can watch some family shows. We don't have cable & it is sometimes hard to find shows that we can all watch.

  8. Layla

    The Catholicism set looks fantastic. My husband is maybe/probably going to be teaching a high school religious ed class at our parish this fall, and they don't have a curriculum yet. This would be perfect!

  9. Jennifer

    I would REALLY REALLY love to win the Pilgrimage Journey set- I teach 6th grade CCD and it would be a great supplement. I would be inspired to change my curriculum up…

    Congrats on Mary Jane! She is a blessing 🙂 & good luck with the house.

  10. Debbie

    I saw part of the Catholicism series and it was awesome! Would so love this!

  11. Called2B

    I would love to win the catholicism set!!
    How would I use it??? Well let me tell you the ways:
    1. My little homeschool kiddos would totally enjoy it during Jan. when the snow is flying and everything been cancelled. Fr. Barron and popcorn always go together!!
    2. My husband and I teach catholic religious emblems to Boy Scouts and American Heritage girls. This would be an amazing enrichment to the the program we already teach!!
    3. Totally let my parish use it to put on the series
    4. Totally put the word our to our Catholic homeschooling community that I have this and PLEASE borrow it from me!!!

  12. Amy Allgeier

    I would love to win the Pilgrimage Journey set. I have been struggling with my faith. I was baptized as a baby and went to church with my mom until she passed away when I was 5. Then I never went to church again. Until recently, I have been interested in becoming a real live Catholic! I still am learning about things and Fr. Barron is one of my favorites.

  13. Greta

    The Catholicism set would be amazing to share with my mom's groups! We are always looking for new material to go over.

  14. Heidi

    Um Catholicism series?!?! I want to know the soon-to-be-your-bishop..or at least his assistant!

  15. Casie Emerson

    I'd love to win the DVD set, I'd use it at our parish mom's group and to enrich the religious ed! Fr. Barron is amazing.

  16. Mary Ann Weicher

    Happy Feast of the Assumption and best wishes on the house! I would love the Pilgrimage Journey set. It would serve our family well! Besides, it would help me feel better about Fr. Barron being "traded" from Chicago to LA 😉

  17. Karen Reep

    I'd love to win for my PSR class! I teach tenth grade girls. I love it! Thanks!

  18. Karen Reep

    Thanks for your posts! I am a huge fan and new blogger/vlogger! Raising The Reeps!

  19. Casie Emerson

    I'd also love the Netflix membership, I'd watch new kids shows! And new adult shows! We don't have cable and the Amazon Prime options are tired.

  20. Mary Ann Weicher

    Netflix! Yes, pehaps we are the only family in America that does not have it yet. Our family would stream..hmm, I don't know..would have to go back and look at your posts. I generally skim those (gasp!) because they are non-applicable to out "no stream" life. 🙂 Congrats again on all of the great life happenings!

  21. Mary @ Better Than Eden

    Oooh, I've been wanting to get our family the Catholicism set as a family Christmas gift for years! My husband could also use it with teaching RCIA… Thanks, Kendra!

  22. Micaela Darr

    Oh no you did not just name drop my favorite new evangelist!? Next thing I know you'll be telling me you're going to his episcopal ordination and then I will just cry and cry. Kidding. Kinda.

    Anyway, super fun that you're giving away that Catholicism set. We have a copy BUT I was just thinking today about buying a set for our Korean friends, one of whom is CONVERTING, hollah! So give it here, pretty lady. Pretty please, of course. 🙂

  23. Kristin

    My family love the Catholicism Pilgrimage Journal Set. Our kids go to a wonderful neighborhood Montessori school, so my husband and I are always looking to supplement the Catholic teachings.

  24. tristamj

    I would love to win a subscription to Netflix. I would like to watch some courtroom TV shows to discuss the issues with my middle school aged daughter.

  25. Rachel Kratz

    Netflix – Gilmore Girls ALL THE WAY lol

    And my husband, he's had the Catholicism series on his wish list for forever but we can never afford it for a christmas/birthday present for him. He's got a real heart for evangelism and he wants this to learn to deepen his faith so he can in turn help his family, children, friends and coworkers do the same. Thanks for the awesome giveaways!

