I've already posted about some of the spooky books we like to read/listen to around Halloween, but there are also some shorts and movies we like. Here are five of our favorites, then I need YOUR advice for where we go from here! 1. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow The...

Maybe I’ll Open a Bait Shop (that’s how many cans of worms are open around here): 7 Quick Takes XXIV
It has been an interesting week on the ol' blogstead . . . --- 1 --- One of the main goals of my blogging has become trying to affirm the different but still good choices that different moms make. My audience is mostly other Catholic moms. We share the primary goal of...
An Open Letter to Breaking Bad and Flannery O’Connor
It's not you, it's me. I get that. I totally get that you guys are brilliant and challenging and that people love you. But I don't. I just can't. You guys are huge bummers and you make me want to drown myself in the bathtub to escape the futility and pointlessness of...
Five New Picture Books That Won’t Ruin Your Kids
Have I mentioned that I do not like sassy, disobedient picture books? I have? Well, let me say it again: I doanlikum. Sometimes a trip to the library can feel like I'm slashing through a jungle of fart jokes and hating the new baby and running away from home so dad...
I Think I Figured Out What’s Causing It: 7 Quick Takes XIX
--- one --- Overheard at the swim meet between two five or six year-olds: "No, you have to kiss him on the lips, THAT'S how you get babies." Good to know, good to know. --- two --- So, I did it again. I'm going to have to change the name of this blog to: Catholic All...
A Commenter’s Astute Medical Diagnosis: 7 Quick Takes XVI
--- 1 --- Back in January, when I started this here blog, I hooked it up to Amazon Associates. That means that when you click on a link from the blog that takes you to Amazon, then you buy something, I get a teeny, tiny percentage of what you spend. Now,...
Date Night Movies for Catholics on Dates: 7 Quick Takes XV
On Wednesday I told you that I thought Silver Linings Playbook had a real stinker of a message. But, since I didn't want to ruin your weekend, I also promised to suggest seven films that I think would make great date night movies. I don't recommend any of them...
Silver Linings Playbook: For a Movie That Cares so Much About Endings . . .
Ugh. I really really really did not like this movie. And if you haven't seen it, I do not recommend that you do. But if you like movies with nudity and language and disturbing implied violence and described aberrant sexual behavior and onscreen sexual activity and...
It’s a Conspiracy!: 7 Quick Takes XIV
--- 1 --- Earlier this week, I wrote a post entitled: Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts: A Difference in Kind, not Just in Degree. It was the Boy Scouts' much-publicized policy decision regarding gay boy scouts that prompted me to finally get to writing, but I've wanted to...
Brave: I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means
For grownups, this movie would be worth watching just to see Merida's hair, and the dark and wild and beautiful setting. For kids . . . I have my reservations. Things you've probably heard elsewhere . . .It has magic: Yes, but fairy tales do, and that's not an...
A Mysterious Birthday Party (and a book review of the rest of The Mysterious Benedict Society series)
If you remember my review here, you'll know that I really enjoyed The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart. It's smart and exciting, the writing is clever, and the characters make the right choices when faced with moral dilemmas. It even...
The Mysterious Benedict Society
Hey all, while we're out of town for Easter Break, I'm cleaning out my drafts folder. So if this sounds like it was written a while ago, it probably was. I'll still be checking comments, so feel free to have an opinion. And a very happy...
Encouraging Discerning Readership in Children (and an update to my Percy Jackson review)
Hey all, while we're out of town for Easter Break, I'm cleaning out my drafts folder. So if this sounds like it was written a while ago, it probably was. I'll still be checking comments, so feel free to have an opinion. And a very happy Easter to you and yours!In...
Not Tamed: A Lesson in Walking Out of the Theater
Hey all, while we're out of town for Easter Break, I'm cleaning out my drafts folder. So if this sounds like it was written a while ago, it probably was. I'll still be checking comments, so feel free to have an opinion. And a very happy Easter to you...
Oz the Okay and Morally Acceptable (I Guess)
So, I figured that now that I have this blog, I have a responsibility to stop waiting a month to see movies that come out. I saw that Oz the Great and Powerful was coming soon to theaters. I reread The Wonderful Wizard of Oz AND read its sequel The Marvelous Land of...
Percy Jackson: A Book Review in Which I Disagree With Everyone Else Who Has a Blog
My ten year old son loves to read. And though he enjoys the books recommended by our classical curriculum, sometimes he yearns to read something a bit more modern and edgy . . . or perhaps something a bit more ancient and Greek. Somewhere, he heard...
Mardi Gras Madness and a Hoodoo Movie Review
We expect a lot from our kids. We demand good behavior in church, kneeling up straight for evening prayers, and speaking up when saying the Rosary. We keep Lent (and Advent). We fast and abstain when the Pope says we're sposta. And all that's...
What Went Right With Les Misérables: and Why I’m Sad My Kids Can’t See It Yet
If you haven't seen the movie Les Misérables yet, you probably don't want to continue reading this. Because it has spoilers. But mostly because you should stop WHATEVER you are doing and GO SEE IT RIGHT NOW. Seriously. Quit your job. Don't pick up the kids from...
The “Your Baby” Method of Sibling Preparation, and Some Book Recommendations
Sometimes, baby makes four, or five, or six, or well . . . you get it. I think I had the standard reaction to finding out I was expecting baby number two: crying, for no reason. But right after that . . . I was excited, but worried about how a new...
My Favorite Parenting Books
It feels so easy now. The kids can still surprise me, and each one is different of course. One, in particular, is especially noisy. But mostly, I feel like I know what's coming, and how to handle it when it does. It's easy for me to forget now how overwhelming it...
What Went Wrong With The Hobbit Movie, and How to Discuss it with Smart Kids
An illustration for the book by Greg Hildebrandt and Tim Hildebrandt A still from the movie. So far, so good. The Hobbit movie has gotten plenty of press for its shortcomings (and its long-drawn-out-ed-ness). Well, the husband and I saw it over the...