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Catholic Stuff Saturday: a LEGO Catechism Giveaway, and Odds and Ends from the Week

by | Apr 28, 2018 | Catholic Stuff Saturday | 162 comments

I’m trying out a new feature on the blog, which I’ve decided to call Catholic Stuff Saturday, and for which I have created this graphic:

which really makes whatever comes next worth it, right? 😀

Anyway, I get a lot of requests from Catholic authors and artists who want to share their products with me and with you readers. I’ve mostly declined, because I don’t want you guys to feel like I’m always trying to sell you stuff. That’s never been the point of this blog. But on the other hand, these are folks who have a talent, and have answered a call, and put themselves out there, and are making things you and I might appreciate having in our lives.

I’m not sure if I’m going to try to make this an every Saturday thing, or just a whenever the mood strikes me thing, but I’m hoping this will be a feature that will allow me to share my platform with other writers and makers, and to share good Catholic stuff with you readers. And giveaways! People like giveaways, right?

I’ve got a great one for you guys today, if you can make it to the bottom!

I’m also going to use it to catch you up on random kiddo odds and ends and stuff from our week, in case you’re not on social media, or the algorithm gods weren’t picking up what I was putting down this week.

So here goes nuthin’ . . .

1. Last weekend was our school‘s big gala/auction/fundraiser. It was Gatsby-themed. I went and got my hair done, for the first time in FOREVER, like maybe since my wedding?  I can’t remember.

Step one, the Beethoven:

Step two, the Miss Bates:

(Three dull things 😏)
Step three, the Lady Sybil: 

Dress and shoes are from Unique Vintage
Headpiece and gloves are from Amazon

Fur is borrowed from my 98 year old grandmother!

Aren’t my parents the cutest?!
At the auction, I bid on and won this copy of my confession book, which someone else donated 😬. I was conflicted. But I really liked these little figurines! I like having little visual representations of the saints we celebrate, so that I can put them out on the table when we have our feast day dinners.

I looked them up and they’re by Roman Inc. in a collection called Little Drops of Water They’re made of resin and are very sturdy, but seem more decorative and not like toys to me.
I found them on Amazon: Our Lady of Fatima, St. Joseph with baby Jesus and lily, Sacred Heart Jesus, St. Patrick, St. Jude, Immaculate Heart Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes, and there are lots of other choices.

2. Speaking of feast day dinners, here was our feast of St. George, with the nameday boy himself:

 I always make baby quilts for my babies before they’re born, and I wanted to make one with St. George fabric, but I couldn’t find any, so I designed some myself on Spoonflower. Check it out here (also available in wallpaper and wrapping paper, just in case). This was the fabric if baby had been a girl.

Mmmmm . . . bangers and mash.

Georgie’s shirt available here.

Bobby’s St. George Cross Apple Crisp!
3. My sister sent me this screen grab of my little prayer books at numbers one and three of all Children’s Christian Books on Amazon! The Berenstain Bears are giving me a serious run for my money.

If you have a copy (and like it!) and have a moment to click on the appropriate link above and leave a quick Amazon review, I’d be really grateful!
4. I loved this status update from Fr. Kyle Doustou on Facebook.
He says:

A young father came to Mass today with his four children, two of whom were young toddlers. Needless to say, the chapel was joyfully noisy. I watched, though, how several people present became overtly annoyed and angry. I was afraid the poor man was going to get berated after Mass, so I made an announcement before the blessing thanking him for coming and said that his children are a loud and beautiful reminder that we have a future. I talked with him after Mass; they came from out-of-state because his wife had a medical appointment in Portland…he was thrilled to find a noontime Mass in the city and thanked us for being so accommodating.
If you are the type of person who gets annoyed to the point of anger because a small child makes noise during Mass, let me tell you in all charity to get over it. God’s House can’t be perfectly suited for your own needs all the time…it is a family home and it is a hospital. It will get messy, stinky, loud, and distracting at times as the young, the old, the weary, and the sick make their way to Christ. If you get in their way, you’re going to have one upset priest on your hands.
Sir, thank you for bringing your children to Mass. Thank you for caring about the faith. Thank you for loving your children enough to expose yourself to embarrassment to bring them to Christ. Thank you for reminding us that we have a future. You, and anybody and everybody else, are always welcome.

So awesome! If you haven’t had quite such a warm welcome for you and your kids at Mass, I’ve been there. It stings. But I stuck it out with my kiddos, even the hard ones, and it’s worth it. We all deserve the Mass. Let’s all pray for our priests!

