This is Part IV of the Washington DC trip recap. If you missed anything you can click over to catch up on Part I and Part II and Part III. Day seven of our DC area adventure started at our hotel in Richmond. The forecast was for rain. We headed to Monticello anyway....

The Tierneys Go to Washington, Part III: Gettysburg, Grotto, George, and That Time My Kids Found a Giant Stick and Recreated the Marine Corps War Memorial
This is Part III of the Washington DC trip recap. If you missed anything you can click over to catch up on Part I and Part II. Okay, now where were we? Annapolis, White House, monuments, miracle cousins, basilica, Mt. Vernon . . . ah, yes. Day five: Gettysburg. 'Cause...
The Tierneys Go to Washington, Part II: “Bring It” Jesus, a Bloggy BBQ, Monuments, and Forced Marches OF FUN
This is part two of our Washington D.C. area family adventure, if you missed part one, you can check it out here. On Sunday, we went to Mass at the very impressive Basilica National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, where we got to meet a fella I like to call...
The Tierneys Go to Washington, Part I: Bill the Goat, Baby Bumps, and Whatever This Stuff is Falling From the Sky
We have had a crazy couple of weeks around here, what with trying to get the school year FINALLY finished, and an awesome visit from my sister-in-law and niece and nephew, and -whew- have I ever been feeling pregnant lately. But things have settled down a bit and I'm...