  26. Heather

    The Catholicism series would be perfect for my parish!

  27. Leah

    I'd love the Catholicism series for my daughters and her friends in our homeschool group!

  28. Zach Smith

    Who would most benefit from the Catholicism set? Pretty much everyone I know who was born in the 70s and 80s and received less-than-stellar catechesis, now are trying to make up for it while raising our own children in the faith.

  29. Susannah Warner Kipke

    Your house used to belong to the Marx Brothers!!!! Time to stream Duck Soup on Netflix for the kiddos if you haven't already!

  30. Kim

    Hi Kendra,

    This Catholicism set would be wonderful to own for a few reasons. Our parish is St. Mary of the Annunciation in Oakdale, CA. http://stmarysoakdale.org/ My husband Dan and I are the new RCIA coordinators. We took over for another couple after their 20 years of service to this ministry. We are on the lookout for engaging and wonderful curriculum for our Inquirers and Catechumens. My husband is also one of the Confirmation program catechists. He is also in the beginning stage of the diaconate program in our diocese. We have three sons, ages 16, 14 and 10 that would also benefit from this curriculum. And, we are HUGE (auxiliary) Bishop Barron fans! 🙂

    I enjoy your blog very much. Thank you for your devout Catholic witness.



  31. Sheila Thabet


    Thanks for this generous giveaway. I love the French language, history and learning about other cultures. I'd watch any series I could find in French. I'd dive into series set in other countries. I never win these giveaways but I'm trying anyway!

  32. Heather

    I'd love to win the Catholicism set to use with my small group Catholic nonfiction book group at my church.

  33. Colleen

    I would love to use the Catholicism set with my 17 yo daughter who has "lost interest" in the faith, and some older members of our extended family who seem to have a renewed interest. This seems like the perfect resource for mixed-generational learning.

  34. Julie

    I love this series! Totally want to enter. (I a ready have and love Netflix so passing on that one) It's good for everyone…but I have a few friends and we want to do our own watch and discussion series using them.

  35. Amanda

    Aw, congrats on the baby! Baby snuggles totally make up for missing out on the feast day 🙂

  36. Liesl

    Netflix!!! I would watch Daredevil… and then go from there 🙂

  37. Sarah

    The Catholicism series would be great for ME! Easy access info on my faith? Check. Good for kids should they choose to watch along? Check. Better alternative to endless house renovation shows ala Netflix? Check!

  38. Sarah

    The Catholicism series would be great for ME! Easy access info on my faith? Check. Good for kids should they choose to watch along? Check. Better alternative to endless house renovation shows ala Netflix? Check!

  39. Leila C

    I would like to win the giveaway for teaching my child (hopefully to be "children" one day) and for learning myself, as I'm a convert. Can Canadians enter? Canadians are people too.

  40. Laura Miller

    I would love to win the DVD set. I think it would be useful for my family.

  41. Robyn

    I would love to win the Catholicism set for my teen, my husband, and myself.
    Prayers that everything goes well with your new home purchase. I can't wait to see pictures.

  42. Cassie Williams

    I would love to win the Catholicism set for our family to use. I was planning on doing that but borrow them from our church. It would be great to have a set of our own and the guides. (It would be great to use it with our high school religion class at church but saying that quietly so no one I knows hears me and volunteers me for the job.)

  43. Kristi

    I would love to win the Catholicism set for us to use. We are recent converts and watching these videos was part of our conversion process. Would love to be able to show them to family and friend who think we have gone crazy!

  44. Maureen Adamcik

    I'd give the Catholicism set to my friend Danielle who is our parish Family Catechesis Coordinator.

  45. Liz

    I would absolutely love to win the Catholicism set. I teach 5th grade at a Catholic school, and it sounds so great for use with kids.

  46. Andi Sligh

    The Catholicism series, hands down, and my whole family would benefit – kids and (convert) adults!