5. And finally, remember that giveaway I mentioned? You guys are going to love this. It’s the LEGO Catechism I mentioned is this post!

It’s called Catechism of the Seven Sacraments, and the authors/photographers/masterminds behind the book are the O’Neills, a Catholic homeschooling family of nine! The book is a big, sturdy hardback book, packed full of meaningful, engaging theology and Bible history, illustrated with whimsical LEGO scenes. Mary O’Neill reached out to me and said I could give three copies away, one here on the blog, one on Facebook, and one on Instagram. You can enter each drawing. I’ll announce the winner of the blog giveaway here next Saturday. The winner will have until Monday to email me, or I’ll choose someone else.

To enter, just leave a comment telling me who in your life would benefit from this book! (If your name doesn’t come up in your comment profile, please be sure to include your name in your comment.)

P.S. If you are a Catholic author or artist and you’d like to be featured in a future Catholic Stuff Saturday post, and do a giveaway, email me at helpdesk@catholicallyear.com. I won’t be able to accomodate everyone, but I’d be happy to take a look!


  1. Celia

    My nine-year-old son would be really into the LEGO book, I think!

    • Kendra

      My ten year old is reading it now and really likes it!

  2. jennifer

    I have three LEGO-loving boys, ages 6-10, who would probably end up fighting over this book!

  3. Melissa Hunter-Kilmer

    All six of my daughter's kids would benefit greatly from this book, but especially my three-year-old godson Peter. Ooh!

    • Kendra

      I thought of Rosie! Her kids WOULD love it. It's very cerebral and thorough, yet also . . . LEGO. 🙂

  4. Erin Lafreniere

    My 6-year-old son, Simon, would love the Lego book, but I suspect his 13-year-old brother would surreptitiously read it also!

  5. me

    My 9 and 7 yr old sons (Gregory and Linus) would love it, and I bet the teens would love to look through it too (because Legos!). And it wouldn't hurt me to peruse it – always something to learn. mbmom11

    • Kendra

      Absolutely, I've found my fifteen year old flipping through it. (It would be an excellent book to leave in the bathroom. Sneaky catechize ALL THE PEOPLE!)

  6. Kristen

    I'd love to give this to my nephew for his 1st Communion!

  7. Melanie

    I have 7 boys from 18 down to 3 – enough said? 🙂 We cannot have enough Lego or enough Catholic!

  8. Diane Haman

    My youngest daughter Elena is the Lego-fiend in our family. But I need to get a bunch for gifts for various godchildren, too.

  9. a Pettis

    I think our whole family would benefit from this book!!! and its a perfect 1st communion gift!!!

  10. Amanda

    Do you never sleep? You designed your own FABRIC? Robot!

    My new first communicant would love that book!

    • Kendra

      Since becoming a writer, I've settled into a Thomas Jefferson-style polyphasic sleep schedule. I usually sleep four hours at night (from 2-6am) and then two hours during the day. It seems crazy, but I feel well-rested and I get SO MUCH MORE done in the middle of the night when the house is quiet.

  11. Alicia @ Sweeping Up Joy

    My 9 and 7 year old girls are super into comic books lately. They would love a new one to read. And I'd appreciate the content. 😉

  12. JennyU

    What an amazing priest! Your hair looked Fab. My 7 and 6 year old Lego fanatics would love to get schooled in their sacraments thusly…

  13. Vanessa Schoon

    I am pretty sure my 8 year old would never have learned to read without comic books. He would adore this book.
    P. S. You looked amazing at your gala (and I love typing that fancy word).

  14. All-Saints Homeschool

    My sweet 6yo Henry, who loves all things Legos and LOVES asking simple but profound questions about our faith, would eat this book up!

    Amy (my login is saved as our homeschool co-op)

  15. Colleen

    My nephew William would adore this book for his First Communion!

  16. AnneMarie

    This is such a cool blog post! I love the little updates, and you look amazing in your 20s outfit! That book seems really awesome, and my son (toddler) would love it as he's really into books about the faith. Also, it would be a great resource for the Children's Adoration hour that I lead each month.

  17. Unknown

    My godson,my niece, and my two daughters are still little, but I would love to get some of these Lego books to get and save for them when they get a little older. So creative!
    Also, can I just ask you where you got your glasses? I love them!

  18. Jennifer G

    Both of my girls love legos and would love this!! The oldest is 8 and they have a baby brother that I'm sure would love it too. (Loved your hair btw, so cute!)

