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Answer Me This, Crybabies (and not Crybabies, so, Everybody).

by | May 4, 2014 | Answer Me This | 21 comments

Welcome to another Answer Me This!

Here are this week’s questions:

1. Are you becoming your mother?
Probably? I’m really not sure. My sister and I were just discussing this, and we agreed that we are both a pretty even mix between our mom and our dad. I see traits of both of them in me. Maybe there’s still hope that I will become as neat and organized as my mom. 

I do find myself pointing out that if people want me to buy things at the grocery store, they have to WRITE THEM ON THE LIST!

2. Coffee or tea?
I never started drinking coffee in college, even though everyone else I knew did. Hmmm, perhaps BECAUSE everyone else I knew did. I do have a bit of a contrary streak.
Anyway, I made it through college on a Mt. Dew and whatever the intellectual agnostic equivalent of a prayer is. And then I met the (now) husband and HE didn’t drink coffee EITHER and I was like:
But I do like tea. Very much.
But I’m lame and drink it plain and weak and use the same tea bag all day.
3. What foreign country would you like to visit?
We leave for France in like a week and a half! Ahh! 
Note to self: You may wish to write some blog posts.
So I’m super excited about that.
Also on my list is Ireland. I spent two days in Dublin on my backpack through Europe thing in college and it rained sideways and I didn’t much enjoy it. I’d really love to go back now that I’m Irish(ish).
4. Do you cry easily?
I do not.
My most clear memory of the moment the husband proposed to me was thinking, “Oh no, I should probably cry.” (And how happy I was and all that, but I was worried about the crying thing.)
In case you’re thinking I’m a robot, I already wrote this:
The noteable exception to this is when I’m pregnant. Then I do cry over all the stuff. In fact, that’s usually the way I discover that I’m pregnant. I’ll burst into tears over a profile of an Olympic athlete or the fact that we’ve run out of Craisins and I’ll think, “Hmmm, that guy WAS really quite resilient and Craisins ARE far superior to raisins, but this seems to be an especially strong reaction I’m having. Perhaps I should swing by the CVS.”
5. How often do you wear heels?
That depends on what you count as heels.
Um, nope.
But I do wear wedges a lot. I find that getting dressed first thing in the morning and wearing something in which I feel put-together makes me behave as if I am put-together. So I try to do it.
I’d say I wear not-running-shoes-or-flip-flops at least three days per week. And I always dress up for and almost always wear heels to Mass (because Jesus is there).
6. Do you play an instrument?

I do not and never have.

I asked for and received a guitar for my sixteenth birthday, failed to master it that evening, and haven’t managed to get back to it quite yet.


I was a little tardy getting these posted tonight because the husband took me out for sushi and Captain America

The sushi and the company were terrific, the baby was good, the movie was only okay. I’m surprised they didn’t blow out their kickpunching sound effect making this movie. So. Many. Kickpunches.

I do love Captain America and his earnest doggedness. So endearing. The new guy, Falcon, was also endearing. Liked him.

But the “Winter Soldier” himself, kind of reminded me of the “go cry emo kid.” 

He just seemed really sad.


For next week’s Answer Me This I’m tagging:

Elizabeth at Following the Trails to Heaven. Post to check out =Slow Good Korean Beef Soft Tacos because they look delicious.

Ashley at Coffee Happens. Post to check out = 

Being Mom

Here are next week‘s questions for them and for you:
1. What’s for dinner?
2. What’s the last thing you borrowed from someone?
3. What is your favorite prayer?
4. What is the oldest thing in your house?
5. What’s the best concert you ever attended?
6. Do you have a nickname?
I look forward to reading everyone’s posts!
Next week’s installment will go live at 10pm Pacific Saturday night, and will be open until 10pm Wednesday night.

So, please, answer this week’s questions for yourself in the comments. If you have a blog, answer the questions there, link back to this post, and link your blog post up below. Thanks for playing along.



    • Kendra

      We're going to do Lourdes, Chartres, Normandy, and Paris. Gus is going to have his First Communion in Lourdes, after having come with us as a five month old on our pilgrimage to Lourdes when the husband had cancer.

      And we're going to meet Isabelle, who reads this blog and lives in France. I am super excited about all of it!