  47. Jen Lowery

    I'm so jacked that you get to have Bishop Barron as your shepherd! The Catholicism series is amazing and gorgeous and imbued with Truth and Aquinas and and and! A few people who would benefit from it in my life would by future kids (I wanna homeschool them! Boom!), and non-Catholics because we are called to evangelize ALL THE SOULS!!!

  48. Bonnie

    Oh Kendra! I would love one of Bishop Barron's catechesis sets! What a great gift.

    And those little Tierney babies are so, so sweet!

  49. Theresa

    Exciting news about the house! I'll say an extra prayer for you guys AND keep my fingers crossed (but if it all works out, I won't suspect for a minute that it was the superstition that did it 😉 )
    I'd LOVE to own the Catholicism DVDs. I've taken a few out of the library but it started to get too complicated b/c other people were requesting them and I couldn't renew… blah, blah, blah. I'd love to use these as part of our religion curriculum. Thanks for the opportunity!

    • Kendra

      Hah! I keep having to stop myself from writing that we have our fingers crossed for fear of being labeled a heretic.

  50. carol

    i would like to win netflix
    i am enjoying white collar when i can

  51. Sarah Gould

    I would love to win the Netflix giveaway! I'm not sure what there all is to watch, but the TV show "Chuck" would be a good place to start!

  52. Sarah Gould

    The DVD set sounds great! I would use it for:
    – My friend who is a youth group leader.
    – My younger siblings, still being schooled at home.
    – Eventually my own children when they are old enough!

  53. Crazy Catholic Girl

    I'd love the Catholicism set for our own family & my husband who teaches confirmation ~ thanks Kendra 🙂

  54. Brynne

    I love Fr. Barron's films! I'd use them with our family. 🙂

  55. Mormor

    I teach 7th grade girls and would love a chance to win the pilgrimage set

  56. Julie

    I would love to win the DVDs. We are a homeschooling family with a graduate, a senior, and a 7th grader. Our family is very involved in our parish's youth group, and I just became a member of the RCIA team. If I win A LOT of people would get to see these videos!

  57. Laurel

    We have been eyeing the Catholicism series for years. I would use it within our family first, but eventually with a parish faith enrichment group I'm hoping to start soon!

  58. Nathalie

    Great news!! Praying the house goes through for you 🙂

    Would love to win the netflix giveaway so I can watch the Tinkerbell movies with my girls.

  59. Jena

    I'd love the Catholicism set…we have a mom's group that would eat it up at our parish, or some runaway family members coming back to the church that would be great to share with!

  60. Lindsay

    I'd love the Catholicism set. As a cradle Catholic I have much to learn, plus the four beautiful babes I have been entrusted with to teach!

  61. Julie Walsh

    That article was hilarious! Best to you as you try to buy that (amazing, it sounds) house! (We're well acquainted with the difficulties and rewards of buying old.)

    Also, I would love to win the Catholicism set. A group of Catholic moms and I have loosely discussed periodic get-togethers to encourage each other in our faith, and this seems like a great vehicle for doing so.

  62. wrightfunds

    My husband would most benefit from the Catholicism pilgrimage journal set. He is Principal at a Catholic school. He gives up his lunch time twice a week to lead a voluntary bible study for the middle school kids. They are so hungry and I know they would greatly benefit from this set.

  63. RaeHaag

    I'd love the netflix subscription. It would be put to great use once baby #2 arrives and I veg on the couch to enjoy newborn baby snuggles 🙂

  64. Amanda

    Our small parish would definitely benefit from the Catholicism set!

  65. RaeHaag

    The Catholicism series would be great as well. We've checked out one or two of the dvds from our church library but would LOVE to see them all and to be able to share them with family and friends.

  66. Carteca

    I would love the Pilgrimage Journal Set because I think Fr. Barron is awesome, I think the Catholicism series is awesome, and I think it would be super helpful for my family as we grow in our faith. I'm pretty much the lone practicing Catholic on both sides of our family so it would be a great resource for us. Also, I'm tired a lot, so it would be nice to be able to make some popcorn and watch a video.