  19. Unknown

    I too love the updates in this form so I don’t have to check Facebook so often! 🙂

    I’d love the giveaway for my Godson, Jonathon.
    (Anita K)

  20. Christy

    This book is already on my amazon wish list! All of my older kids would like it. 🙂

  21. Sarah O

    My boys would all benefit from it, and it's already on my wishlist! 😉

  22. Katherine McHale

    My godson (and his twin brother!) would love this! They are just the right age to start absorbing this. Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. Samantha

    My oldest is 11 and he would love this book, but I think all the kids under him (5 more plus one on the way) would look forward to reading it one day, too!

  24. mckmnm

    My oldest two children would benefit from it. -Mary

  25. Michele

    My youngest 4 love LEGOS and I’m doing sacrament prep for Princess #9 right now!

    Fr. Kyle’s status made me cry. God bless him!

  26. Jeri Lynn

    We have the brick Bible old & new and this would be a perfect addition to those!

  27. Mad Like Me

    Although my son is still little, this would be a great resource to start using with him as he grows up! -Madalyn

  28. Sasha

    My nephew, Matthew. Loves all things superhero and Jesus. He introduced us to the Action Bible. He’ll be making his first Communion next year.

  29. GTomooka

    I want to give it to my neighbors son who is having his first communion next weekend. Lego and catechism might be his two very favorite things!

  30. Marie

    My older two kids would love the book, as would my nephew… I see multiple copies of this in my future! And you looked so great all gussied up for the party – I used to have a pair of shoes like that and I loved them. Thanks for including the link (though not sure I want to chase my 20 month old in 4" heels?).

  31. Michelle, Hisham and Adam

    Oh Kendra, my almost six year old Adam would LOVE this. He’s always been super into Lego and now he’s getting into reading too. This is right down his alley. Michelle Robinson

  32. Erin

    My son, Blaise, who loves Lego characters! And does it count if the person who would also love it is my kid-at-heart husband?


  33. Stacie Farias

    Me! I need this….for my kids, obviously not me…(clears throat)….yes. The kids.

  34. MamaOf5

    I would love to give this to my goddaughter, Adeline for her first communion coming up in May. She and all her siblings all really enjoy Legos, and I've heard great things about this book! – Carol Henry

  35. FW_Kekionga

    My wife is a school librarian at a Catholic school with no book budget. It is creative ideas like this that really aid staff in teaching Catholic interests, thank you for offering the contest for it, and for all of your posts through the year. Such great ideas!

  36. Unknown

    I never know how to get my name to come up on these ha! Jennifer Hakes is my name and I would love to give this to my daughter! She read through the Minecraft Bible and I think she would really love making the scenes out of Legos herself.

  37. Megan B

    I think all 6 (almost 7) of my kids would love it, but I’m pretty sure my 11-year-old boy would devour this book!

  38. Unknown

    Of our 8 children, 4 are receiving Sacraments this year. Our son will receive 1st Holy Communion next week and 3 kids will be Confirmed this summer. Although our entire crew (including parents) are huge Lego fans and will enjoy playing!

  39. Ann-Marie Ulczynski

    I’m pretty sure everyone in our house would fight over, I mean, read it. Lego! Catholic! Learning! Three in one!

  40. JMSalinas

    My son is 5 and loves Legos and books, so this book is on my wish list! Jenna

  41. Sara Hoitink

    My Godson, Dominic loves legos and is struggling right now, I think this would really put a smile on his face and help him with catechism as well! Sara Hoitink

  42. jeannemp

    I am godmother and Confirmation sponsor to 2 kids in a 7-child family, all of whom would love this book! I have no idea if I used "whom" correctly, but you used "polyphasic" so I know you can help me out. 😉

  43. Lisa

    I have 4 sons. Two of them are kinda young (for the moment), but I'm sure would enjoy the pictures. But my 7 and 9 year olds would love it!

  44. Kaity Rosno

    Your blog is always so inspiring! Thank you for sharing.
    I have a Godson that would love it…along with my own son! I've already been brainstoeming how I can incoporate it into my 5th grade catechism class curriculum. I'm sure I'll be ordering several copies in the coming years!
    ~Kaity R.

  45. Britt

    I’d love one for my daughter (6)- or for my nephew’s 1st communion – or as a resource for my parish….is there anyone this couldn’t be for?!?

  46. kvm

    My family is new to Catholicism. My husband and I will be starting RCIA this summer. We have two small children and will be having our third baby in the middle of RCIA. So this would be very helpful to ME (Kelly M.) to help my eldest, a bright 4 year old, understand what we are learning too.