  1. Kelsey Shade

    Glad you enjoyed date night! Although I did love the Winter Soldier movie, the Emo description was right on. Also, was I the only one surprised to find out he wasn't Asian? I thought he really had the whole ninja-guy thing going on. He took his mask off and I was like: "Whaaaat? He's a white dude."

  2. Anonymous

    Mountain Dew is my second favorite drink–after coffee!!

  3. Iris - Country Girl's Daybook

    Darn it, I missed this. Theatre'll do that to ya. Anywho, hopefully I'll be able to link up next week. 🙂 Anyway, so do you think Cap is worth seeing? I haven't gotten to yet, and I won't if it's going to be a flop. Thoughts?

    • Kendra

      Ya know Iris, if you're in the mood for a junk food-type action flick, I'd recommend it for that. But the first Captain America had such a great story and romance and character development, and the sequel really had none of that. The main plot revolves around the question of liberty versus security, which is a good and timely question. But there was so much busting through windows and smashing up cars (thousands of nobodies die in this movie, it's kinda nuts) that we didn't really get a chance to talk about the issue much. They pair Cap with the Black Widow, which is an interesting "odd couple" but, then they just get along in a very friendly way and nothing much comes of that either. And the new guy, Falcon, brings some PTSD baggage along with him, but again, they just sort of hint at it, then get back to the kickpunching. I wish it was more of a whole movie.

  4. Kris

    I am working hard on NOT becoming my mother – or at least the things that really annoy me about her. Totally a coffee drinker here – I love it SO much. I just got back to me 1st trip to Rome a few weeks ago and I'm still so in love with Italy. So I just can't even think about anywhere else I would want to go. I do not cry easily – in fact, my husband is more likely to cry at a sappy movie or a commercial. We always laugh about that. But I do get emotional about people I love if they are hurting or something like that. I do not where heels very often – I'm also more of a flip-flop, boots kind of girl. But I do have some cute wedge sandals that I trot out occasionally. And I play piano – have since I was 6. I don't play very often these days, but hope to play more as the kids get older.

  5. Sarah

    Is that your mama in the picture? And that is her baby (you?)? I can't get over her hair being done…and pearls…and real clothes…and rested looking eyes! What is the secret? I am 11 monts post partum 🙂 and, still can't get it together!

  6. Molly

    We did Sushi and Captain America last night too, but you're right about the kick punching and so much running through glass windows!

  7. Unknown

    How about a post on what you have learned about flying and travel as a pilot and longtime traveler? Ideas on how to handle turbulence, adjust your internal clock, ways to get good fares? Your background makes me want to hear more about travel tips you have.

  8. Anonymous

    Just have to let you know, I did the questions on my blog (link #6), and my 85-year-old grandmother answered all the questions herself in my comments (with no prompting from me)!
    I really enjoyed participating in this set of questions (and reading the other ones)
    ~Ruth Anne

  9. Elizabeth@SuperSwellTimes

    I don't begrudge people the right to express their emotions in whatever way they want, but man do I ever feel awkward when people are crying around me. (Adults, not children.) I once pat a coworker on the head when she was having a bad day because I didn't know what else to do.

  10. Abby S.

    1. Not becoming my mother, but I hope I'm less sassy to her than I used to be!
    2. Love love love coffee. I switched to decaf when I was pregnant six babies ago and never went back. I'll have caffeine if it's there, but I drink it for the flavor. Also love coffee ice cream. And tea is nice too.
    3. Would like to go to Italy.
    4. Don't cry easily. Never at puppy dog/toilet paper commercials. Sometimes out of rage.
    5. I used to never wear heels because I'm ever-so-slightly taller than my hubby and I felt self-conscious making myself even taller. But he encouraged me to wear nicer shoes, even if they're not flats. So, like many commenters, I like a cute wedge, and I even own heels for an occasional Mass or night out.
    6. 8 years of piano lessons = helping kids read notes as they practice their piano. I'd like to be more proficient, but can't seem to take my own advice to practice.

  11. Lauren @ Breaking the Mold

    YAY – I follow Ashley on Blovin (and commended her last week for being the first person I follow to link up for AMT)! Can't wait to read her post! 🙂

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