  67. jeannemp

    I need an excuse to finally cut the cord on cable so I can bingewatch Gran Hotel. Subtitles don't scare me. Also, do *you* have business connections to the king of Saudi Arabia and a major BMW dealer? Inquiring minds want to know. Praying that house is yours!

    • Kendra

      I don't . . . yet. I assume those guys come with the house.

  68. Joanne

    My family would benefit the most from the Catholicism series…but also the inmates at our county jail where my husband is a chaplain.

  69. Jill VT

    Well we would love the pilgrimage journal; my kids go to public school, and while they attend Sunday School, need a bit more help! Plus my husband is not Catholic – so if I played these under the guise of educating my children, maybe HE would pick up a thing or two.

  70. Sarah Rooney

    Have been wanting to get Netflix to be able to watch more educational shows with the kids, and Downton Abbey for myself… thank you!

  71. Whitney Williams

    I would love to win the Catholicism series. I was looking into buying it recently for my husband. We also home school so it would be beneficial as the children get older.

  72. Elizabeth

    I would love the Catholicism series! I split this series three ways with my siblings, but we no longer live anywhere near family. I would love for my kids to watch these on a regular basis, but our version is thousands of miles away in the houses of my family members. I'm so glad they have it and can benefit from it, but I'm sad that my family can no longer watch them. I can't drop that kind of cash for a second set. We had hoped to share it among our family members, but moving changed that. Anyway, not living near family means no Catholicism series anytime soon. I would show it to all my kids, who are now old enough to see it, if we could have our own copy! Thanks for the giveaways :).

  73. Julia Rizos

    I am many years from having teens but I would love Fr. Barron's set for myself and my parish!

  74. Ruby

    I would love the Pilgrimage journal as a way to start a family Catechesis in our parish. At this point the only classes that will have to volunteers to really lead are the sacramental prep courses. This would be something that could help set up religious Ed for all ages, if parents are able to stay and help the catechists and leaders.

  75. elizabeth

    I would love the Catholicism set for doing catechesis at my parish!

  76. Jennifer S.

    How exciting about your possible new house! Although it seems a bit sad to leave your current house, it sounds like this is a great opportunity for your growing family. Hang in there though… buying a house is stressful even when you don't have a newborn.

  77. Jennifer S.

    P.S. My first labor was 27 hours too, so I can sympathize. It was worth it, but boy was I tired and hungry after!

  78. Happily Holtsclaw

    I'd love to win the Catholicism series to have in my own home (my husband and I actually have it written down on our Christmas wish-list!). I'd love to use it to help evangelize to other family members (some that have fallen away from the Church, and others who aren't Catholic).

  79. Happily Holtsclaw

    The Netflix subscription would be great to have in our home since we don't have cable. I'd love to watch something like Downton Abbey or some of the other shows everyone has been raving about!

  80. AmyJ

    So many great things in this post! New nephew, new house (!!! no way !!! I could tell you were so disappointed that you didn't get it – hooray for 2nd chances!) and new bishop! I would love to win the give-away…and the person who would benefit most would be ME! Actually our entire family…but I could also see it being used in my Bible study/moms group.

  81. Lauren

    Congratulations on the house! And your anniversary! And Mary Jane! You're giving great witness.
    I would love to have the Catholicism series to watch with my family, so pretty please, pick me!

  82. Patti

    I would love the Catholicism series for our parish.

    Mary Jane is so sweet and precious, by the way!

  83. Elizabeth

    Hey, I've got a 14th anniversary coming up too, in just a few days! Happy Anniversary! Nothing as exciting as a house happening for mine though. Hopefully that will work out for you. Buying houses = so stressful. (And I'd love to win the Catholicism set!) 🙂

  84. Mariaa D

    I would love to win the Catholism Pilgrimage Journal set for our family 🙂
    Ps Happy Anniversary and hopefully we'll all hear more good news on the house front!