  47. Miriam Zamora

    All of my children would love this! Ages 2-10, though it will be most helpful for my squirrelly four year old and my seven year old who just received his first communion. Thank you!

  48. Christina

    My 6 yr old son would love this book, although I would probably be asked to build half the things pictured in it with him.

  49. Unknown

    My 5 boys would love to look to read this book. The girls might even try it out too! They really enjoy LEGOS and comic style books. Thank you so much for offering this.

  50. Klw3930

    I would love to share with my whole family, even the big ones might learn something 🙂

  51. Joanne

    My sons would looovvveee this book. This is such a wonderful looking book.

  52. Jen

    My 9 year old son loves reading and Lego! Although I'm sure his sisters would like it too.

  53. Christine

    My 9 year old son. Although, I got him "The Action Bible" for Easter and his 6 year old sister has been stealing it to read it. Hmmm, stealing the Bible. Well, they could share it. 😉

  54. Cassie S.

    I’d this book for my two littles! My oldest is asking lots of faith-related questions lately!
    (Cassie Sharp)

  55. Isabelle

    My boys would LOVE this! (I mean, I’m sure my daughter – baby George’s nearly twin – will probably love it too, eventually!). Beside the book would be very excited to fly overseas to us, I’m POSITIVE! ��

  56. Anne

    Oh, either my soon to be 6 son, who adores Legos and all things Mass, or my godson, who will be 9. The former will receive "real" vestments for his birthday, so I think it would have to go to my Godson! Blessings to you!

  57. bruinmomma

    My four little ones would LOVE this! Especially my son, Peter. He is obsessed with The Brick Bible. Have you seen it?

  58. RandyMandi Risler

    My 10 year old son, Blake- Lego fanatic and faith-filled dude, would LOVE this book! Thanks for offering a giveaway!

  59. Monica Bush

    That LEGO catechism looks awesome! My son’s Sam and Max would love it!

  60. Brianna

    I would love this for my boy, Xavier, who makes the switch to Catholic school in the fall, and begins first communion prep next year. I think this might get him more excited!

  61. Molly

    My boys, 10 and 7, would especially love this! My seven year old is special needs and I have been worrying about how to prepare him for the Sacraments. I am pretty sure their eight other siblings will love reading it to the boys!

  62. Erica DeLaPaz

    My son Nehemiah would love this book! He loves his Catholic faith along with his little legos. Wish we could find these Minifigures so he can have to add to his collection.

  63. Heather

    My almost 17 year old son loves anything LEGO – he did a LEGO Easter video for his youtube channel and hashtagged it #Catholicismforlife – proud Mama moment!

    You looked fabulous! The hair & whole outfit were perfect!

  64. Ashley

    My son Max, who is the only boy out of four children, and is surrounded by bows, dolls, and dresses…he would love a boy book like this so he could hide under his covers and get lost in the non-estrogen laden adventure 🙂

  65. N-Still

    My 8 year old just received her first communion and she'd LOVE it!

  66. klatrinka

    My son, two of my nephew's or a xlocl friends so would all love this!!!!

  67. Thomas Grimstad

    All nine of my kids would benefit from this book, especially my eight-year-old, Jack. He had just finished _The Action Bible_ the day of your other post and couldn't wait to get his hands on this one when I told him about it. -Amelia

  68. Kathleen

    My daughter is receiving the sacraments this summer and loves legos so the perfect combo!!

  69. Sarah

    If my little guy (born this March!) is anything like his daddy, he will love Legos. We just baptised little Rowan Michael today! This book would be a great addition to my growing collection of books to teach our son about our faith (I already got him your superhero book!).

  70. Ali

    I love this new feature! The post from Fr. Doustou brought tears to my eyes. We had an epic mass a few weeks ago that still makes me blush. My kids were so difficult.

    I love photos from George's name day & the gala – what a fun theme!
    My 6 year old son would LOVE the Lego book! He is Lego crazy, has so many amazing questions about our faith and his reading has taken off in the past month. I plan to buy it for him as a present for starting 1st communion prep this fall.

  71. Jane

    My kids (8, 6, 4, and 2) would love this! And maybe it would buy me some time while I'm adjusting to the new baby due in a few days!

  72. Erin Klarner

    I would love to give this book to my youngest's godparents' son – they are the only other family with small children in our tiny parish!

  73. Siobhan

    My son would love this! We are just starting to really discuss the sacraments!

  74. Elizabeth

    I have five boys, and every one of them except the four-month-old is crazy about Legos (I'm sure the baby's time is coming)! I would love to have this book to engage their interest in something that can frequently feel like it's over their heads. Thanks for offering it!

