Usually I can sneak a Christmas blog post in during the Christmas octave, or before Epiphany, or at the VERY latest before the Baptism of the Lord, and get to say, hey it's late but it's STILL Christmas! Even *I* think it's pushing it now, but watch me try. On the...

Merry Christmas From the Tierneys!
Happy sixth day of Christmas! I hope you are all enjoying your holidays. I wanted to pop in here to share our 2018 Christmas Card with all of you. For reasons I explained here, I'm redacting a bit of the text, but if you zoom in on the image of the card itself down at...
I Have Some Things to Report: Part II (a skull fracture)
And now back to the continuing saga of what we've been doing for the past seven months. In Part I (here) we learned that I don't yet have a good grasp of what goes into to painting a room, despite having painted like . . . thirteen of them now. Also, that breaking...
Fashion Blogging in the National Parks, it’s how we roll. (Also, big news. And even bigger news. And a FASHIONABLE ADVENT giveaway.)
This post contains affiliate links. See my disclosure policy. I like photo Christmas cards. I wrote all about it last year, and included some of the Holy Family's OWN photo Christmas cards. So when the good folks at Joules Clothing were kind enough to send over some...
You Asked for It: an Interview With Yours Truly
As you may recall, I recently did a series of interviews with the members of my family. In the comments, some of you requested that I let one of them interview ME. And, even though I kind of already interview myself (and all of you) every Sunday . . . I figured, why...
I Interviewed a Baby
While we're out of town, I thought you might like to get to know the family a little better.Here's interview number eight: the five month old baby, Lulu. Hi Lulu, it's me, your mom. I've been doing this series of interviews with the family, and I was wondering if you...
Whale Puppy Pajamas and Jellybean Tautologies (no chickens were harmed in the conducting of this interview)
While we're out of town, I thought you might like to get to know the family a little better. Here's interview number seven: Cranky Frankie himself. What is your name? I don't know. Frankie, what is your name? Frankie. How old are you. two What do you like to eat?...
This One Might Get Locked in a Tower
While we're out of town, I thought you might like to get to know the family a little better. Here's interview number six, with daughter number two: Anita. So, who are you and how old are you? I'm Anita. And I am four and a half. Who are you named after? My Nana....
He Will Totally Race You. Right. Now.
While we're out of town, I thought you might like to get to know the family a little better. Here's interview number five, with kiddo number four: Gus. What is your name and age?Augustine James Tierney, age six. What is your favorite thing to do? My favorite thing to...
Nurturing Onions, Killing Bears, That’s My Boy
While we're out of town, I thought you might like to get to know the family a little better. Here's interview number four: my second son, Bobby. What's your name and age? Bobby. Eight. After whom are you named? I don't know. Really? I don't know. Is it my grandfather?...
The Bookish Little Mama
While we're out of town, I thought you might like to get to know the family a little better. Here's interview number three: my eldest daughter, Betty. Please state your name and age. My name is Betty and I'm ten. For whom are you named? For St. Elizabeth of Hungary...
The Firstborn Son and His Automatic Pancake Aspirations
While we're out of town, I thought you might like to get to know the family a little better. Here's interview number two: my firstborn, Jack. What's your full name and how old are you? John Paul Tierney and eleven and ten twelfths. For whom are you named? St. Pope...
Behind Every Great Blogger is a Husband Who's Waiting for His Dinner
While we're out of town, I thought you might like to get to know the family a little better. Here's interview number one: my husband Jim. You're often known as "the Husband" on this blog. Would it be accurate to say that that's what most people call you? No. What do...