  85. Chelsea

    The Catholicisim Set would be great for my family. My husband IS NOT CATHOLIC and, although he holds his tongue most of the time, he is t thrilled about our kids being raised Catholic. Our oldest is a year away from receiving Sacraments and it's hard to talk to the hubby about it. I think this set would help us all learn something.

  86. Katie Paladino

    I would love to win the Catholicism set for myself!! In the last couple years I've become more invested in the faith and being able to appropriately teach my children and this would be awesome!!:)

    Also such cute pictures! You have such a beautiful family!!

  87. Sarah Mason

    Wow! The Catholicism set would be so amazing to have. I would love to have it for myself, my husband, and children. I am a cradle catholic who has recently become more invested in learning/defending my faith. Thank you for the opportunity! I love your blog. You are such an inspiration for me and my young family.

  88. Schafergal

    So many comments – I'll have to try to be brief 😉

    First – congrats on the house (hopefully). It sounds amazing, and your St Pats party will be nothing after what the neighbors used to deal with! Also, I had a crazy dream the other night from the picture you used describing the house in a previous post. So I'm officially that crazy stalker/reader that has dreams about a family I've never met (but sure do like!)

    Also – I would love the Catholicism set. It would definitely go to my sister-in-law's family. My niece (18 years old) is struggling with some very serious health conditions after having 2 brain surgeries to remove a non-cancerous tumor. They have never baptized their kids (much to our chagrin and the focus of many, many of our prayers) and are really drifting looking for faith. Our niece is currently in the hospital, and actually requested to be baptized! I cried so many happy tears, only to crash back down when our parish priest said she would need to go through RCIA first, as she is technically an adult. I can pretty much guarantee that won't happen, with the stress/time commitments of her illness. So maybe this Fr Barron series (side note – how awesome is he? And how jealous am I that he's your new Bishop? Just sayin) would be the spark that could get this family back in the Church. There's just so, so much baggage that's preventing them from being open to the beauty of our faith.

    Phew. That was a novel. Sorry. But I really, really want this for them!

    And Mary Jane is beautiful. That is all.

  89. redkitchen

    Pardon if this is a double post. My computer just went crazy. I would love the Catholic Pilgrimage Journal Set. I am a recent convert to Catholicism, and I homeschool my children. This would be a great learning resource for my older children and me.

  90. Minny Mama

    Congrats all around!!

    Netflix giveaway: I'd love to have access to all of the educational videos I always read about on blogs (ahem – like this one!). We don't have Netflix, but now that we're into homeschooling I can see the benefits. Also, some BBC shows for Mama after the kids head to bed!

  91. Minny Mama

    Catholicism giveaway: Well, of course WE could benefit from it! But also I know a few families that would love a resource such as this for their homeschooling. Or alternatively, our family and a few others are forming a sort of informal co-op and we could totally use it.

    Congrats on having Fr. Barron as bishop!!

  92. Sandra

    I would love to win the Catholicism set. It would be helpful for my daughter who is getting ready for confirmation. It might even inspire me to teach at my church:)
    We keep you in our prayers for the house and the new school year!

  93. Brenna

    I'd love this set for my husband. He is a convert and we live in small town where there is only one Catholic Church (next closest is 45 minutes away). He is trying to start up a group for fathers at our parish and this would be great for him to use for this group.

  94. Alyssa

    I would love the Fr. Robert Baron set. The real question is who in my life couldn't use them? I certainly will learn much as will my husband and our soon to be three children (as they age). Thanks for the chance to win!

  95. Erin

    I'd love the Catholicism set for our family! Our new diocese does Confirmation and First Eucharist together, so this would be handy for brushing up for my husband and I and then for future use for our daughters when they are a bit older. (And how lucky are you to live in Bishop-Elect Baron's diocese! Awesome!)

  96. comemorning

    Wow! A new house and a give-away!!! Congratulations (almost)! Sounds perfect for parties! 😉

    We would LOVE a chance to win the DVD set! We are a convert, homeschooling family that will put this set to great use! Xoxoxox! Blessings! Emily

  97. Julia @ I Camp At The Ritz

    I'd love the Fr. Barron Catholicism text for my (non-Catholic) husband. He watched the couple of episodes that were broadcast on our local PBS station and really liked them!

