June Recipes
St. Peter’s Fish

St. Peter’s Fish

St. Peter’s Fish In Matthew 17:24–27 we find the story of the miracle known as the “coin in the fish's mouth.” Jesus tells Peter to go catch a fish in the Sea of Galilee, in which he will find a coin with which he is to pay the temple tax. Galilean tradition tells us...

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Ugandan Kabobs

Ugandan Kabobs

Ugandan Kabobs If you’ve got The Catholic All Year Compendium, you might remember the story of our Advent novena with a Ugandan priest who told the kids a VERY memorable tale about the Christmas Eve slaughtering of cows in Uganda. So we make these Ugandan Kabobs for...

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Pastrami on Rye

Pastrami on Rye St. Anthony died at the age of thirty-five after becoming sick with ergotism, the result of long-term exposure to grains (in his case rye) contaminated with a fungus. The condition is sometimes called “St. Anthony’s Fire.” He was canonized less than a...

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Mini-Turducken In the Trinity Sunday section in The Catholic All Year Compendium, I wrote: I have a liturgical living bucket list of crazy foods I would like to someday be able to serve for feast days. They haven’t happened yet because they are difficult to obtain or...

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