Happy Solemnity of the Annunciation! 👼📣 For what we'll be doing to celebrate, see this post. tl:dr 🧇🙏 This Easter bunny seems to capture the general zeitgeist, no? Strange times these are, my friends! It's been a very Lenty Lent don't...

A Compendium Update, Liturgical Living for June, and Coloring Pages!
This is from the introduction to the (forthcoming) Catholic All Year Compendium, that I wrote for the pitch I submitted to the publisher, back in 2015: "Sometimes all you really need is a little enthusiasm and the willingness to give things a try. The easiest way is...
A Memorial Day PSA, a Prohibition Party, St. Philip Neri, and Mugs, Mug, Mugs
1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your love and support on my last post. I knew you guys were going to be the BEST, but I was still blown away by it. 2. It's Memorial Day weekend here in the US of A. This is a FB post the husband shared a couple years back. I...
That Time I Crossed “Mess With Some Bees” Off of My Bucket List: Catholic Stuff Saturday
Hey, look! It's me with a handful of bees! I have mentioned before that I have a weird bucket list. You guys asked for details. Well, it includes things like . . . Heroically land a commercial airliner after the pilots have become incapacitated: via GIPHY Well, Sean...
Catholic Stuff Saturday: a LEGO Catechism Giveaway, and Odds and Ends from the Week
I'm trying out a new feature on the blog, which I've decided to call Catholic Stuff Saturday, and for which I have created this graphic: which really makes whatever comes next worth it, right? 😀 Anyway, I get a lot of requests from Catholic authors and artists...