  98. Natalie Elskamp

    I would love to win the DVDs! My husband and I would watch them first only to preview them (wink, wink!) to run the program at our parish. I run our family life committee and we are always looking for good solid programs to offer.

  99. B & C

    The Catholicism set would be great for our parish. Thanks for the opportunity!

  100. Betka

    Hi Kendra,
    Exciting days for you! And Mary Jane is looking adorable.

    I would use the Catholicism series for my 8th grade daughter's catechism course, and then I would use it as a digital sedative for my other six kids . . . because we don't have Netflix. We actually borrowed the first dvd to show them and everyone loved it.

  101. Rebecca

    Mary Jane is SUCH a cutie!

    I would LOVE the Catholicism series for our family, but we would be sure to share it with everyone too.

  102. Susan Kolosionek

    I'd love to win the Catholicism giveaway – sounds like a lot of interesting information.

  103. Anne McD

    Great news!!! We actually did pretty much the exact same thing last year. Drove past a house, decided I wanted to see it, emailed realtor, gave birth the next night, saw it six days later, put in offer, they went with the other, but signed ours as a backup, but was told not to hold our breath, got a call a couple weeks later that the other offer fell through and it was ours! Then we had to get our house ready and sell it! I then painted the ENTIRE house and we packed it up and did every. single. update. and detail, we could and moved with a six week old. You can do it! It will be crazy, but its awesome! (and I hope the second part goes for you as it did for us: sold eight days after we put it on the market for asking price on the Blessed Mother's b'day 😉 )

    Have fun! What an exciting adventure for your family! (and I"d love to be included in the drawing! 🙂 Thanks

  104. Grace Degen

    Happy belated anniversary! We celebrated our 3rd anniversary on the same day 🙂 my sweet husband and I stink at planning date nights and are always disappointed with Redbox so we'd love to win the free Netflix to have some entertaining date nights.

  105. Grace Degen

    Happy belated anniversary! We celebrated our 3rd anniversary on the same day 🙂 my sweet husband and I stink at planning date nights and are always disappointed with Redbox so we'd love to win the free Netflix to have some entertaining date nights.

  106. Grace Degen

    Happy belated anniversary! We celebrated our 3rd anniversary on the same day 🙂 my sweet husband and I stink at planning date nights and are always disappointed with Redbox so we'd love to win the free Netflix to have some entertaining date nights.

  107. Virginia

    I would big puffy heart that Catholicism series!!! Soon-to-be Bishop Barron is my favorite. We keep talking about buying them!

    I love the pictures of baby toes in the Pacific. 🙂

  108. Angela

    I would love to win it for my family and gosh, all kinds of people I could share it with!

  109. Cosita

    The Catholicism series would be a great addition to our local Catholic Moms' group studies!

  110. Cindy

    The Catholicism set sounds wonderful! Looks like it would be a great resource for our family.

    I hope you get the house! If God wants you to have it, you will get it. 🙂

  111. Christy

    The Catholicism DVDs would be great for me. I just agreed to teach faith formation classes this year and I'm sure they would come in handy!

  112. Jennifer M

    I would love to win the Catholicism series for my family. We homeschool and this would be a wonderful resource.

  113. Maria

    I would love to win the Catholicism set for the family! We'd all benefit from it!

  114. W Family

    We would use the series to teach and inspire the kids and teens in our parish!

  115. CatholicMommy

    Hi Kendra, it's your Las Vegas fan (not stalker ;-), Graciela ). I would love the Catholicism series to use with my Confirmation students (I'm preparing 20 souls in my parish for the Sacrament). I'll be praying that it is God's will you get the house.

  116. Landreneau Family

    I would love to have the Catholicism set for our family catechesis! How cool that you're getting Fr. Barron as your bishop!!!

