Well, I don't expect to be able to compete with Betty's capsule wardrobe, obviously. But I said I'd share mine, too. And so I shall. The main concern I hear from readers who are interested in trying a capsule wardrobe, is that they couldn't manage it because of the...

Shopping for ‘Tweens in Three Steps, and Betty’s Capsule Wardrobe
Shopping for little kids has always been pretty straightforward and easy around here. New stuff, gifts, hand-me-downs, all work great. Especially since someone invented adjustable waistbands -- GENIUS. But then, sometime around nine or ten years old, things seem to...
The Capsule Wardrobe Post In Which I Show You ALL My Clothing, ‘Cause That’s Totally Not Weird
Alright. The big capsule wardrobe reveal is here. And, yes, I know how silly this is. But, really, I can see why the internet is abuzz with capsule wardrobes. We are a people living under the yoke of luxury. Even those of us who aren't rich. We don't know when to...
An Inspired Capsule Wardrobe
You'll find me at Blessed Is She today, discussing the parable of the rich man who stores up his grain . . . I don’t have any grain, myself. But you know what I do have? Baby clothes. Washed and folded, sorted by size and separated into bins. I installed built-ins in...