  75. Caroline

    all My kids are Legoheads so they would all enjoy it, no doubt! A good addition to their St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism! -Caroline

  76. Andrew Copley

    I'd love the Seven Sacraments book for my Son! We remodeled our downstairs at Christmas and he now calls it his LEGO room. This would make a great addition!

  77. Ochie

    My children (ages 8, 6, 3, and 1 all share a copy of this book) and are glued to it ever since we got it. I would love to share copies to our parish library and even our public library (happily surprised to find the head librarian showing interest in the book when I mentioned it).

  78. Heidi Heckenberg

    Both my kids would love this! My son has recently asked if we could read the Catechism of the Catholic Church together, but I think this might be an easier introduction to the catechism!

  79. Becky

    I've had my eye on this for a few weeks! I have four boys 7-10 who would probably all enjoy it!

  80. Deb H.

    We just bought this for our kids in honor of our son's Confirmation. They all love it from the 14 year old down to the 3 year old. I'd love to give a copy to my nephews.

  81. VI Mom

    would love a lego book for my lego obsessed four year old! Thanks for all the great resources on your blog! Rebecca b

  82. Diana Prue

    This would be a great addition to our library! My 5 little ones would love it! Thank you.

  83. Jessina Kary

    My oldest son, Isaac, is quite possibly Lego's number 1 fan! I was looking into buying this book for him anyway, because as he gets older, I want to make sure he has more and more resources available that will make his faith come alive and keep his interest 🙂

  84. Laura

    All three of my older children would love this!

  85. Jenn Anne

    My five year old, who LOVES playing with Legos, would definitely benefit from the Lego Catechism. I think it would definitely spark some helpful faith focused conversations. I LOVE that this book exists! ~ Jenn B

  86. Lizzie

    This would definitely be for my ten year old son! He loves comic books and Lego's so this would be a great match.
    Lizzie Ater

  87. Ashley Strukel

    I bought one for a nephew and one for us per your recommendation, but if I won one, I’d gift it to a nephew on the other side.

  88. Terri Drake

    My daughters (ages 4, 6 & 9) would love it, but I havw a feeling my 13 and 16 year old sons will be pouring over it as well!

  89. Maggie Gustafson

    I would love this as an addition to our growing family Catholic library for all my kids, cousins, and friends to read. Such an amazing idea to get kids attention on something so important! Thank you for the opportunity!

  90. Erin Heckber

    This would be a sweet gift for my godson at Christmas since he just made his first Communion AND I tend to get him LEGOS for gifts!

  91. Kat

    Our 5yo already has the Lego Bible — he would love to add this to his collection! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity 🙂

  92. Rose Preston

    My 8yo (who just received his first communion) and 6yo boys would love this book! We have a million Legos, I'm sure =)

  93. MissCaron

    My son! He's only 2 years old but I'm anticipating the benefits of this for the future!

  94. Lizzie

    I'd love the Lego book for my girl making her first communion this month 🙂

  95. Laura

    This would be great for my soon-to-be-nephew (getting married next month):).
    -Laura K.

  96. elizabeth

    My two oldest boys, 8 and 6 would love this book and Im sure the others will too in a few years.

  97. Unknown

    Thank you for sharing some awesome resources. My son Luke would loved the Lego book – Jeanne S

  98. Anne

    My sons both enjoy Legos but Matthew (8) would especially enjoy this book. Thanks for teaching us through so many wonderful resources, Kendra! Blessings, Anne H

  99. LeslieandJames

    My oldest child Peter (7) would adore this! He would gladly read to his three little sisters. He loves Lego and just received his First Holy Communion and is eagerly awaiting the next opportunity to train as an altar server.

  100. Welcome!

    My little girl would love this.. Her sister is making her first communion tomorrow, so something for my Lego loving 5yo would be awesome. 🙂

  101. Hillary Cusack

    AH! Fr. Kyle is *MY* priest! That's so weird that his post has been shared so widely. Seriously though, if you ever come to visit Maine, you definitely need to visit the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Portland and meet him. He's good people.

  102. MerMer

    Love, love, love Fr. Doustou! He has been our Spiritual Director for the past year, and he consolidated our marriage last month. He is a wonderful priest and a gift to the Catholics of Maine!

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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

If you’d like to learn more about what Catholics believe and why, and to be inspired by saints from every era all over the world, you’ve come to the right place. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of how to teach your kids about the faith in a way that’s true, engaging, and lasts a lifetime, we can help!

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