  117. Mrs. Smith

    Hi Kendra, I'd love to keep watching Frasier, of all things, on Netflix. After a stressful day, it's an easy laugh. Thanks!

  118. Audrey

    For Netflix, I'd love to rewatch Sherlock in anticipation of the special coming out later this year. Your news about the house is so exciting!

  119. Joy Beyond the Cross

    Thanks Kendra for the amazing giveaway for the Catholicism set. That looks awesome! I think our parish could really use something like that to bolster our Adult Faith Formation offerings. God Bless and good luck with the house! St. Joseph, pray for the Tierney's!

  120. Anonymous

    Ah! I've been skimming all Netflix related posts, here and elsewhere, since we don't have it and don't have plans to get it. So….um….I'm a little out of the loop on shows. I think I would probably binge watch Mad Men and Downton Abbey. And probably one of my guilty pleasures, Brooklyn 99.

  121. Anonymous

    Catholicism Series – oh how wonderful! My kids aren't even close to that age yet, but I have nieces and nephews I know could benefit from it in the mean time.

  122. Candela T.

    The three months of free Netflix streaming would be awesome! I've been wanting to watch Gran Hotel for all the great melodrama but also to practice my Spanish.

    Hoping that you get the house if it's what's best for you family.

  123. Deb H.

    Congrats on the new house and new nephew! Would love to use the Catholicism set with my middle school son and his friends. Thanks!

  124. Unknown

    I would really like the Catholicism Series. My husband and I would definitely learn some things.

  125. Andrew Copley

    I would love the Catholicism Series! I have been Catholic for a year and a half now and I'm always looking for ways to expand my knowledge!

  126. Kati

    I would love the Catholicism series! For my kids…and, ahem, myself. There is so much I don't know 🙂

  127. Kati

    We don't have netflix and I would love to try it. Specifically: House of Cards! We recently cancelled cable so we're looking for new adventures in streaming.

  128. Kate

    Congratulations on the house – I so hope it works out! I'm picturing Catholic All Year running out of Hogwarts! And it's such a shame about the bees…but you never know, there might be some live ones somewhere!

  129. Kfussner

    The Catholicism series would be great for my husband and I to better our faith in hopes of being evangelists to those around us and to our children.

  130. Laura

    I'll enter twice because I'm sure my parish would love the Catholicism set!

  131. Kristen

    We would love this. My husband and I are cradle Catholics but were poorly educated and we would love a better understanding to teach our five kids!

  132. Tracy Bua Smith

    I would love to win the Catholicism DVD set and share it with a non-Catholic friend of mine who is searching! Loved your baby pics!

  133. MrsZavala ETC447

    I wish I had something contradictory to comment because I love to argue, but I adore your writings and read them daily. I will also be letting my locks come in gray as they may. 🙂 Natalie

  134. Janice Nardella

    I'd really love to win the Netflix subscription. We don't have cable and my husband and son really look forward to that once or twice a year when we are in a hotel to watch cooking shows on cable. I'd also like to watch an educational show with my son at a decent hour so he can get to bed on time, rather than staying up to watch a show.

  135. Alexandra

    How wonderful about baby news and potential home ownership! I'll be entering twice, thank you!

    We are just about to cancel our Netflix membership because my husband is just starting law school, meaning trying to save money in little ways. So, a free subscription would be awesome. 🙂

  136. Alexandra

    Secondly, the Catholicism DVD set would be fantastic as I am looking to starting a prayer/Catechism group of sorts. Thanks for the giveaways!

  137. Mountain Mama

    I would love to win the Carholicism DVDs. We live in Yellowstone and often feel like the lone Catholics out here. I'm starving for some catechism for the whole family and would love the structure that would give 🙂 thank you for the chance! And if I won Netflix I would watch something to make everyone cheer up after a long summer of daddy fighting wild fires!! 🙂

  138. Joanne

    What an awesome giveaway! Our children would benefit most from the Catholicism Pilgrimage DVD, but also, not in my life personally, the inmates at the county jail where my husband ministers as a chaplain. They loved the Catholicism series.

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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

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